над разными текстами - образцами монологических высказываний на совершенствования навыков иноязычного общения,
"English VII", Unit3, p. 60 ex. 16 Theme: "Great Britain: a Country of Traditions" Aims: - образовательная - расширение кругозора учащихся, обогащение содержания -воспитательная - воспитание уважения к культуре стран изучаемого языка и толерантного сознания, формирование культуры интеллектуального труда; развивать такие качества, как сотрудничество, доброжелательность, ответственность каждого и чувство коллективной ответственности, толерантности. - развивающая - активизация речемыслительной деятельности и творческих способностей учащихся. - коммуникативная ~ формирование кросскультурной компетенции в рамках заявленной темы урока; Каждый участник группы (home group) получает свой текст для чтения: "SPRING", "SUMMER", "AUTUMN" или "WINTER", - т.е. существует возможность дифференциации сложности заданий в соответствии с уровнем языковой подготовки учащихся. Внутри одной группы дети работают над разными текстами. После прочтения текста учащиеся из разных групп, работавшие над одним и тем же материалом, встречаются и обмениваются информацией (expert groups). Это так называемая "встреча 'экспертов". Затем они возвращаются в свои группы (home groups) и по очереди рассказывают о том, что узнали. Далее следует проверка понимания другими членами группы прослушанной информации, для чего могут быть использованы вопросы как из учебника, так и предоставленные учителем, а также тестовые задания типа "True-False". "Сильным" ученикам можно предложить самостоятельно составить вопросы к тексту или разработать тестовые задания. В заключение учащиеся должны оценить работу всех членов "home group", записать результаты в лист контроля и сдать его учителю.
Great Britain: a Country of Traditions Just like families have their own traditions, so do countries. It's common knowledge that the British are lovers of traditions. Each season in Britain is connected with various colorful traditions, customs and festivals. SPRING St. David's Day. March 1st is a very important day for Welsh people. It's St. David's Day. He is the "patron" or national saint of Wales. On March 1st, the Welsh celebrate St. David's Day and wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats or jackets. May Day. May 1st was an important day in the Middle Ages, the celebration of summer's beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches of trees and flowers. In the very early morning young girls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows. People put up a striped maypole decorated with flowers and danced round it. Some English villages still have maypole dancing on May 1st. SUMMER The Trooping of the Colour. The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an "official" birthday, too. That's on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queen's official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour. It's a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards' Parade in London. The Queen's soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the flag or "colour". The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch Horse Guards' Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television. Swan lapping. Here's a very different royal tradition. On the River Thames there are hundreds of swans. A lot of these beautiful white birds belong, traditionally, to the King or Queen. In July the young swans on the Thames are about two months old. Then the Queen's swan keeper goes, in a boat, frosty London Bridge to Henley. He looks at all the young swans and marks the royal ones. The name of this custom is Swan Upping. Highland Games. In summer, Scottish people traditionally meet together for competitions called Highland Games. After Queen Victoria visited the games at Brae mar in 1848, the Brae mar games became the most famous tradition in Scotland. Today thousands of visitors come to see sports like tossing the caber (a tall pole is thrown into the air as a test of strength) or throwing the hammer. The games always include Scottish dancing and bagpipe music. Henley а town on the Thames to toss the caber бросать бревно (спортивное состязание) AUTUMN The State Opening of Parliament. Parliament governs modern Britain. But traditionally the Queen opens Parliament every autumn. She travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament, in a gold carriage - the Irish State Coach. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits on a throne in the House of Lords. Then she reads the Queen's Speech. At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen wears a crown and crown jewels. Guy Fawkes Day. November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. AH over the country people build wood fires, or "bonfires", in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a straw man. That is a figure of Guy Fawkes. He was one of a band of conspirators who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I and his ministers. However, the plot failed, Fawkes was caught on the 5th of November 1605. The conspirators were executed and Britain has celebrated Guy Fawkes night since then. Before November 5th, children use their guys to make money. They stand in the street and shout "Penny for the guy". Then they spend the money on fireworks.
WINTER Up-Helly-Aa. The Shetlands are islands off the coast of Scotland. In the ninth century the Vikings from Norway came to the Shetlands. They came to Britain in ships and took away gold, animals and sometimes people. Now, 1000 years later, people in the Shetlands remember the Vikings with the festival, which they call "Up-Helly-Aa". Every winter people of Zerwick, the capital of the Shetland Islands, make a model of a Viking long ship with the head of a dragon at the front. Then, on Up-Helly-Aa night in January, the Shetlanders dress in Viking clothes and carry the ship through the town to the sea and burn it there. The festival is a party for the people of the Shetland Islands. Carol Singing. Originally, carols were songs performed with dancing at Christmas and other festivals. They were often sung outside houses by costumed actors called Mummers. Many of today's carols have been written since the 19th century as Christmas hymns celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Make home groups. Read one of the texts carefully. Find out more information about British traditions. Answer the questions individually. Text 1. "SPRING" What holiday is a very important day for Welsh people? What flower do people wear on St. David's Day? Is May Day an important celebration nowadays? How did people celebrate May Day in the Middle Ages? What is "maypole dancing"? Text 2. "SUMMER" What person has got two birthdays? What ceremony is traditionally held on the Queen's official birthday? How can you explain the word "color" in this text? 1)Does the Queen's swan keeper mark all the swans on the Thames?
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