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Speaking            Give a 3 min talk about the most common car accident injuries.


Listen to audiofile 1, read the extract below and do the tasks.

The link for listening               https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8s9X/T2SHuBLdm



Audiofile 2 (ex.6 below)

The link for listening




Write a similar dialogue. You are a doctor. Find out

You are a patient. Talk to the doctor about pain in your torso.

Reading comprehension

Read the text closely and answer comprehension questions.

Car accident injuries

Car accidents can cause many different injuries, to any part of your body, depending on the circumstances of the crash and the severity of the impact.

Brain and Head Injuries

One of the most common injuries suffered by drivers and passengers is a brain injury caused by the head hitting an object (called a traumatic brain injury). Symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the extent of damage to the brain and the area affected. Even when there is no visible sign of trauma (i.e. cuts or bruises), the brain may have been damaged inside the skull due to the force of impact (силы удара) causing bruising, bleeding and swelling of the brain.

Neck Injuries

Another common form of injury from a car accident is neck injuries, which can occur in milder forms such as neck strain, to more serious injuries like cervical dislocation and disc injury.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The damage to the spinal cord is caused when bone fragments or disc material damage spinal cord tissue, destroying axons, the part of our nerve cells that carry signals up and down the spinal cord between the brain and the rest of the body. Damage to the spinal cord often results in a loss of function or feeling.

Back Injuries

The lower back is the most common site of back injuries, including sprains and strains, and fractured vertebrae. These injuries can cause pain and limit your mobility. Sometimes the symptoms of even the most serious back injuries can take some time to show up after an accident. Back injury can cause long lasting pain and discomfort.

Facial Injuries

In a car accident, injuries to the face are common and can be caused by the elements of the interior of the car or broken glass. These injuries range in severity from scrapes and bruises, to fractures, serious problems with the jaw and serious dental injuries.

Internal Injuries

The impact of a motor vehicle accident can cause internal injuries including, injuries to intestines, kidneys, the spleen (селезенка), liver, lungs, heart or aorta. Fractured ribs are also quite common, causing puncture of the lungs and other internal organs. Internal injuries are life-threatening and should be treated by a medical professional immediately.

Psychological Injuries

Motor vehicle accidents involving severe injuries and even loss of life, can result in drivers and passengers suffering short or long-term psychological injuries such as emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression.

1. What are the main types of car accident injuries?

2. What are brain injuries caused by?

3. In what way are brain injuries classified according to the extent of damage to the brain and the area affected?

4. Are brain injuries always apparent?

5. In what forms can neck injuries occur?

6. What can the damage to the spinal cord be caused by?

7. What are the consequences of such damage?

8. What are the most common back injuries?

9. Are the consequences of such injuries apparent straight away?

10. What is facial  injuries severity range?

11. What can internal injuries include?

12. Are they always life-threatening?

13. What post-traumatic psychological problems can you name?

Speaking            Give a 3 min talk about the most common car accident injuries.



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