Модуль 1. Социально-коммуникативная деятельность
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Тема 1.1 Устная и письменная деловая коммуникация.
Знать: Особенности учетной и письменной деловой коммуникации. Уметь: Организовать устную и письменную деловую коммуникации. Выполнить:
Ø с помощью, каких приемов привлекли внимание респондента; Ø степень включенности и заинтересованности клиента в ответах; результативность опроса и взаимодействия с клиентом Тема 1.2. Продуктивная деловая коммуникация Знать: правила работы в группе. Уметь: преодолевать трудности в работе группы. Выполнить: Организовать и провести диспут с учащимися, на тему по выбору студента или учащихся класса.
членов группы.
Модуль 2: Эффективное поведение на рынке труда
Тема: Внешние факторы, влияющие на успешность карьеры
Знат ь: Понятие рынка труда Умет ь: Анализировать рынок труда Выполнить:
Модуль 3. Решение проблем
Тема: Планирование деятельности по решению проблем
Знать: Понятия “проблема, цель, ресурсы” Уметь: Планировать деятельность по решению проблем
Выполнить: 1. Определите сильные и слабые стороны деятельности школы, в которой вы проходите практику. 2. На основе анализа реальной и желаемой ситуации сформулируйте проблему и предложите альтернативные способы решения проблемы
Модуль 4. Работа с информацией Тема: Обработка информации. Представление результатов обработки информации. Знать: понятие и презентация. Уметь: осуществлять поиск информации и представлять результаты обработки информации. Выполнить: Ø Соберите информацию об интересах и потребностях учащихся класса, в которой вы проходите практику Ø Подготовьте и проведите мероприятие, с целью профориентационной работы. Модуль5. Основы предпринимательства Тема: Планирование деятельности предприятия
Знать: О сновные способы планирования и организации деятельности учреждения (организации, предприятия); виды организационно-правовых форм предпринимательства; принципы планирования деятельности учреждения (организации, предприятия.) Уметь: давать характеристику организационно-правовых форм предпринимательства. Выполнить: 1. Определите и дайте характеристику виду организационно-правовой формы предпринимательства в организации (учреждении, предприятия), в которой вы проходите практику. Литература (основная) по практике по ключевым профессиональным компетенциям
Литература (дополнительная) 1.Авдулова, Т.П. Психология менеджмента: учеб. пособие для студ. сред. проф. учеб. заведений. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2003. – 256с. 2.Резник С.Д., Игошина И.А., Резник В.С. Введение в специальность «Менеджмент организации».- М.: Логос, 2004.- 320с.
Задания для преддипломной практики по переводоведению 1 задание Pluses & Minuses in Course's Creation using Blackboard facilities It is my great pleasure to inform you, my reader, that Blackboard virtual school is a fantastic place where teacher can make excellent teaching! My own experience - one and half of educational year. I have a course in Blackboard (BB in further) virtual school I had an experience during three semesters. Now 59 four's and five's year level students enrolled at my course. So, I think, I have all rights to mention some positive and negative points of this school's facilities. Hope, my experience will help some teachers to improve their tools. I experienced with the hope that you will be able to avoid the trials I went through when teaching an online class. Unfortunately I was limited in use of few options of the BB, because of the absence of Cyrillic language. So I did not use absolutely a tool for on-line testing. Nevertheless, I am absolutely satisfied by results, which my students demonstrated after they completed the course. And believe me, part of it is due to BB virtual school. What is the main difficult thing in online course creation? From the first point of view you will point a lot of time which you will spend transforming all your materials into electronic format: lectures, pictures, diagrams, tables and other. This - really, stale work. However, the most difficult was absence of methodical material. What volume of information must account for one electronic lecture? How much lectures must be in course? Is it nesessary or not to collerate number of lectures and number of subjects in the course? In what type they must be presented, in what format (Word, FTP, HTML)? How to organizing test? How to avoid duplication of answers by students? All these questions are still not solved.
Pluses "Course materials" - could be divided into moduls, units and so on - very comfortable for teacher, very good organized. Digital Dropbox. My students used it to send me their assays, homeworks, etc. It is very informative, because teacher could see name of student and date of delivery. During our common work with my students we came to the conclusion to sent all files in Zip format. It is much more quick. Discussion Board. This option is very well organized, we used it when we want communicate all over the group. I think it would be more popular if it has a possibility to attach files. Statistics. Using BB facilities you are able to control your students' learning. You have statistical material, which tell you, who, when and where entered your course. Even, what did they do at the course: saw course materials, sent emails, saw thier grades, edit thier homepages and so on. This option give a lot of information about students work: number of visits, dates of visits, kind of activity: sending files, edit homepage, make message at discussion board, check his grade and so on. Stats material was useful when I evaluated students' work.
Minuses Student's password exchange. If you will follow bottoms "Control Panel" - "User Management" - "Modify User", you will see an explanation here: " This area is where instructors go to modify and update student information and manage student passwords." Unfortunately, it is not true. There is no possibility to manage student's password. If your student missed his password, you could make nothing for him. Just give him advice to make one more registration. That means - one more name, one more password. Student's homepage. Teacher has no ability to edit student's homepage. Using bottoms "Control Panel - Site Management - Communications - Students homepages" you could just manage "enable -disable". It could be place were teacher could make corrections in the student's homework. Access to Student's passwords. It is usefull for teacher to have it. Few students missed their passwords and asked me to send them their ID and password. I did not find such kind of options in instructor's tool. As well as I did not find a place from where I was able to see students' personal data. May be all this information exist, but how could I rich it? Задание DRAFT: JUNE 2006 DRAFT MODEL ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC COMPANIES PART 1: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1 Defined terms (1) The special meanings given to certain words and phrases in the articles are set out in the index of defined terms. (2) Where a word or phrase is defined in the index of defined terms, other grammatical forms of that word or phrase used in the articles shall have a meaning which corresponds to that definition. PART 2: DIRECTORS DIRECTORS’ POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2 Directors’ general authority Subject to the Companies Acts and the articles, the directors: (a) shall manage the company’s business; and (b) may exercise all the powers of the company for any purpose connected with the company’s business. 3 Members’ reserve power (1) The members may, by special resolution, order the directors to act, or refrain from acting, in a particular way (2) No such special resolution shall invalidate anything which the directors have already done. DELEGATION OF DIRECTORS’ POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4 Directors may delegate (1) Subject to the articles, the directors may delegate any of their powers and responsibilities: (a) to such persons; (b) by such means; (c) to such an extent; (d) in relation to such matters or territories; and (e) on such conditions or subject to such restrictions, as they think fit. DRAFT: JUNE 2006 (2) Unless the directors specify otherwise, any such delegation authorises further delegation of the directors’ powers and responsibilities by any person to whom they are delegated, whether expressly or by virtue of this paragraph. (3) The directors must not delegate to any person who is not a director any decision connected with: (a) how the directors (or a committee of directors) take decisions; (b) a director’s appointment or the termination of a director’s appointment; or (c) the payment or declaration of a dividend. (4) The directors may at any time withdraw or revoke any delegation in whole or part, or
alter its terms. 5 Committees of directors (1) If the directors: (a) delegate powers or responsibilities to two or more persons, at least one of whom is a director; and (b) indicate that they should act together in respect of those powers or responsibilities, those persons are a “committee” for the purposes of the articles. (2) The provisions of the articles about how the directors take decisions shall apply, as far as possible, to the taking of decisions by committees, but the directors may make rules of procedure which are binding on a committee. DECISION-MAKING BY DIRECTORS 6 Directors to take decisions collectively (1) This article applies to any matter in respect of which the directors have not delegated their powers and responsibilities to a single director. (2) Subject to the articles, the directors must not act in relation to any such matter unless they have taken a decision about it: (a) at a directors’ meeting, or (b) in the form of a directors’ written resolution, in accordance with the articles. 7 Calling directors’ meetings (1) Any director may call a directors’ meeting. (2) The company secretary shall call a directors’ meeting if a director so requests. (3) A meeting is not called unless reasonable notice of it has been given, indicating its proposed date, time, place and subject matter. (4) Notice must be given to all the directors, except those:DRAFT: JUNE 2006 (a) to whom it is not possible to give reasonable notice; or (b) who waive their entitlement to notice, prospectively or retrospectively. (5) Notice of a directors’ meeting need not be given in writing. (6) The reasonableness of any notice period shall be determined by reference to: (a) the urgency and importance of the meeting’s subject matter; and (b) individual directors’ ability to receive notice of or participate in the meeting. 8 Participation in directors’ meetings (1) Subject to the articles, directors participate in a directors’ meeting, or part of a director’s meeting, when: (a) the meeting has been called and takes place in accordance with the articles; (b) they are engaged, together, exclusively in the business of the meeting, or of that part of the meeting; (c) no other directors are engaged on that business separately from them; and (d) they can each communicate to the others any information or opinions they have on any particular item of that business. (2) In determining whether directors are participating in a directors’ meeting, it is irrelevant where any director is or how they communicate with each other. 9 Quorum for directors’ meetings (1) At a directors’ meeting, unless a quorum is participating, no proposal shall be voted on, except a proposal to call another meeting. (2) The quorum for directors’ meetings may be fixed from time to time by: (a) a decision of the directors, or (b) an ordinary resolution, but it shall never be less than two, and unless otherwise fixed it shall be two. (3) Subject to the articles, a director who is interested in an actual or proposed transaction or arrangement with the company shall not be counted as participating in any directors’ meeting, or part of a directors’ meeting, relating to that transaction or arrangement. (4) A person who is an alternate director but not a director shall be counted as participating for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is participating, but only if that person’s appointor is not participating. No alternate shall be counted as more than one director for such purposes. 10 Total number of directors less than quorum If the total number of directors for the time being is less than the quorum for directors’ meetings, then: (a) all the directors, or DRAFT: JUNE 2006 (b) as many of them as are not incapable of doing so by reason of illness or accident, may agree in writing either to appoint sufficient new directors to make up a quorum or to call a general meeting of the company to vote on a resolution that will appoint further directors or alter the quorum. 11 Chairing of directors’ meetings (1) The directors shall appoint a director to chair their meetings. (2) The person so appointed for the time being shall be known as the chairman. (3) The directors may terminate the chairman’s appointment at any time. (4) If the chairman is not participating in a meeting within ten minutes of the time at which it is to start, the participating directors shall appoint one of themselves to chair it. 12 Voting at directors’ meetings: general rules
(1) A decision is taken at a directors’ meeting when a majority of the participating directors vote in favour of a proposal. (2) Subject to the articles: (a) each director participating in such a decision shall have one vote; but (b) if a director has an interest in an actual or proposed transaction or arrangement with the company, that director and that director’s alternate may not vote on any proposal relating to it. 13 Chairman’s casting vote at directors’ meetings If the numbers of votes for and against a proposal are equal, the chairman or other director chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote. 14 Alternates voting at directors’ meetings Directors who are also alternate directors each have an additional vote on behalf of each of their appointors when their appointors are: (a) not participating, and (b) would have been entitled to vote if they were participating. 15 Conflict of interests: relaxation of restrictions (1) In any of the circumstances specified for the purposes of this article, a director who is interested in an actual or proposed transaction or arrangement with the company: (a) shall be counted as participating in a decision at a directors’ meeting, or part of a directors’ meeting, relating to it; and (b) is entitled to vote on a proposal relating to it. (2) The circumstances specified for the purposes of this article are when:DRAFT: JUNE 2006 (a) the company by ordinary resolution disapplies the provision of the articles which would otherwise prevent a director from being counted as participating in, or voting at, a directors’ meeting; (b) the director’s interest cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict of interest; or (c) the director’s conflict of interest arises from a permitted cause. (3) For the purposes of this article, the following are permitted causes: (a) a guarantee given, or to be given, by or to a director in respect of an obligation incurred by or on behalf of the company or any of its subsidiaries; (b) subscription, or an agreement to subscribe, for shares or other securities of the company or its subsidiaries, or to underwrite, sub-underwrite, or guarantee subscription for any such shares or securities; and (c) a contract about benefits for employees and directors or former employees and directors of the company or its subsidiaries generally which does not provide special benefits for directors or former directors. 16 Directors’ discretion to make further rules (1) Subject to the articles, the directors may make any rule which they think fit about how they take decisions. (2) The directors must ensure that any such rule is communicated to all persons who are directors while it remains in force. 17 Directors’ written resolutions (1) A directors’ written resolution is adopted when all the directors (or their alternates) sign a document setting out a decision. (2) A directors’ written resolution is also adopted when: (a) fewer than all of the directors sign a document setting out a decision; (b) it is impracticable to have the document signed by those who have not signed it; and (c) the document records the names of the directors who have not signed it and the reasons why they have not signed it. (3) The practicability of a director signing such a document shall be determined by reference to: (a) the urgency and importance of the decision to which it relates; and (b) the director’s ability to receive and sign the document and send it to the company by the time when it is necessary or expedient for the directors to take that decision. (4) References to a document in this article include copies of that document. (5) The directors are responsible for ensuring that the company keeps a written record of all directors’ written resolutions for at least ten years from the date of their adoption.DRAFT: JUNE 2006
Приложение № Министерство образования и науки Самарской области
Утверждаю ______________ (Ф.И.О. руководителя) ___________________ (подпись) ___________________ (Дата, год) М.П. Отчет по преддипломной практике Студента(ки) - практиканта(ки) ______________________________________
Группы________________ специальности 050303 Иностранный язык Период прохождения: с_________ 20_ г. по ________ 20_г.
Наименование базы практики _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Руководитель практики от организации:_______________________________ (Фамилия, имя, отчество, телефон) Руководитель практики от колледжа _________________________________________________________________ (Фамилия, имя, отчество, телефон) Тольятти, 2015 г.
Вопросы для самоотчета: 1. Я знаю, для чего была нужна преддипломная практика? 2. Я смогла достичь цель практики и решать задачи, обозначенные в программе практики? 3. Я знаю, какие компетенции я формировала в процессе профессионально – педагогической деятельности? 4. Мне не хватило для их решения? 5. В ходе практики мне удалось достичь? 6. Самым интересным для меня было? 7. Самостоятельно я могу решать следующие профессиональные задачи? 8. Общее впечатление от учреждения, коллектива, педагога, детей. 9. Какой передовой педагогический опыт педагогов учитывался и использовался Вами? 10. Какие формы работы были включены в систему воспитательной работы с данным детским коллективом? 11. Как реализовывался на практике индивидуальный подход к детям? 12. Какая проводилась исследовательская работа? 13. Трудности, которые Вы испытывали в профессиональной подготовке (на уроке, внеклассном мероприятии)? 14. За профессионально – педагогическую деятельность в условиях преддипломной практики я заслуживаю оценку ________________ 15. Дал уроков _______________ по _________________ количество предмет 1. Оценка по учебной работе____________________ 2. Оценка по воспитательной работе______________ 3. Общая оценка по преддипломной практике____________________
Дата заполнения. Подпись студента – практиканта
Приложение №
Схема характеристики студента - практиканта специальности 050303.52 Иностранный язык
1. Знание программ по ИЯ и умение работать в соответствии с ними. 2. Знание УМК, учебников по ИЯ. 3. Умение планировать учебно – воспитательную работу. 4. Умение правильно формулировать цели и задачи урока. 5. Умение отбирать для урока тот учебный материал, который наиболее актуален для детей конкретной группы. 6. Умение осуществлять на уроках связь теории с жизнью, решать задачи воспитания, воздействовать на сознание, волю и чувства детей. 7. Умение организовывать учащихся на работу. Привлечь их внимание и активизировать их умственную деятельность, вызывать интерес к изучаемому материалу на занятиях. 8. Умение осуществлять индивидуальную работу с детьми, предупреждать неуспеваемость и отставание. 9. Степень овладения студентами методикой преподавания ИЯ. 10. Использование ТСО и других наглядных средств. 11. Умение планировать работу с родителями, участвовать в подготовке и проведении родительского собрания. 12. Наиболее яркие профессиональные качества студента, характеризующие его как учителя ИЯ. 13. Отношение практиканта к работе и дисциплинированность. 14. Оценка за весь период практики. 15. ГАПОУ Самарской области «Тольяттинский социально – педагогический колледж
Место печати. Подпись руководителя учреждения
Приложение № Расписание уроков
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