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Note down from the text (p. 200) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 204) and translate them into Russian.


10. Complete the following sentences using the phrases and word combi­nations:


1. All the Moscow cathedrals and churches have been... to their former....

2. The totalitarian systems supressing initiative and free­dom carry the... of its own....

3. All these people used to give a terrible... to the authori­ties.

4. Mini skirts were... at that time, and even ladies advanced in years gladly embraced the fashion.

5. The terrible news... the whole country like a....

6. He was a devoted... of the King... his enemies in France.

7. These measures were sure to... the... of the people against the rulers in the country.

8. There were crowds of homeless children in the... years... the War.

9. The Normans had their own people in... England.

10. The paintings of the impressionists were impossible to buy, they were... the price.

11. The various new trends in theatrical productions, in music, popular and classical, poetic recitals in the squares of Moscow were... of....


1l. Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrases and word combi­nations:


1. Due to the new actions of the authorities, the town has regained its former beauty and glory.

2. He promised to the master to be an obedient pupil and never to give him any trouble.

3. The terrible news spread like a fire across the country and all the people were terrified.

4. The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of a destructive rebellion.


5. Coats like that used to be very fashionable in my time.

6. The boys united their efforts and became partners in the struggle against their common enemy — the Headmaster.

7. I am never too good in the morning.

8. In the part of Hamlet Sir Laurence was absolutely superb.

9. Good friendship cannot be bought.

10. It all happened in the first hour of the day, at the dead of night, in fact.

11. The new prime minister promised that the ministers in the most important departments wouldn't be replaced and that would assure continuity.


12. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations:

1. К сожалению, я никогда не слышала его в его лучшей форме, хотя говорят, он порядком досаждал начальству своими речами.

2. "Четверо из Ливерпуля" тогда были чрезвычайно популярны, молодые девчонки просто сходили с ума.

3. Во времена II Мировой войны Британия, США и Россия стали союзниками в борьбе против Гитлеровской Германии.

4. Весь мир был в состоянии шока: весть о смерти Дианы пронес­лась по всем странам.

5. Жестокость и бесчеловечность белых по отношению к черно­му большинству в Южной Африке сеяли семена разрушения всей системы апартеида.

6. Любые карательные акции обычно усиливают враждебность населения.

7. Восхищаясь достопримечательностями Санкт-Петербурга, мы понимали, сколько было сделано, чтобы восстановить их прежнюю красоту после полного разрушения нацистами во время войны.


Pair work. Make up and act out situations using the phrases and word combinations.


14. Explain what is meant by:

to expunge it from the consciousness of the people; to be part of a common civilisation; to be meticulously restored; a building as grimly functional as the Party it housed; signs of the cultural thaw; hair-raising obscenity; to provide smb with a library of sense-impressions.



15. Answer the following questions and do the given assignments:


a) 1. Denis Healey's article is based on his impressions of the Soviet Union. What is the keynote point of the article?

2. What can you say about the author of this article and his political views?

3. What was his opinion of the role and destiny of the na­tional traditions which were rooted in centuries of history?

4. What difference did Mr D. Healey see between the great achievements of the pre-war Soviet culture and the totalitarian policies of the Soviet rulers? How did that shape his attitude to the Soviet policies both at home and abroad?

5. What were the authors impressions of sightseeing in Leningrad after the W.W. II? What sights were included into his itinerary?

6. How did the author compare the images of Moscow and Leningrad?

7. What cultural and educational changes are pointed out by the author?

8. What was his impression of the Russian Theatre and how did he compare it with the British productions of Chekhov?

9. The author noticed new interests of the young Russians in Western culture. What do you think about such trends?

10. How did Mr D. Healey describe the importance of short visits to a foreign country? Do you agree with him?


b) 1. What are the underlying aims of the article? What de­vices help the reader understand the author's attitude towards the Soviet Union? (Comment on the choice of epithets, the role of the logical contrast and the inverted commas, etc.) 2. What other devices does the author employ to interest the reader and to produce emphasis? (Speak on the introduction of rhetorical questions, parenthetic phrases, metaphors, hyperboles, lexical repetition, parallelism, emphatic constructions, etc.) 3. Find the borrowed words and say what stylistic information they bear. 4. How is the contact with the reader achieved?

c) The combination of logical argumentation and emotional appeal is characteristic of this text. Sum up your observations and say how it is realized (speak on its paragraphing, syntacti­cal structures, connectives, etc., on the one hand, and on the use of imagery, etc., on the other). How is the descriptive manner of narration combined with the general statements in the text? Do you think the author changes register?



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