Грамматические конструкции, используемые при описании фотографии на английском языке
При описании вам понадобятся следующие грамматические конструкции:
Примеры употребления придаточных определительных предложений при описании фотографии:
Устная часть Задание 3 Время на подготовку — 1.5 минуты. Продолжительность ответа — 2 минуты. Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Chooseonephototopresenttoyourfriend.
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3 You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak not more than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about: · when and where the photo was taken (когда и где было сделано фото, то есть ЛЮБОЙ человек мог сделать это фото, и даже вы) · what/who is in the photo (кто/чтонафото) · what is happening (что происходит на фото) · why you keep the photo in your album (почему вы храните это фото в своем альбоме) · why you decided to show the picture to your friend (почему вы решили показать эту фотографию своему другу) You have to talk continuosly, starting with: I've chosen photo number... Sample answer (photo № 1) photo 1 I've chosen photo number 1. (Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии). · I took this photo in one of the beautiful parks in Edinburgh when I was on my trip to Scotland two years ago. It is quite amazing, isn't it?
· In the foreground of the photo you can see two girlfriends spending their free time hanging around. They might study or work together. They seem to be in a good mood. They both are wearing all Scottish style suits. Moreover, the girl on the left has got an incredible hat which perfectly matches the rest of her clothing. The most stunning thing that caught my eye was her hair done in dreadlocks. In her right hand she is carrying a black handbag made of leather. · In the background of the picture there are a lot of green trees with bushy (thick) crown. It was early September and it happened to be a very warm and sunny day. But nevertheless some people put on their jackets because the weather is very changeable and unpredictable on the British Isles. The man on the right who is wearing a checked shirt might be a tourist because he has got a blue backpack. As you can see at this particular moment the place is not overcrowded, so I think, it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place. · I keep this picture in my album to recollect the pleasant moments of my journey to Scotland · I asked the girls a permisssion to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up and I decided to show it to you because you are also keen on wearing unusual and freakish hats and maybe, the picture will give you some new ideas. · That is all I wanted to say. (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, свидетельствующая о завершении коммуникации) Useful Vocabulary to hang around — болтатьсябездела tomatch — подходить (по цвету) tocatchone'seye — привлекать внимание stunning = incredible — сногсшибательный, потрясающий, невероятный dreadlocks — дреды bushycrown - густая крона деревьев freakish = strange = weird — причудливый, странный towear — носить одежду tocarry — держать (нести) вещи в руках
Sample answer (photo № 2):
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