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Recommended Topics for Reports







February - June 2012 Semester


Instructor: Dr. Elena A. Kruglikova


Office Hours: Tuesday, 15.45 – 17.00

or by appointment or by simply dropping in if I am in my office


E-mail: elena.kruglikova@yahoo.com


Course Location: 82 Svobodniy Prospect, room 3-23


Aims and Objectives: This course is designed to deepen and strengthen the knowledge of English vocabulary, its history and structure and provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts of lexicology. The course examines the concept of word, the place of lexis in the linguistic system and investigates the implications of lexical research in dictionary-making.

Indicative reading:


Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. English Lexicology. Лексикология английского языка: учебное пособие для студентов. 3-ье изд. (на англ. яз.). М.: Дрофа, 2000. 288 с.

Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебное пособиЕ. 2-е изд. переработанное. М.: Флинта, 2012. 375 с.

Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология: учебное пособие (на англ.яз). М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2009. 224 с.

Гинзбург Р.З., Хидекель С.С., Князева Г.Ю., Санкин А.А. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. Лексикология английского языка: учебник для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков (на англ.яз.). М.: Высшая школа, 1979. 269 с.

Зыкова И.В.. A Practical Course in English Lexicology. Практический курс английской лексикологии: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз (на англ.яз). 2-ое изд., исправл.. М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. 288 с.

Иванова Е.В. Lexicology and Phraseology of Modern English. Лексикология и фразеология современного английского языка: учебное посоьие. М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2011. 344 с.

7. Clark S., Pointon G. Word for Word. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

8. Cruse A. Lexical Semantics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1986.

9. Cruse A. Meaning in Language. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

10. Grezga J., Schoner M. English and General Lexicology. Materials for Lexicology Seminars. Katolische Universitat Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, 2007.

11. Halliday M., Yallop C. Lexicology: A Short Introduction. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007.

12. Jackson H., Ze Amvela E. Words, Meaning and Vocabulary. An Introduction to Modern English. 2000. The Cromwell Press: Trowbridge.

13. Labov W. Principles of Linguistic Change, 2 vol. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.

14. Lobner S. Understanding Semantics. Arnold: London, 2002.

15. Singleton D. Language and the Lexicon: An Introduction. Arnold: London, 2000.

16. Stockwell R., Minkova D. English Words: History and Structure. Cambridge: University Press, 2001.

17. Teubert W., Cermakova A. Corpus Linguistics: A Short Introduction. Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, 2007.

18. University Library. Guide to the Harvard Style of Referecing. September 2011. URL: http:// libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/files/Harvard_referencing_2011.pdf. (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

19. Wray A. Formulaic Language and Lexicon. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2005.

20. Бабич Г.Н. Lexicology: A Current Guide. Лексикология английского языка: учебное пособие. 3-е изд. исправл. (на англ. яз.). М.: Флинта, 2008. 196 с.

21. Голикова Ж.А. Modern English Lexicology and Phraseology. Practical Guide. Лексикология и фразеология современного английского языка. Практикум: учебное пособие. Минск: Новое знание, 2006. – 205 c.

22. Дубенец Э.М. Modern English Lexicology. Theory and Practice. Лексикология современного английского языка: лекции и семинары. М.: Глосса-Пресс, 2002. – 192 с.

23. Кунин А.В. Фразеология современного английского языка. М., 1972 г.

24. Минаева Л.В. Лексикология и лексикография английского языка: учебное пособие. М., 2007. – 222 стр.

25. Уфимцева А.А. Лексическое значение. М., 1986.

26. Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка: учебное пособие. Минск, 1992.

27. Швейцер А.Д. Литературный английский язык в США и Англии. 2-ое изд. М., 2003.

Internet Resources

1. Oxford Dictionaries. URL: http://oxforddictionaries.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

2. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. URL: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

3. Cambridge Dictionaries On-line. URL: http:// dictionary.cambridge.org (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

4. Яндекс Словари. URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

5. Dictionary Link. Free Online Dictionary, Translation and References Services. URL: http:// www.dictionarylink.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

6. Acronym Search. URL: http://www.acronymsearch.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

7. Synonyms Thesaurus with Antonyms and Definitions URL: http://www.synonym.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

8. Your Dictionary. URL: http://www.yourdictionary.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

9. Focusing on English Words as Presented by a Variety of Linguists and Specialist in Etymology URL: http:// www.wordfocus.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

10. BBC Learning English URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk\worldservice\learningenglish\index.shtml (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

11. English Words Origins. The blog for lovers of Etymology, Lexicology and English Word Origins. URL: http:// english-word-origins.blogspot.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

12. CMEPV = Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, ed. by the Humanities Texts Initiative. URL: http://www.hti.umich.edu/c/cme (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

13. Oxford English Dictionary URL: http://www.oed.com (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

14. ELDA – Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency. URL: http:// www.elda.org (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

15. Linguistic Data Consortium: data, tools and standards for language-related education, research and technology development. URL: http:// www.ldc.upenn.edu (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

16. Onomasiology Online (linguistic platform). URL: http:// www.onomasiology.de (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

17. TOE – Thesaurus of Old English. URL: http:// libra.englang.arts.gla.ac.uk\oethesaurus (дата обращения: 1 февраля 2012).

Brief Course Outline (54 contact hours):


Week/ Date Type of class, number of contact hours Topic Score
1. 07/02 Lecture 1 Introduction to the course What is Lexicology?  
  Seminar 1 Lexicography  
2. 14/02 Lecture 2 Word Structure    
3. 21/02 Lecture 3 Enriching Vocabulary. Derivation    
  Seminar 2 Formal vs Informal Style  
4. 28/02 Lecture 4 Conversion. Composition topic of the report
5. 06/03 Lecture 5   Secondary ways of word-building    
  Seminar 3 Word-building. Practical Exercise  
6. 13/03 Lecture 6 Phraseology    
7. 20/03 Lecture 7   Phraseology  
  Seminar 4 Phraseology  
8. 27/03 Lecture 8 Test 1 20 %
9. 03/04 Lecture 9 Semasiology. Semantics. Meaning as Linguistic Notion    
  Seminar 5 Aspects of Lexical Meaning  
10. 10/04 Lecture 10   Semantic changes    
11. 17/04 Lecture 11 Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms    
  Seminar 6 Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms  
12. 24/04 Lecture 12 The Origin of English Words  
13. 08/05 Lecture 13 Borrowings Written reports (10%) to be submitted
  Seminar 7 Neologisms. Archaisms. Historisms  
14. 15/05 Lecture 14 Language in Social Contexts  
15. 22/05 Lecture 15 Variants and Dialects of English. Group Presentations Variants and Dialects of English 5%
  Seminar 8  
16. 29/05 Lecture 16 Test 2 20%
17. 5/06 Lecture 17 Presentations on written reports (Individual Presentations) 5%
  Seminar 9  
18. 12/06 Lecture 18 Exam Part 1 20%
    Exam Part 2 20%

Course Requirements


1. Tests 40% (2x20%)
2. Written Report 10%
3. Presentations 10% (2x5%)
4. Exam 40%


You will have to write two progress tests during the course. The first test will comprise questions on the first five topics (basic terms of lexicology, lexicography, word-structure, word-formation and word-groups), the second – on the rest of the topics (word-meaning, semantic relations, etymology of the English vocabulary, variants and dialects of English). The tests will include different tasks types such as multiple choice questions, matching, giving definitions to the terms under study, performing morphological analysis, defining the type of word-building, analyzing the structural pattern of compounds and corresponding free phrases, etc.

For your written reports you can choose the topic from the list below and inform the lecturer about your choice not later than the third week of the semester. The maximum points that you can get for the written report is 10 – 5 points for the content and coverage and 5 points for the layout (front page, contents, introduction, main part, conclusion, resources). The requirements for the layout of the report are specified below as well.

You will have to prepare two presentations at the end of the course. The first presentation is supposed to be prepared in pairs (or groups of three students). The general topic is Variants and Dialects of English. You can choose the exact type of variety which you will have to describe (the list is given below).

The second presentation has to be individual as you will have to present the main findings of your written report.

The maximum points that you can get for your presentations is 5. Not only content and coverage but verbal and non-verbal presentation techniques as well will be assessed.

The final assessment form is the exam which is held during the session time according to your exam schedule. The exam is in the written form. It will comprise three parts: 1) multiple choice questions; 2) giving definitions to the main terms (key words in the field of lexicology); 3) giving an answer to one of the exam questions in appr. 600 words. You can get maximum 40 points for the exam.

Class Attendance Policy:

Regular class attendance is expected as is preparation for in-class cases and activities. I reserve the right to subtract up to 30% of a student’s final grade for engaging in what I believe is poor class attendance and preparation. I will, throughout the course, provide feedback to any student who I feel may be the object of this penalty so that appropriate behavioural changes can be made by that student to avoid the penalty.


According to the SFU Assessment Regulations your semester exam mark will correspond to the score you get:

100% - 84% “5”

83% - 67% “4”

66% - 55% “3”.

Recommended Topics for Reports

# Topic Students
1. Methods and Procedures of Lexicological Research  
2. The History of Dictionary-Making  
3. Dictionaries in the Electronic Age (machine-readable dictionaries, online dictionaries, lexical databases, lexicographic corpora, collocational and semantic software)  
4. English Language Lexicographers  
5. Polysemy and Homonymy in English  
6. General Problems of the Theory of the Word. Motivation  
7. Terminology and Terminography  
8. Idiomatic Expressions. Different Approaches  
9. Specific Features of English Proverbs and Sayings  
10. Historical Lexicology: The Study of the Language Change (Morphological Change. Lexical and Semantic Change)  
11. History of the English Vocabulary. Etymological Survey  
12. Sociolexicology. Slang  
13. Sociolexicology. Jargon and Argot  
14. Borrowings in English: Types, Reasons, Assimilation.  

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