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Task 3. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

Task 1. Read and translate the text.


More than 45,000 veterinarians currently practice medicine in the United States, primarily in private hospitals and clinics. Of these, about 60 percent treat small animals such as cats and dogs exclusively; about 10 percent treat large animals such as cattle and other livestock. Only 5 percent specialize in horses. The remainders treat both large and small animals. About 9,000 veterinarians in the United States work in corporations or public institutions, such as pharmaceutical companies, colleges or universities, or in local, state, or federal government agencies such as the United States Army Veterinary Corps.

Typical small-animal veterinarians are family advisors as well as animal health care providers. They may help clients select an appropriate species or breed of pet and then guide them in the proper nutrition, grooming, training, and general husbandry of their new pet. A large portion of this practice involves preventative care, such as vaccinating, screening, and treating animals for internal and external parasites, as well as performing operations that prevent pets from bearing unwanted offspring. Small-animal veterinarians also treat their patients’ illnesses and injuries, address the owners’ concerns, and provide referrals to specialists when necessary. Another important responsibility of veterinarians is to provide humane euthanasia (the act of ending a patient’s life).

Owners often regard pets as family members and expect them to receive the same compassion and caliber of medical care as human patients. Many veterinarians now use sophisticated diagnostic equipment such as endoscopes (fiber-optic devices for looking inside the body) and ultrasound machines (devices that use sound waves to create images of internal structures). Medical and surgical procedures once considered unsuitable or impossible in animals, such as open heart surgery and total hip replacement, are now alleviating suffering and saving lives.

Large-animal veterinarians work primarily with livestock. Like small-animal veterinarians, they perform vaccinations, parasite control, and neutering, but there are several important differences. Large-animal veterinarians often treat groups of animals rather than individuals. They insure that infectious diseases do not spread from farm to farm. Furthermore, unlike the pets treated by small-animal veterinarians, most patients of large-animal veterinarians are viewed from the standpoint of their economic potential rather than their value as a family companion.

Large-animal veterinarians may be consulted about a cow with poor milk production, for example, or a flock of lambs that is failing to thrive. They may perform artificial insemination on a herd of cows, treat a horse with colic (severe abdominal pain), or assist a sow in delivering its piglets. Large-animal medicine and surgery is often practiced in stables, barns, and open fields rather than in animal hospitals. Veterinarians must, therefore, carry medicine and instruments with them wherever they go to face almost any challenge.

The zoo veterinarian attends to the needs of every animal in the zoo habitat, from the tiniest shrew to the largest elephant, monitoring diet, dental health, and even reproduction. Zoo veterinarians perform blood tests, vaccinations, routine examinations, and even surgery. They manage endangered species to encourage successful mating and reproduction. For pandas, which are solitary in the wild, this might involve isolating individuals during the nonbreeding season, and then bringing a pair together to mate when the time is right. Veterinarians employed in regulatory medicine are responsible for controlling or eliminating certain diseases and protecting the public from animal diseases that can affect people. As food inspectors, they identify diseased livestock and unsafe meat and poultry. Regulatory medicine veterinarians also prevent foreign diseases from entering the country by enforcing quarantines and inspecting animals.

Some public health veterinarians evaluate the safety of food processing plants, restaurants, and water supplies. Those in environmental health programs study and evaluate how various pesticides, industrial pollutants, and other contaminants affect human and animal populations. Other public health veterinarians are epidemiologists (specialists who study the cause and incidence of diseases). Public health veterinarians employed in government and private laboratories provide important diagnostic and testing services. They might, for example, inspect beef to insure that it does not contain E. coli bacteria or chicken to insure that it is free of Salmonella bacteria.


Task 2. Give correct professional Ukrainian equivalents to the following Еnglish words and word combinations:

1. Select an appropriate species  
2. Guide in the proper nutrition, grooming, husbandry  
3. Address one’s concerns  
4. Provide referral to specialists  
5. Receive the same compassion and caliber  
6. Total hip replacement  
7. Alleviating suffering  
8. Perform neutering  
9. Assist a sow in delivering its piglets  
10. Successful mating  

Task 3. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

1) T F More than 75,000 veterinarians currently practice medicine in the United States, primarily in private hospitals and clinics.

2) T F About 19,000 veterinarians in the US work in corporations or public institutions.

3) T F A large portion of veterinarians involve in preventative care.

4) T F Small-animal veterinarians may be consulted about a cow with poor milk production

5) T F Large-animal veterinarians work primarily with livestock.

6) T F Regulatory medicine veterinarians prevent foreign diseases from entering the country by enforcing quarantines and inspecting animals.


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