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My love is like a red, red rose




Образовательные цели:

Познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения и традициями празднования Дня Святого Валентина; обучать аудированию, монологической и диалогической речи, выразительному чтению стихотворений на английском языке, развивать орфографические навыки.


Воспитательные и развивающие цели:

Воспитывать у учащихся интерес и уважение к праздникам и традициям англоговорящих стран, к изучению иностранного языка. Развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, кругозор, эрудицию, познавательную активность, сценическое мастерство; коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся к общению на английском языке. Развивать мышление, память, сообразительность и реакцию в ответах на вопросы.


Оформление и оборудование кабинета:

Красочные плакаты по теме, выставка детских работ (валентинки), плакат с высказываниями великих людей о любви, вазочки с цветами, свечи; фонограмма песен о любви, магнитофон, музыка для релаксации, раздаточный материал для выполнения конкурсных заданий.


Участники: учащиеся 8-х классов


Жюри: учащиеся 10 классов


Учитель: Вдовенко Л.М.

Ход праздника

Host 1: Dear Friends! Ladies and gentlemen, children and grown-ups! Welcome to our party!

Host 2: It has been said that we need three things in life: something to do, something to look forward to, and someone to love.

Host 1: Our party is dedicated to St. Valentine’s Day, which is always held on the 14th of February and brings us happiness and good luck.

Host 2: St. Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular holidays in Europe and America. It is the day, when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff, exchange greetings of affection, undying love, or satirical comment.

Host 1: St. Valentine’s Day, February 14, has been a day customary for choosing sweethearts, and exchanging love-tokens from time immemorial.

Host 2: The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different time and places. It could be a serious matter, leading to marriage; or it could be a kind of a game. Countless generations of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.

Host 1: So we also wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Host 2: Today we’ll have some interesting contests; you’ll hear fascinating songs and music, lovely poems, proverbs and quotations about love.

Host 1: Now let’s greet our participants! Let me introduce them:

Host 2: And this is our honourable jury! Applause, please! Well, let’s start our contest for the Best Valentine of 2003.

Host 1: So, ladies, what is “love”?

Participants: We can answer this question with the words of a beautiful song:

“Love is…”

1) Love is … a tender feeling,

Love is … a way of being,

Love is … just showing someone you care.

2) Love is … helping with the dishes,

Love is … feeding your pet fishes,

Love is … just giving from your heart.

3) Love is so very simple.

It’s not a mystery

When you treat those around you

The very same way

You want them to treat you.

4) Love is … your baby sister,

Love is … playing with her,

Love is … holding her when she cries.

5) Love is … sharing your candy,

Love is … being all that you can be,

Love is … lending a helping hand

When someone needs you.

6) Love is … L - O - V - E

Love is … for you and me.

Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.


Host 2: Contest 1. Try to answer the questions about the history of St. Valentine’s Day as quickly as possible. The first who will raise a hand and give a correct answer will get a point.

1) What is the first name for Valentine’s Day?

2) Who named her palace “The Valentine” andwhen?

3) Who wrote the Valentine poems on the wallof the Tower of London?

4) Do you know anything about the legends of how St. Valentine’s Day began?


Host 1: There are many other legends about how Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them are true.

Host 2: Well, the first contest is over. While the jury are summing up the results, the girls may have a rest. We suggest singing a well known song

“You can share my light.”


You can share my light,

You can share my song,

You can share my happy love,

Come and sing along.


Come along and sing a song

But please don’t sing the blues.

So much is right, much more than wrong

And we have happy news.

(Repeat Chorus)


Sing it out, don’t hold it back

And more will come your way.

So sing this happy melody

To brighten up your day.

(Repeat Chorus)

Come and sing along!

Come and sing along!

(Everybody is singing a song)

Host 1: Contest 2. Here you can see many divided hearts with different words on them. The task is to find and match the words with similar meanings. The more pairs of words you’ll find, the more points you’ll get. (участники показывают жюри собранные пары слов и зачитывают их вслух).


Match the words with similar meanings:


  A man who cared for people   A Arrow
  A boy who shoots arrows B Bouquet
  A part of your body C Chocolates
  A friendly look D Cupid
  A kind of candy E Heart
  A heart shaped card F Lace
  A bunch of flowers G Rose
  A kind of flower H Smile
  Used with a bow I St. Valentine
  A fancy material J A valentine


Host 2: One of the answers was “a rose”. A rose is one of the most favourite presents on St. Valentine’s Day. Would you like to listen to the poem that is called “My Love is Like a Red Red Rose”, written by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns? (один из участников исполняет стихотворение).

My love is like a red, red rose

That’s newly sprung in June;

My love is like the melody

That’s sweetly played in tune.


You are so beautiful, my pretty girl,

So deep in love am I:

And I will love you still, my dear,

Till all the seas go dry.


Till all the seas go dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt with the sun:

And I will love you still, my dear,

While the sands of life shall run.


And goodbye, my only love,

And goodbye for a short time!

And I will come again, my love,

Though it were ten thousands mile.


Host 1: Contest 3. Now we’ll see how well you know Valentine symbols.

1) What do rice and ting mean on the Valentine’s Day?

2) What is to get a red mitten on the Valentine’s Day?

3) What is Cupid with his bow and arrow?

4) What is lace on a Valentine’s Card?

5) What was the name of the first English actress who began to make and sell the first valentines in England?

6) What is the ribbon on a Valentine’s card?

7) Can you say anything about the magic, which was tried on Valentine’s Eve?

Host 2: The third contest is over. While our jury are summing up the results, we suggest singing another wonderful song. “Let me call you sweetheart” – this is the name of the song. (участники и зрители исполняют песню.)

Let me call you sweetheart

I’m in love with you.

Let me hear your whisper

That you love me too.

Keep the love light glowing

In your eyes so true.

Let me call you sweetheart

I’m in love with you.

(Repeat twice)

Host 1: Contest 4. And now we’ll see how good you are at literature and art. You must match the famous couples. Raise your hand when you finish the work and read aloud the names of the famous couples whose love excited and amazed the whole world.

Match the Famous Couples


1. Carmen   A Jane
2. Adam B Ludmila
3. Napoleon C Orpheus
4. John Lennon D Juliet
5. Tarzan E Caesar
6. Rat Buttler F Isolda
7. Sophia Loren G Carlo Ponti
8. Tristan H Scarlet
9. Ruslan I N.Chavchavadse
10. Romeo J Joko
11. Eurydice K Don Hose
12. Cleopatra L Eve
13. Griboedov M Josephine



Host 2: You know that “Romeo and Juliet” was written by the greatest English writer William Shakespeare. And here is one of his best-known sonnets

“My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun.”


My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips red;

If snow be white,

Why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires,

Black wires grow on her head.

I have seen roses damask, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath

That from my mistress reeks.


I love to hear her speak,

Yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound.

I grant I never saw a goddess go;

My mistress, when she walks,

Treads on the ground.


And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare,

As any she belied with false compare.

(W. Shakespeare)


Host 1: Contest 5. Make up as many words as possible using the letters in the words: “Saint Valentine’s Day.” Time – 2 minutes.

Host 2: Contest 6. This contest is musical. Listen to the music and say who is singing; if you can - name the author and the song. (Участники прослушивают отрывки из песен и определяют группу или певца.)

1) Louis Armstrong “Go Down Moses”

2) Madonna “Beautiful Stranger”

3) Scorpions “Mysterious”

4) Beatles “Let it be”

5) Queen “A Winter’s Tale”

6) Elvis Presley “Hound Dog”

7) Little Richard “Good Golly Miss Molly”

8) Ace Of Base “All That She Wants”


Host 1: Contest 7. We are beginning our grammar competition. Each girl will get a special card written on Valentine’s Day. Your task is to read the card carefully and find mistakes there. Time – 2 minutes.


Deer Mary! I hope that Falentine’s Dai shall bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you’re extra-specially nice. And so does everione! Best weshes, John.


Host 2: Contest 8. Each girl had a special home task: to prepare a Valentine Card showing her artistic skills. Please, show us your cards and read the funny rhymes you have chosen for them. (участники зачитывают свои валентинки и передают их в жюри.)


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