Educational System in Great Britain Types of Schools
Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ CARD 1 Task 1. Give the sketch of English schooling. English Schools First they go to infant schools, where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers. When children leave the infant school, at the age of seven, they go to junior schools until they are about eleven years of age. Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school English schoolchildren have to write their Eleven Plus Examinations, on the result of which they will go the following September to a secondary school of a certain type. The grammar school is a secondary school which offers a full theoretical secondary education including foreign languages, and students can choose which subjects and languages they wish to study. They leave the school after taking a five-year course. Then they may take the General Certificate of Education at the ordinary level. The others continue their studies for another two or three years to obtain the General Certificate of Education at the advanced level, which allows them to enter university. There are many schools in Britain which are not controlled financially by the state. They are private schools, separate for boys and girls, and the biggest and the most important of them are public schools. Сначала они идут к детским садам, где они изучают первые шаги в чтении, письме и использовании чисел. Когда дети оставляют детский сад, в возрасте семи лет, они идут к начальным школам, пока они не приблизительно одиннадцать лет возраста. К концу их четвертого года на английском языке начальной школы школьники должны написать их Одиннадцать Плюс Экспертизы, на результате которых они пойдут в следующем сентябре к средней школе определенного типа. Средняя школа - средняя школа, которая предлагает полное теоретическое среднее образование, включая иностранные языки, и студенты могут выбрать, который подвергает и языки, которые они желают изучить. Они оставляют школу после взятия пятилетнего курса. Тогда они могут взять общее Свидетельство об Образовании на обычном уровне. Другие продолжают их исследования в течение еще двух или трех лет, чтобы получить общее Свидетельство об Образовании на передовом уровне, который позволяет им входить в университет.. Есть много школ в Великобритании, которыми не управляют материально государством. Они - частные школы, отдельные для мальчиков и девочек, и самое большое и самые важные из них - общественные школы
Task 3. On Dutch Art Fair in Maastricht, which opened to visitors on March 14, on sale now put Diego Velazquez.2. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.3. Professor Chomsky - the greatest scientist. For our university, an honor that he came to us.4. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "5. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.6. While working as a clerk in Larkins, Mark always earn decently, and that's all that was required of men Becky. 7. There is nothing better for the actors and the director, the day before the premiere, see the box office sign "all sold out." CARD 2 In England, the Department of Education and Science is responsible for all levels of education. Universities, however, are self-governing and depend on the government only for financial grants. Education is compulsory between the ages of five and sixteen. More than 90 per cent of the secondary-school population (children aged eleven through eighteen) attend state-funded comprehensive schools, in which admission is not based on aptitude alone, and the remainder attend either grammar or secondary modern schools. Tertiary colleges offer a full range of vocational and academic courses to students aged sixteen and older. Independent schools provide both primary and secondary education but charge tuition. So-called public schools, which actually are private, are often categorized as independent schools. Most public schools are residential, are privately financed, and provide education to children aged eleven through nineteen.There are also private, mostly residential, preparatory schools, which prepare students aged seven through thirteen for the Common Entrance Examination required to enter senior secondary schools. At the completion of secondary education, students receive the General Certificate of Secondary Education.More than a third of England's young adults receive some form of postsecondary education through colleges, polytechnics and universities.There are about 35 universities in England, some of which are referred to as "red brick" universities. These universities were founded in the late 19th or early 20th century in the industrial cities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield and Bristol and were constructed of red brick, as contrasted with the stone construction of the buildings of Oxford and Cambridge. В Англии Министерство образования и науки отвечает за все уровни образования. Однако университетам дается право на самоуправление, и они зависят от центрального правительства только в финансовом отношении. Образование является обязательным с пяти до шестнадцати лет. Более 90 процентов учеников средней школы (дети в возрасте от одиннадцати до восемнадцати лет) посещают финансируемые государством общеобразовательные школы, куда принимают независимо от способностей, а другие посещают или специализированные школы, или средние современные школы. Училища предлагают студентам в возрасте от шестнадцати лет полный спектр профессионально-технических и академических курсов. Независимые школы дают начальное и среднее образование, но по другой системе.
Так называемые публичные школы, которые на самом деле являются частными, часто классифицируют как независимые школы. В большинстве публичных школ предусмотрено проживание, они финансируются из частных средств и предоставляют образование детям в возрасте от одиннадцати до девятнадцати лет. Существуют также частные, в основном — с предусмотренным проживанием, подготовительные школы, которые занимаются подготовкой учеников семи-тринадцати лет к сдаче общего вступительного экзамена, необходимого для того, чтобы попасть в старшие классы средней школы. По окончании среднего образования студенты получают аттестат об общем среднем образовании. Более трети молодых людей Англии получает дополнительное образование в колледжах, институтах и университетах. В Англии около 35 университетов, некоторые из них называют «краснокирпичными» университетами. Эти университеты были основаны в конце Х1Х-начале XX в. в промышленных городах, таких как Манчестер, Ливерпуль, Лидс, Бирмингем, Шеффилд и Бристоль, и были построены из красного кирпича, в отличие от каменных зданий Оксфорда и Кембриджа. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. I like documentaries and chronicle all the other genres - mystery, thriller, westerns, adventure, fantasy, tragedy. I remain completely indifferent to all these newfangled trends in film, with all its tinsel, stars and stars one-day.2. Motif is dead in 1999, during the life of a little-known abstract artist of Armenian origin Arthur Pinadzhan. Value of certain of about 3 thousand of his paintings, drawings, sketches, up to 87 thousand dollars.3. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.4. This club is very strict dress code, so put on, perhaps, that his or her exquisite dress - it is so profitable emphasizes your beautiful figure.5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt.6. Despite the fact that she was tired, she was pleased to see that article turned out quite good, though, maybe you would like to give more examples.7. In its report, the scientist referred several times to the latest experiments, the results are such that it will not tolerate that hindered him.
Task 1. Tell about Pre-School system. PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION in Britain. Pre-school education is provided by nursery schools. In England over one half of three- and four-year olds attend school and many other children attend pre-school playgroups, mostly organized by parents. (In Wales more than 70 per cent do so, while in Northern Ireland only about 15 per cent, but about 45 per cent start their compulsory schooling at 4).There are not enough state nursery schools in Britain and people have campaigned for a long time to get more opened. There are private nurseries but these are expensive and a lot of families cannot afford them. Children start at 9 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m., they have their lunch at school and usually a rest in the afternoon. They play, paint, dance and sing and do the same things that all little children do. They do not have proper lessons.Дошкольное образование обеспечивается детских садов. В Англии более половины трех-и четырех-летних детей посещают школы и многие другие дети посещают дошкольные детские сады, в основном, организованные родителями. (В Уэльсе более чем на 70 процентов это сделать, в то время как в Северной Ирландии лишь около 15 процентов, однако около 45 процентов начать свое обязательное школьное обучение на 4). Есть не хватает состояние детских садов в Великобритании, и люди кампанию в течение длительного время, чтобы получить более открыто. Есть частные питомники, но они стоят дорого, и многие семьи не могут себе их позволить. Дети начинают в 9 утра и заканчивается в 3 часа дня, у них есть свой обед в школе и обычно отдыхает после обеда. Они играют, краски, танцевать и петь и делать то же самое, что все маленькие дети. Они не имеют надлежащих уроков. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. At Christie's auction of old masters, to be held on January 30, put "Portrait of a young man with a book" painted a prominent representative of Mannerist Agnolo Bronzino.2. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.3. "I love this piece - it's a masterpiece! This role is amazing fit Magee - it was made for her. How beautiful she looks on stage! 4. As you know, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods, humans and animals only in profile. And not because they were poor artists - all a matter of religious beliefs: picture - it's not just a "scribble" on any surface, and the "door" between our world and the Ka 5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt. 6. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet. 7. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.
CARD 5 Task 1. Tell about Independent Schools in England. Independent and preparatory schools are private ones too. They prepare children for public schools and take money for the training. The teachers of the private schools can pay more attention to each of the pupils personally. It is possible to enter the best English universities after leaving public schools. After finishing grammar schools pupils have good knowledge and may continue studying in colleges and universities. English pupils wear school uniform. It is one of the oldest country's traditions. A boy's uniform includes a school cap, a tie and a blazer. A girl's uniform consists of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse. The uniforms vary from school to school. Usually, they are dark. Независимые и предварительные школы - частные также. Они готовят детей к общественным школам и берут деньги для обучения. Преподаватели частных школ могут уделить больше внимания к каждому из учеников лично. Возможно войти в лучшие английские университеты после отъезда общественных школ. После окончания учеников средних школ имеют хорошее знание и может продолжить учиться в колледжах и университетах. Английские ученики носят школьную униформу. Это - одна из традиций самой старой страны. Униформа мальчика включает школьную кепку, связь и спортивную куртку. Униформа девочки состоит из шляпы, пальто, юбки и блузы. Униформы изменяются от школы до школы. Обычно, они темны. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless. 2. Muffled sound of the rain drumming on the roof drowned out their moves. "If what we found injured in the house, I believe that the old man is honest and telling the truth - he stood his ground! The wounded man was too weak to go anywhere, he will not survive the trip. 3. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning. 4. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions. 5. "Demonstrate courage - to admit his mistake, especially since denied pointless - a waste of time and effort. Besides, this is just indecent. 6. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics. 7. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good. CARD 6 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Is the ability to perform an inborn gift or is it an acquired skill. For me, It's a combination of both. When someone "performs" (what kind of performance are we talking about?) in a excellent way it's because of the function of his experience/acquired skills and his natural talents. If you have a "gift" -thanks to Mother Nature- you should refine it. But this doesn't mean you can't do everything in your hands to become GOOD at something (by learning, practicing and giving your 100%) even if you think, you don't have the innate talent. Для меня, это комбинация обоих. Когда кто-то "выполняет" (какую производительность мы говорим?) В отличный способ это потому, что функции своего опыта / приобретенные навыки и свои природные таланты. Если у вас есть «подарок», благодаря матери-природы, вы должны усовершенствовать ее. Но это не означает, что вы не можете сделать все, что в ваших руках, чтобы стать хорошим на что-то (на обучение, практику и дать вашим 100%), даже если вы думаете, у вас нет врожденного таланта. 1. There is nothing better for the actors and the director, the day before the premiere, than to see the box office sign "all sold out." 2. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values." 3. Tradition has it that the daughter is like a mother and son - the father. I have it on a point of view: they are given the same set of genes, and thus - the chances are equal. 4. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless. 5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt. 6. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden. 7. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions. CARD 7 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Should the actor “live” the part or should he just perform? 1. Necessity to look at the character from a distance, to sympathize and criticize, to understand him. 2. Practice in reproduction of the character before the audience. 3. Effect achieved: the less actors feel, the firmer their hold upon their facial and bodily expression. 4. A possibility of reaching such a state of mechanical perfection that one's body is absolutely the slave of one's mind. 5. Necessity for actors to work with their own tools. (Each actor should choose the method he feels is best for him.). Actors are people. people are different. they do things there one way. so actors the same. some live the part; some just perform. the result is of most important. 1. Необходимость взглянуть на персонаж из расстояния, сочувствовать и критиковать, понимать его. 2. Практика воспроизведения символа перед аудиторией. 3. Эффект достигнут: чем меньше актеры чувствуют, тем прочнее их удержания на их лица и тела выражение. 4.Возможность достижения такого состояния механического совершенства, что тело человека является абсолютно рабом своего ума. 5. Необходимость для актеров работать с их собственными инструментами. (Каждый актер должен выбрать метод, он чувствует, что лучше для него.).Актеры тоже люди. люди разные. они делают вещи есть один способ. так что актеры то же самое. Некоторые из них живут части, а некоторые просто выполнять. Результатом является наиболее важным. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good. 2. I like documentaries and chronicle all the other genres - mystery, thriller, westerns, adventure, fantasy, tragedy. I remain completely indifferent to all these newfangled trends in film, with all its tinsel, stars and stars one-day. 3. The canvas was written in the early period of the master, when he was under the influence of one of the founders of the Mannerist painter of the Florentine Pontormo. Painting attributed to the number of first-class works by Bronzino. 4. On Dutch Art Fair in Maastricht, which opened to visitors on March 14, on sale now put Diego Velazquez. 5. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values." 6. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet. 7. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions. CARD 8 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Should the actor “live” the part or should he just perform? 1. Necessity to look at the character from a distance, to sympathize and criticize, to understand him. 2. Practice in reproduction of the character before the audience. 3. Effect achieved: the less actors feel, the firmer their hold upon their facial and bodily expression. 4. A possibility of reaching such a state of mechanical perfection that one's body is absolutely the slave of one's mind. 5. Necessity for actors to work with their own tools. (Each actor should choose the method he feels is best for him.). Actors are people. people are different. they do things there one way. so actors the same. some live the part; some just perform. the result is of most important. 1. Необходимость взглянуть на персонаж из расстояния, сочувствовать и критиковать, понимать его. 2. Практика воспроизведения символа перед аудиторией. 3. Эффект достигнут: чем меньше актеры чувствуют, тем прочнее их удержания на их лица и тела выражение. 4.Возможность достижения такого состояния механического совершенства, что тело человека является абсолютно рабом своего ума. 5. Необходимость для актеров работать с их собственными инструментами. (Каждый актер должен выбрать метод, он чувствует, что лучше для него.).Актеры тоже люди. люди разные. они делают вещи есть один способ. так что актеры то же самое. Некоторые из них живут части, а некоторые просто выполнять. Результатом является наиболее важным. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. Your part was very cautious to deliver us from the need to meet this unpleasant person, although he at all good to me. 2. Talented film is a talented collection of works of all involved in its creation - director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, lighting technicians, directors, prop, decorators, pyrotechnics, make-up, costume, Video, double, stunt, not to mention the talented work of talented actors. 3. They were at the height of meters above sea level, and it was difficult to adapt to the pace of their rapid ascent - the last time she was out of shape. 4. As you know, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods, humans and animals only in profile. And not because they were poor artists - all a matter of religious beliefs: picture - it's not just a "scribble" on any surface, and the "door" between our world and the Ka.5. James rarely shows signs of unrest, but this time he even outdid himself, showing rare courage, staying one night in the woods. 6. The canvas was written in the early period of the master, when he was under the influence of one of the founders of the Mannerist painter of the Florentine Pontormo. Painting attributed to the number of first-class works by Bronzino. 7. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. " CARD 9 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. What is the place of cinema among the other arts in your opinion? What kind of entertainment is nowadays rivaling cinema?The movies are truly an art of our time. It is the greatest aesthetic and educational force in the world today. Now different movie versions of novels and stories of famous writers are still very popular. The movies are a powerful force in contemporary life. Cinema is also used for educational purposes. Video classes are useful when studying geography, foreign languages and many other subjects. They are also the means of getting acquainted with the world.. Nowadays people can’t just imagine their life without the art of cinema. Кино- действительно искусство нашего времени. Оно является самой большой эстетической и образовательной силой в современном мире. Сейчас различные киноверсии романов и рассказов известных писателей очень популярны. Фильмы являются мощной силой в современной жизни. В наше время люди не могут просто представить свою жизнь без искусства кино.Entertainment is a kind of activity which people do to relieve themselves from stress and the burden from their daily life. People entertain themselves by going for mountaineering while some people get entertained by Bungee jumping. This is mobile entertainment. Internet and GPrS technology has turned mobiles into a perfect entertainment gadget. Now people surf internet, Chat on facebook and watch movies on their mobiles. They can play online games and can watch TV on their mobiles. Many people still follow the old rules to get entertainment. Some read books, while some go out with their friends. Some play board games like Chess and Backgammon. Every person has his own way to entertain himself. Развлечение это вид деятельности которых люди сделать, чтобы облегчить себя от стресса и нагрузки от их повседневной жизни. Люди развлечь себя, выбрав для альпинизма в то время как некоторые люди развлекали банджи-джампинг. Это мобильных развлечений. Интернет и GPRS технологий превратилась в мобильных идеальный гаджет развлечений. Теперь люди серфинга в Интернет, Чат на facebook и смотреть фильмы на своих мобильных телефонах. Они могут играть в онлайн игры и можете смотреть ТВ на своих мобильных телефонах. Многие люди все еще следуют старым правилам, чтобы получить развлечений. Некоторые читают книги, а некоторые выходят со своими друзьями. Некоторые играть в настольные игры, как шахматы и нарды. Каждый человек имеет свой собственный способ развлечь себя. 1Linda deathly pale with anger and frustration, and Samuel managed to fully cope with their anger. CARD 10 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: Do you think movies should be all fun or rather a thought-provoking and earnest art? Cinematograph is truly an art of our time. It's as complicated and multi-facet as the twentieth century itself. Everyone can find something to his liking in the broad variety of its genres. Those who seek pure entertainment and rest to the mind prefer musical comedies, detective films, thrillers, horror films and westerns. Other people consider that movies should be rather a thought provoking and earnest art than all fun. Personally I am for entertaining both the heart and mind at the same time. Lately I've seen a feature film that was a hit with the public. I, myself, can praise it unreservedly. Кинематограф действительно искусство нашего времени. Это как сложный и многогранный, как сама ХХ века. Каждый может найти что-то по своему вкусу в широком разнообразии ее жанров. Те, кто ищет чистое развлечение и отдых для ума предпочитают музыкальные комедии, детективные фильмы, триллеры, фильмы ужасов и вестерна. Другие люди считают, что фильмы должны быть достаточно вдумчивого и серьезным искусством, чем все весело. Лично я для развлечения и сердце и ум в то же время. В последнее время я видел, что фильм стал хитом с общественностью. Я сам могу похвалить его безоговорочно. Task 3. Translate the following sentences: 1. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.2. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.3. "Demonstrate courage - to admit his mistake, especially since denied pointless - a waste of time and effort. Besides, this is just indecent. "4. I never thought that this timid-looking man would be so eager to defend their rights. It goes without saying that everything will return to the old order, when our head back and resumes.5. Giving them an advantage in the fact that it is in the forest, away from the road and we can enjoy the beautiful pine yonder against the evening sky.6. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden.7. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless. CARD 11 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: Literary works should not be adopted for the screen as people simply stop reading fiction: “seeing” a film is easier than reading a book. Book: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. Adaptations to date: Versions of Holmes first appeared onstage in 1899 and on film in 1900, and the character has continued to inspire plays, TV shows, and movies, right up to Guy Ritchie’s outsized, manic 2009 hit Sherlock Holmes. There have also been more than a few back-door adaptations, including the medical mystery series House, about a drug-addled doctor with a stoic best friend, abominable social skills, and a gift for noticing clues that other miss. Definitive version: The image of Holmes as a refined gentleman with a deerstalker hat and a calabash pipe dates back to the early 20th century, but was popularized worldwide by actor Basil Rathbone in a 14-film series that ran between 1939 and 1946. The later Rathbone films modernize Holmes in an ill-advised attempt to serve as wartime propaganda, but the first two—The Hound Of The Baskervilles and The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes—stay reasonably true to Doyle. Why steer clear? Because Holmes is so damned hard to get right. He’s a prickly character, difficult to make likeable, and Doyle’s original stories tend to be too detailed to render onscreen without becoming either tedious or simplistic. Even the Rathbone films pale in comparison to the source material, and though there have been some entertaining uses of Holmes in non-canonical ways over the years, attempts to make a straightforward Holmes movie or TV series nearly always disappoint. What to adapt instead? For 20 years now, Hollywood has been trying to return to making movies about Gregory Mcdonald’s offbeat reporter/detective Fletch, having already made one great one and one lousy one. It’d be nice if that could get worked out. Barring a Fletch reboot, how about a series based on Mcdonald’s other major creation, police detective Flynn? Книга: сэр Артур Конан Дойл о Шерлоке Холмсе. Адаптация к дате: Версии Холмс впервые появился на сцене в 1899 году и на пленке в 1900 году, и характер продолжают вдохновлять игр, ТВ-шоу и фильмы, вплоть до Гая Ричи негабаритных, маниакально 2009 хит Шерлок Холмс. Там были также больше, чем несколько заднюю дверь адаптации, в том числе медицинские дома серии тайна, о наркотиками запутанного врач с стоическим лучший друг, отвратительные социальные навыки и дар замечая другие улики, которые мисс. Окончательная версия: образ Холмса как изысканный джентльмен в шляпе войлочная шляпа и трубка кальян восходит к началу 20 века, но был популярным во всем мире актер Бэзил Рэтбоун в 14-серии фильмов, которые бежали в период между 1939 и 1946 годами. Поздних фильмах Рэтбоун модернизации Холмс в опрометчивой попытке служить в качестве военной пропаганды, но первые две собаки Баскервилей и приключениях Шерлока Холмса-оставаться достаточно верный Дойл. Почему держаться подальше? Потому что Холмс так чертовски трудно получить права. Он колючий характер, трудно сделать симпатичный, и Дойл оригинальных историй, как правило, слишком подробно, чтобы сделать экран не становится ни утомительным или упрощенным. Даже Рэтбоун фильмы меркнут по сравнению с исходным материалом, и, хотя были некоторые развлекательные использования Холмс в неканонической способами на протяжении многих лет, попытки сделать простой фильм Холмса или сериал почти всегда разочаровывает. 1. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.2. Professor Chomsky - the greatest scientist. For our university, an honor that he came to us.3. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "4. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt.6. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.7. Recently looked filming the play "Dangerous Corner" by J. Priestley - the movie shook me! It belongs to the genre of psychological thriller, and despite the fact that it is an old black-and-white film shot in 1972 without any special effects, it keeps the audience in suspense from the first minute to the last. Of excellent star cast, the film provides a great success. CARD 12 Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: The system of education in England and Ukraine. General principles. Educational System in Great Britain Types of Schools All British children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of them stay longer and take final examination when they are 17 or 18. Before 1965 all children had to go through special intelligence tests. There were different types of state secondary schools and at the age of 11 children went to different schools in accordance of with the results of the tests.State schools are divided into the following types:- Grammar schools. Children who go to grammar schools are usually those who show a preference for academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some technical courses.- Technical schools. Some children go to technical schools. Most courses there are either commercial or technical.- Modern schools. Boys and girls who are interested in working with there hands and learning in a practical way can go to a technical schools and learn some trade.- Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physic, chemistry, biology laboratories, machine workshops for metal and woodwork and also geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.There are also many schools which the State doesn’t control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children and many of them are boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time. After leaving school many young people go to colleges or further education. Those who become students at Colleges of Technology (called “Techs”) come from different schools at different ages between 15 and 17. The lectures at such colleges, each an hour long, start at 8,15 and end at 4,45 in the afternoon. British Schools Schooling is voluntary under the age of 5 but there is some free nursery school education before that age. Primary education takes place in infant schools for pupils ages from 5 to 7 years old and junior schools (from 8 to 11 years). Some areas have different systems in which middle schools replace junior schools and take pupils ages from 9 to 11 years. Secondary education has been available in Britain since 1944. It is compulsory up to the age of 16, and pupils can stay at school voluntarily up to three years longer.In 1965 non-selective comprehensive schools were introduced. Most local education authorities were have now completely changed over to comprehensive schooling.At the age of 16 pupils take school-leaving examinations in several subjects at the Ordinary level. The exam used to be conducted by eight independent examining boards, most of them connected with the university. This examination could also be taken by candidates at a further education establishment. This exam was called the General Certificate of Education (GCE). Pupils of comprehensive school had taken the examination called the Certificate of Secondary Education either with or instead of the GCE.A GCE of Advanced (“A”) level was taken two years after the Ordinary level exam. It was the standard for entrance to university and to many forms of professional training. In 1988 both examinations were replaced by the more or less uniform General Certificate of Secondary Education.The private sector is running parallel to the state system of education. There are over 2500 fee-charging independent schools in GB. Most private schools are single-sex until the age of 16. More and more parents seem prepared to take on the formidable extra cost of the education. The reason is the believe that social advantages are gained from attending a certain school. The most expansive day or boarding schools in Britain are exclusive public schools like Eton college for boys and St. James’ school for girls. Universities and Colleges in Great Britain. There are over 90 universities in GB. They are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), in the 19th century universities, such as London and Manchester universities, and the new universities. Some years ago there were also polytechnics. After graduating from polytechnic a student got a degree, but it was not a university degree. 31 formers polytechnics were given university status in 1992.Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Art or Science. Most degree courses at universities last three years, language courses 4 years (including year spent aboard). Medicine and dentistry courses are longer (5-7 years).Students may receive grants from the Local Education Authority to help pay for books, accommodation, transport, and food. This grant depends on the income of their parents.Most students live away from home, in flats of halls of residence.Students don’t usually have a job during term time because the lessons called lectures, seminars, classes of tutorials (small groups), are full time. However, many students now have to work in the evenings.University life is considered «an experience». The exams are competitive but the social life and living away from home are also important. The social life is excellent with a lot of clubs, parties, concerts, bars.There are not only universities in Britain but also colleges. Colleges offer courses in teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.Все британские дети должны оставаться в школе в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Многие из них задержаться и принять итоговый экзамен, когда они 17 или 18. До 1965 года все дети должны были пройти специальные тесты интеллекта. Существовали различные типы государственных средних школах и в 11 лет дети ходили в разные школы в соответствие с результатами тестов.
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