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The types of decomposition or violation of phraseological units

The types of decomposition or violation of phraseological units

It is well-known that all phraseological units are characterized by the stability of their component parts and word order. They are used as ready-made speech units which are reproduced but not created by the speaker. If a phraseological unit is treated as a free combination (that is, one of the parts may be substituted, or some other changes are to be allowed), then this phenomenon is called a violation of phraseological units:

Violation of a phraseological unit is based on the interaction between the primary and secondary meanings. The inner mechanism of this device lies in the literal interpretation of the elements of a phraseological unit, though the ways to achieve it are different: it can be the author’s intrusion into the unit. E. g. “… it took a desperate, ungovernable, frantic hold of him. ”

Another way of violation of a phraseological unit is its prolongation.

Very often violation of a phraseological unit takes place in proverbs and sayings, most of which are set phrases and fusions.

A false phraseological coinage occurs mainly in direct speech of personages to characterize them through their speech. The final result achieved is always humorous.

As we have seen the interaction between the primary and secondary meanings of a word is realized in many ways and for its main stylistic function has the achievement of humorous effect.

Types of violation:

  1. substitution of one word for another often antonymous to the first: While there’s life, there’s hope. While there’s death, there’s hope.
  2. extension or prolongation: Familiarity breeds contempt, - and children.

Poverty is not a sin, but a great deal worse.

  1. reduction: a friend in need (is a friend indeed).
  2. cumulation (скопление, накопление) of different phraseologisms: чем дальше в лес, своя рубашка ближе к телу. A bitch in time breeds contempt (on analogy with A stitch in time saves nine).
  3. splitting of the phraseologisms and introducing some other element: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever – A thing of beauty you are not but perhaps you are a joy for ever.

In all these cases the desired effect is achieved by the realization of the literal meaning of the components set against the background of the phraseological meaning. It is called double actualization.  Sometimes one and the same phraseologism may undergo different transformations: Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. -  Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves. Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.

Decomposed phraseologisms (разделение на составные части) provide basis for creating paradoxes.



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