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Educational System in Ukraine.

Ukrainians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution of Ukraine. It’s ensured by compulsory secondary schools, vocational schools and higher education establishment. It is also ensured by the development of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarship and grants.

Education in Ukraine is compulsory up to the 9th form inclusive. The stages of compulsory schooling in Ukraine are: primary education for ages 6-7 to 9-10 inclusive; and senior school for ages 10-11 to 12-13 inclusive, and senior school for ages 13-14 to 14-15 inclusive. If a pupil of secondary school wishes to go on in higher education, he or she must stay at school for two more years. Primary and secondary school together comprise 11 years of study. Every school has a «core curriculum» of academic subjects, such as…After finishing the 9th form one can go on to a vocational school which offer programmes of academic subjects and a programme of training in a technical field, or a profession.After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium one can go into higher education. All applicants must take competitive exam. Higher education institution, that is institutes or universities, offer a 5-years programme of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidates degree or a doctoral degree.Higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. Protectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. An institute or a university has a number of faculties, each specializing councils which confer candidate and doctoral degrees.The system of higher and secondary education in Ukraine is going trough a transitional period. The main objectives of the reforms are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedom to faculties and students. All secondary schools, institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state. Now there is quite a number of private fee-paying primary and secondary schools, some universities have fee-paying departments.

Система образования в Украине.
Украинцы всегда проявляли большую заботу о образовании. Право на образование закреплено в Конституции Украины. Это обеспечивается за счет обязательных общеобразовательных школ, профессионально-технических училищах и высших учебных заведения. Он также обеспечивается развитием заочного и вечернего образования и системе государственной стипендии и гранты.Образование в Украине является обязательным до 9 включительно форме. Этапах обязательного школьного образования в Украине являются: начальное образование для 6-7 лет до 9-10 включительно; и старшего школьного возраста для 10-11 до 12-13 включительно, и старшего школьного возраста для 13-14 до 14-15 включительно. Если ученик средней школы хотел пойти на высшее образование, он или она должны остаться в школе еще на два года. Начальная и средняя школа вместе составляют 11 лет обучения. В каждой школе есть «основной учебный план» учебных предметов, таких как...После окончания 9-го класса можно перейти к профессиональной школы, которые предлагают программы учебных предметов и программ обучения в технической области или профессии.
После окончания 11 класса средней школы, лицея или гимназии можно пойти в высшие учебные заведения. Все заявители должны принять конкурсный экзамен. Высшее учебное заведение, то есть институтов или университетов, предлагает 5-летнюю программу учебных дисциплин для студентов в различных областях, а также в аспирантуре и пишет диссертацию, он получает степень кандидата или доктора наук.
Высшие учебные заведения во главе с ректорами. Защитники отвечают за учебной и научной работе. Институт или университет имеет ряд факультетов, каждый из которых специализируется советов, которые предоставляют кандидаты и доктора наук.
В системе высшего и среднего образования в Украине происходит корыта переходного периода. Основными целями реформы являются: децентрализация системы высшего образования, разработать новый механизм финансирования, чтобы дать больше академической свободы факультетов и студентов. Все средних школ, институтов и университетов до недавнего времени были профинансированы государством. В настоящее время существует целый ряд частных платных начальных и средних школ, некоторые университеты имеют платных отделов.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. This club is very strict dress code, so put on, perhaps, that his or her exquisite dress - it is so profitable emphasizes your beautiful figure.
2. Motif is dead in 1999, during the life of a little-known abstract artist of Armenian origin Arthur Pinadzhan. Value of certain of about 3 thousand of his paintings, drawings, sketches, up to 87 thousand dollars.
3. Despite the fact that she was tired, she was pleased to see that article turned out quite good, though, maybe you would like to give more examples.
4. If you have done all that is required of you, you were not like now in a quandary: should know in advance that you need to enter this institution.
5. I like documentaries and chronicle all the other genres - mystery, thriller, westerns, adventure, fantasy, tragedy. I remain completely indifferent to all these newfangled trends in film, with all its tinsel, stars and stars one-day.
6. In its report, the scientist referred several times to the latest experiments, the results are such that it will not tolerate that hindered him.
7. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: Comprehensive system of education versus selective.

For several years, it has been noted that the educational system of the world is really evolving. In which, there are several new techniques or approaches that are being introduced in order to develop the system of education in the world. It’s also true here in United Kingdom especially here in England in which, educators are the different educational learning institutes keeps on finding ways on how to develop their system of education in order to give a more advance degree of education program to their learners. Just like the comprehensive education system where in, it’s just recently adapted in the country due to the fact that this kind of system is not totally accepted by many educators and intuitions for the past decades. The refusal of accepting this comprehensive educational system have occurred because there are several educators and schools who are very much convenient in using the selective system of education. This selective system of education is an educational system where in, it only tackles or set in one area of learning such as the existence of grammar schools, technical and modern schools. But this comprehensive system of education is totally opposite to this selective educational system or as they call it tripartite system because it really tackles a variety of topics and subjects in one area of educational learning program. In this way, it can really broaden the horizon of the educational learning growth of its learners. Here in England, there are several schools that enlisted in the school directory who have adapted this kind of comprehensive educational system. Although, United States have already started this kind of comprehensive system of education but England is also competing on it due to the fact that they have seen that this kind of system is very much effective in teaching the learners to become a high caliber individuals and good assets in the society for a more advance societal transformation. Aside of that also, learners of this comprehensive system of educational will be given an opportunity to broaden the scope of using their potential and attain success in life.

В течение нескольких лет, было отмечено, что система образования в мире действительно развивается. В каком, есть несколько новых методов или подходов, которые вводятся в целях развития системы образования в мире. Это также верно и здесь, в Соединенном Королевстве особенно здесь, в Англии, в которой, преподаватели различных учебных заведениях обучение продолжается поиск путей о том, как развивать свои системы образования, с тем чтобы дать более заранее степень образовательной программы их обучения. Так же, как всеобъемлющая система образования, где в, он совсем недавно адаптирован в стране в связи с тем, что такая система не полностью принята многими педагогами и интуиции в течение последних десятилетий. Отказ в принятии этой всеобъемлющей системе образования произошли, потому что есть несколько педагогов и школ, которые очень удобны в использовании селективной системой образования. Это селективная система образования является система образования, где в это только снасти или установить в одной области обучения, такие как существование гимназий, технические и современные школы. Но это всеобъемлющая система образования совершенно противоположное этому селективной системой образования или, как они называют это трехсторонней системы, потому что это действительно решает различным темам и предметам в одной области образовательной программе обучения. Таким образом, это действительно может расширить горизонты роста образовательного обучения своих учеников. Здесь, в Англии, есть несколько школ, которые зачислили в школу каталогов, которые адаптированы такой всеобъемлющей системы образования. Хотя, Соединенные Штаты уже начали такую ​​всеобъемлющую систему образования, но Англия также конкурируют на это в связи с тем, что они видели, что такая система очень эффективна в обучении учащихся, чтобы стать высоким лиц калибра и хорошие активы в обществе более заранее социальных преобразований. Помимо этого, также, учащиеся этой комплексной системы образовательных будет дана возможность расширить сферу использования их потенциала и достижению успеха в жизни.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. 1. New research findings from the Swiss "Mona Lisa", known as "Ayzeluortskaya Mona Lisa", is seen as evidence that this picture is a late copy of the "Mona Lisa" (1503-1505), and was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.2. I never thought that this timid-looking man would be so eager to defend their rights. It goes without saying that everything will return to the old order, when our head back and resumes.3. As you know, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods, humans and animals only in profile. And not because they were poor artists - all a matter of religious beliefs: picture - it's not just a "scribble" on any surface, and the "door" between our world and the Ka.4. Shriek owls reached incredibly high notes, fell and died in the night.5. Talented film is a talented collection of works of all involved in its creation - director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, lighting technicians, directors, prop, decorators, pyrotechnics, make-up, costume, Video, double, stunt, not to mention the talented work of talented actors.6. Tom is very sociable and can adapt to any company, so it is a welcome guest everywhere. I was in love with him, as they say, on the ears.7. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: Should punishment be used in class?

School punishment Schools generally employ a hierarchy of punishments for infractions of rules. While there are variations between types of school, boarding and day schools, with not all being applied in all cases, the hierarchy is generally reasonably consistent. Detention is a form of punishment used in schools, it involves a pupil staying behind after school or coming back at certain times in the school day. Corporal punishment – NO. Report is a punishment often used in schools for persistent and serious bad behaviour, such as truancy. Generally it is the strongest measure taken against a student that allows them to remain in lessons. Школы наказания обычно используют иерархии наказаний за нарушения правил. Хотя существуют различия между типами школы, интернаты и школы продленного дня, при этом не все применяются во всех случаях, иерархия, как правило, достаточно последовательной. Задержание является одной из форм наказания, используемые в школах, она включает в себя учеником остаюсь после школы или возвращаться в определенное время в течение учебного дня. Телесные наказания - НЕТ. Отчет наказания часто используется в школах для постоянных и серьезных плохого поведения, такие как прогулы. Вообще это самая сильная мера, принятая в отношении студента, который позволяет им оставаться в уроках.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Muffled sound of the rain drumming on the roof drowned out their moves.
2. At Christie's auction of old masters, to be held on January 30, put "Portrait of a young man with a book" painted a prominent representative of Mannerist Agnolo Bronzino.
3. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.
4. Shakespearean performances at all times considered the standard theater. Every actor dreams of today to embody the feelings and experiences they wrote about the great William Shakespeare.
5. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.
6. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good.
7. I deeply and sincerely respect you, but the lack of any respect for your brother makes our friendship impossible.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Formal versus informal teaching.

Formal education is classroom-based, provided by certified teachers. Informal education happens outside the classroom, in after-school programs, child care centers, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, and at home. Pre-K education can fall anywhere between the two, although Head Start centers and many preschools are defining their learning outcomes more rigorously and requiring more professional training for teachers. What are the main differences between formal and informal education? · In general, classrooms have the same kids and teachers every day. After-school programs are often drop-in, so attendance is inconsistent and the staff may change from day to day. · Classroom activities can last several days. After-school programs need to complete an activity within a day because a different group of kids could be in attendance tomorrow. · You can assume that classroom-based teachers have a certain level of training in educational philosophy, effective teaching strategies, classroom management, and content. After-school providers and child care providers, by contrast, vary in experience and knowledge of teaching techniques, content expertise, and group management. Typically, materials for after-school programs and many child care settings include a lot more structure. · School-based teachers need to meet educational standards and stick to a specified curriculum, which can make it difficult for them to incorporate nontraditional content. After-school programs, on the other hand, can be more flexible with their content, as can child care centers. Both formal and informal educational settings offer different strengths to your educational outreach project. If your project fits in the classroom, it can have a very long life; teachers will use trusted resources for years. After-school programs offer a different kind of environment, where your activities don't need to be as formal and where you can reach a different audience. While both schools and after-school programs serve students, many kids who feel disenfranchised at school blossom in after-school settings. Real learning can happen in a setting where kids feel less intimidated or more comfortable than they do in a formal classroom. The ultimate goal is that a child's success in an informal setting can lead to greater confidence in the formal classroom. An additional benefit of developing materials for informal educational settings is that these materials may be useful to parents at home with their kids or in any number of settings, among them after-school centers, museum education programs, and libraries.

Формальное образование классе основе, при условии, сертифицированных преподавателей. Неформальное образование происходит за пределами классной комнаты, в после-школьные программы, центры по уходу за детьми, общинные организации, музеи, библиотеки и дома. Pre-K образования может упасть где-нибудь между двумя, хотя Head Start центрах и многих дошкольных учреждений, определяющие их результатов обучения более строго и требуют более профессионального обучения для учителей.

Каковы основные различия между формальным и неформальным образованием?
В общем, классы имеют одинаковые дети и учителя каждый день. После школы программы часто Drop-In, так что посещаемость непоследовательной и сотрудники могут измениться со дня на день.
Класс деятельность может длиться несколько дней. После школы программы необходимо завершить деятельность в течение дня, потому что другая группа детей может присутствовать завтра.
Можно предположить, что наглядные учителя имеют определенный уровень подготовки в философии образования, эффективных стратегий обучения, классное руководство, и содержание. После школы провайдеров и провайдеров по уходу за детьми, напротив, меняются в опыте и знании методики преподавания, содержание опыта, и группа управления. Как правило, материалы для после-школьные программы и множество настроек по уходу за ребенком включают в себя много больше структуры.
Школьные учителя должны удовлетворять образовательные стандарты и придерживаться указанного учебного плана, который может сделать это трудно для них, чтобы включить нетрадиционным содержанием. После школы программами, с другой стороны, может быть более гибкими с их содержанием, как это детские сады.
Как формальные, так и неформальные учебные заведения предлагают различные преимущества для вашего образовательного проекта с населением. Если ваш проект вписывается в классе, она может иметь очень долгую жизнь, учителя будут использовать проверенные ресурсы в течение многих лет. После школы предлагают программы различного вида среды, где ваши действия не должны быть формальными, как и где можно достичь различной аудитории.
В то время как школы и внешкольные программы служат студентов, многие дети, которые чувствуют себя лишенными гражданских прав в школе цветут после школы настроек. Реальное обучение может происходить в обстановке, где дети чувствуют себя менее запуганы или более комфортно, чем в формальном классе. Конечная цель заключается в том, что успех ребенка в неформальной обстановке может привести к большей уверенности в формальном классе.
Дополнительным преимуществом разработки материалов для неформальных образовательных учреждений является то, что эти материалы могут быть полезны для родителей дома со своими детьми или в любое количество параметров, в том числе внешкольных центров, музейных программ образования и библиотек.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values."2. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.3. Tradition has it that the daughter is like a mother and son - the father. I have it on a point of view: they are given the same set of genes, and thus - the chances are equal.4. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.5. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.6. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden.7. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. What do you think of the role of different technical aids that modern technology puts at the disposal of the teacher? Education -Technology has become a valuable academic tool. All modern possibilities of the Internet with its access to information, computers, laptops with their different functions, calculators enable you to study more effectively. Some classrooms are equipped with Interactive Whiteboards, projectors, sound systems, laptops which enable teachers to make lessons interesting and effective. Communication- This sphere also benefits from technology. Having a mobile phone, for example, you can be quickly connected with your friend or business partner and solve the problem instantly. Having a web camera and the Net you see and talk to a person who is far away from you. Also you can send and get information in a matter of seconds.• Образование -
Технология стала ценным академического инструмента. Все современные возможности Интернета с доступом к информации, компьютеры, ноутбуки с их различными функциями, калькуляторы позволяют изучать более эффективно. Некоторые классы оснащены интерактивной доски, проекторы, акустические системы, ноутбуки, которые позволяют учителям сделать уроки интересными и эффективными. • Связь -Эта сфера также выигрывает от технологии. Наличие мобильного телефона, например, вы можете быть быстро связанные с вашим другом или деловым партнером и решить проблему немедленно. Наличие веб-камеры и сети вы увидеть и поговорить с человеком, который находится далеко от вас. Также Вы можете отправить и получить информацию в считанные секунды.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.2. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good.3. "If what we found injured in the house, I believe that the old man is honest and telling the truth - he stood his ground! The wounded man was too weak to go anywhere, he will not survive the trip.4. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values."5. Shriek owls reached incredibly high notes, fell and died in the night.6. Talented film is a talented collection of works of all involved in its creation - director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, lighting technicians, directors, prop, decorators, pyrotechnics, make-up, costume, Video, double, stunt, not to mention the talented work of talented actors.7. Motif is dead in 1999, during the life of a little-known abstract artist of Armenian origin Arthur Pinadzhan. Value of certain of about 3 thousand of his paintings, drawings, sketches, up to 87 thousand dollars.



Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: What do you think of the problem of the generation gap?

Generation Gap - Конфликт поколений,

Do you know what a generation gap is? Even if you don't know the particular definition, you are aware of this problem, basing on your own experience. Generation gap is a popular term used to describe serious differences between people of two generations. To realize how to deal with it, you should keep in mind that generation gap includes several aspects: children must know as much as possible about their parents and parents — about the world outlook of their children, about relations between brothers and sisters, and also about the attitude to them of close relatives on both sides — father's and mother's. Children demand a great deal of attention, time and patience, so, if you are not ready to devote all that to your baby, it is better not to hurry There are many families where both parents keep working after giving birth to their baby It is similar to the situation with a single-parent family, when a father or a mother hardly have enough time and neglect their children's upbringing. In such cases most of the time the child has to spend on his own or with his friends. Due to the fact that he has not got any guidance from his parents he may be involved in some bad companies which commit violence or even crime and become alcohol or drug addicted. When the parents discover that, it's usually too late to change anything. On the other hand, there is a different situation when the parents treat their children too strict and don't give them any freedom at all. In this case the children may become pariahs among their peers. Constant bans may increase the risk that the child will grow up insolent and defiant. This causes another big problem — lying. The child is forced to lie to the parents because of the fear to be punished. It can be anything from putting on make-up in the girls' room at school to stealing. Some children rebel against discipline and family values. They listen to a loud music, wear inappropriate, to their parents' mind, clothes, dye their hair in inconceivable colours, have all their bodies pierced and tattooed trying to show their independence and establish their identity. They want to be treated as adults, but they are not ready to take all the necessary responsibilities. It doesn't mean that your child is bad and he will become a criminal. Of course, not! It only means that your child is in his transitional age and he is in need of your understanding and support. But how to handle such behaviour? Parents should become his close friends. First of all they should learn to respect his interests. Try to speak with him as often as possible, offer some parent-child activities like shopping or going in for sports. It is worth involving the child in discussing some family questions, just to show that he is a full member of the family. Moreover, children in their teens are very vulnerable when they are criticized in public, so try to avoid it. Parents should always be honest and sincere with their child; otherwise it would be unfair to require the same from him. Too authoritarian parents can't do any good to their children as well as parents who overindulge all the child's caprices. Overindulgence may lead to the same results as negligence. There are parents who are afraid of hurting the child by banning something when it is necessary. Such parents risk becoming powerless in the family and losing control over their children who may become spoiled and capricious. Знаете ли вы, что такое проблема отцов и детей? Даже если вам неизвестно точное определение, вы, скорее всего, знакомы с этой проблемой на основе собственного опыта. Конфликт поколений, или проблема отцов и детей, — это популярный термин, который используется для описания серьёзных разногласий между двумя поколениями. Для того чтобы понять, как справляться с этой проблемой, нужно помнить, что проблема отцов и детей включает в себя несколько аспектов: дети должны знать как можно больше о своих родителях, а родители — о мировоззрении своих детей, об отношениях между братьями и сестрами, об отношении к ним близких родственников со стороны как отца, так и матери. Дети требуют огромного внимания, много времени и терпения; поэтому, если вы не готовы уделять ребёнку большое количество времени, лучше не торопиться заводить его. Очень часто встречаются семьи, где оба родителя продолжают работать даже после рождения ребёнка. Такая ситуация схожа с другой, где ребёнка воспитывает только один родитель. В таких случаях папе или маме постоянно не хватает времени, чтобы проводить время с малышом, и они почти не занимаются его воспитанием. Большую часть времени ребёнок вынужден проводить в одиночестве или в компании друзей. Лишённый родительского присмотра, он может быть вовлечён в плохую компанию, где дети совершают дурные поступки или даже преступления, становятся алкогольно или наркотически зависимыми. Когда же родителям становится об этом известно, обычно уже слишком поздно, для того чтобы что-либо изменить. Но существуют и такие отношения в семье, когда родители чрезмерно строги с ребёнком и лишают его всякой свободы. Из-за этого он может стать изгоем среди ровесников. Постоянные запреты увеличивают риск того, что ребёнок вырастет дерзким и непослушным. Это, в свою очередь, порождает ещё одну серьёзную проблему: ребёнок вынужден почти всегда лгать своим родителям из-за страха быть наказанным. Ложь может быть выражена в какой угодно форме — от наведения макияжа в женском туалете в школе до воровства. Некоторые дети восстают против дисциплины и семейных ценностей. Они постоянно слушают громкую музыку, носят ужасную, с точки зрения родителей, одежду, красят волосы в немыслимые цвета, делают пирсинг и татуировки по всему телу. Всё это они делают с одной единственной целью — показать свою независимость, заявить о том, что они уже полноправные личности в этом мире. Дети жаждут, чтобы с ними обращались как со взрослыми людьми, однако они ещё не готовы принять на себя всю необходимую ответственность. Такое поведение отнюдь не значит, что ваш ребёнок непременно станет плохим человеком. Конечно же, нет! Это означает лишь то, что он вошёл в переходный возраст и очень нуждается в вашем понимании и поддержке. Но как же справиться с таким поведением? Родители должны стать самыми близкими друзьями ребёнка. Прежде всего, нужно научиться уважать его интересы. Нужно стараться как можно чаще разговаривать с ним, предлагать ему какие-либо совместные занятия, к примеру шопинг или спорт. Обязательно включать своего ребёнка в обсуждение важных семейных вопросов, чтобы дать ему понять, что он является полноправным членом семьи. Более того, нужно учитывать, что дети в подростковом возрасте очень ранимы, поэтому старайтесь избегать публичной критики. Родители всегда должны быть честными и искренними по отношению к своему ребёнку, иначе просто несправедливо требовать того же от него. Чрезмерное потакание родителей всем капризам ребёнка может привести к таким же результатам, как невнимательность и равнодушие по отношению к нему. Некоторые родители боятся обидеть ребёнка необходимыми запретами. Такие родители рискуют потерять контроль над ребёнком, который легко может стать избалованным и капризным.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Moki Mioke - amazingly talented German artist, which are subject to different styles and trends in art. The creative "piggy bank" masters paintings on wood and funny street art, black and white photo and plain sculpture... new hobby Moki Mioke - acrylic painting inspired by Japanese anime of Hayao Miyazaki and the Scandinavian landscape.2. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.3. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "4. The canvas was written in the early period of the master, when he was under the influence of one of the founders of the Mannerist painter of the Florentine Pontormo. Painting attributed to the number of first-class works by Bronzino.3. Shakespearean performances at all times considered the standard theater. Every actor dreams of today to embody the feelings and experiences they wrote about the great William Shakespeare.4. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.5. "When you write the big picture, you are in his experience," - wrote Rothko, hypnotizing the viewer hovering boxes, the lack of clear boundaries, mobile painting fluttering colors.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Is the appreciation of pictures a special faculty which only a few can possess?

One needs the ability to appreciate and share the vision of artists, lacking such ability one may develop it. The best way to get understanding and greater enjoyment of art is to view many paintings, looking at them thoughtfully, honestly.

Нужно умение ценить и поделиться видением художников, отсутствие такой способности можно развивать.Лучший способ получить понимание и большее удовольствие от искусства, чтобы просмотреть много картин, глядя на них задумчиво, честно.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.2. At Christie's auction of old masters, to be held on January 30, put "Portrait of a young man with a book" painted a prominent representative of Mannerist Agnolo Bronzino.3. Despite the fact that she was tired, she was pleased to see that article turned out quite good, though, maybe you would like to give more examples.4. If you have done all that is required of you, you were not like now in a quandary: should know in advance that you need to enter this institution.5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt.6. In its report, the scientist referred several times to the latest experiments, the results are such that it will not tolerate that hindered him.7. I like documentaries and chronicle all the other genres - mystery, thriller, westerns, adventure, fantasy, tragedy. I remain completely indifferent to all these newfangled trends in film, with all its tinsel, stars and stars one-day.



Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: A great painting enriches our experience of life, just as a great poem does or a great musical composition.

Ideas: The more we look at the picture the more it reveals. Painters make us see and think a great deal more than the objects before us, they teach us to look at a scene through their eyes, their own imagination. The masterpieces of painting, like the masterpieces of music and poetry transform experience; they are an inexhaustible source of beauty.

Идеи: Чем больше мы смотрим на картину тем больше она раскрывает. Художники заставляют нас видеть и думать, гораздо больше, чем объекты перед нами, они учат нас смотреть на сцену через их глаза, их собственное воображение. Шедевры живописи, как и шедевры музыки и поэзии преобразование опыта; они являются неисчерпаемым источником красоты.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Your part was very cautious to deliver us from the need to meet this unpleasant person, although he at all good to me.2. Giving them an advantage in the fact that it is in the forest, away from the road and we can enjoy the beautiful pine yonder against the evening sky.3. Eliza was aware that soon they will not need for its services, and so rushed to find a new job, showing all your great recommendations.4. "When you write the big picture, you are in his experience," - wrote Rothko, hypnotizing the viewer hovering boxes, the lack of clear boundaries, mobile painting fluttering colors.5. Moki Mioke - amazingly talented German artist, which are subject to different styles and trends in art. The creative "piggy bank" masters paintings on wood and funny street art, black and white photo and plain sculpture... new hobby Moki Mioke - acrylic painting inspired by Japanese anime of Hayao Miyazaki and the Scandinavian landscape.6. Talented film is a talented collection of works of all involved in its creation - director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, lighting technicians, directors, prop, decorators, pyrotechnics, make-up, costume, Video, double, stunt, not to mention the talented work of talented actors.
7. Motif is dead in 1999, during the life of a little-known abstract artist of Armenian origin Arthur Pinadzhan. Value of certain of about 3 thousand of his paintings, drawings, sketches, up to 87 thousand dollars.



Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. “Aesthetic” effects make art especially engaging and illuminating.

The aesthetics of a product have far reaching consequences. The desire to posses attractive items is an innate part of the human condition and we should use this to our advantage. All other things being equal, when comparing two products:

The attractive product will be perceived as easier to use. Ease of use is often a criteria in purchase decisions – easy to use products require less training and support. So by improving the attractiveness it increases the perceived ease of use – improving the chances of making a sale

Users will be more likely to develop positive feelings towards the attractive product. This can lead to:

Positive reviews – leading to more sales

They’ll tell their friends – resulting in more sales leads

They’ll tolerate faults more – reducing support calls

The attractive product will be perceived as of higher quality

And, perhaps most importantly; customers may overlook feature deficiencies so they get to use the more attractive product

Spending time and money on the outward appearance of your product makes a lot of sense and that it can more than pay for itself in increased sales. So, if users are complaining that your product isn’t user friendly it might not be a problem with the interface mechanics – it might be their way of saying that it isn’t pretty enough

Эстетика продукта имеют далеко идущие последствия. Желание обладать привлекательной элементов является врожденной частью условий человеческого существования, и мы должны использовать это в наших интересах. При прочих равных, при сравнении двух продуктов:
Привлекательный продукт будет восприниматься как проще в использовании. Простота использования часто критерии в принятии решения о покупке - простая в использовании продукты требуют меньше обучения и поддержки. Таким образом, за счет повышения привлекательности она увеличивает воспринимаемую простоту использования - повышение шансы на продажу
Пользователи будут иметь больше шансов на развитие положительных чувств по отношению к привлекательным продуктом. Это может привести к: Положительные отзывы - ведущих к увеличению продаж Они расскажут своим друзьям - в результате больше продаж приводит Они будут терпеть недостатки более - снижение обращений в службу поддержки Привлекательный продукт будет восприниматься как более высокое качество И, пожалуй, самое главное, клиенты могут пропустить функцию недостатков таким образом они получают использовать более привлекательный продукт
Тратить время и деньги на внешний вид вашего продукта делает много смысла и что он может больше, чем заплатить за себя в увеличение продаж. Таким образом, если пользователи жалуются, что ваш продукт не удобный оно не может быть проблема с интерфейсом механика - это может быть их способ сказать, что это не красиво достаточно

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. "Demonstrate courage - to admit his mistake, especially since denied pointless - a waste of time and effort. Besides, this is just indecent. "2. On Dutch Art Fair in Maastricht, which opened to visitors on March 14, on sale now put Diego Velazquez.3. Giving them an advantage in the fact that it is in the forest, away from the road and we can enjoy the beautiful pine yonder against the evening sky.4. New research findings from the Swiss "Mona Lisa", known as "Ayzeluortskaya Mona Lisa", is seen as evidence that this picture is a late copy of the "Mona Lisa" (1503-1505), and was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.5. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden.6. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.7. As you know, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods, humans and animals only in profile. And not because they were poor artists - all a matter of religious beliefs: picture - it's not just a "scribble" on any surface, and the "door" between our world and the Ka.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic:

Because of their special environment, museums and picture galleries offer the kind of conditions that allow a student to experience the intrinsic qualities of the art object. The atmosphere of museums evokes marvel.

People reflect their lives in art. Real, live art appeals to the heart and mind of every person, to their feelings and ideals, it proclaims life. Art is truthful only when it serves life, only when the artist hopes to arouse a warm response in the heart of a person. That was the case in the days of Giotto and Raphael, that was the case in the subsequent stages of the world's artistic development, and that was the truthful relationship of art and life in the days of Renato Guttuso and Rockwell Kent. Art belongs to people.

Люди отражают их жизнь в искусстве. Реальное, живое искусство призывы к сердцу и уму каждого человека, свои чувства и идеалы, она провозглашает жизни. Искусство есть правдивый только тогда, когда она служит жизни, только когда художник надеется пробудить отклик в сердце человека. Так было во времена Джотто и Рафаэля, что было в последующие этапы развития искусства в мире, и это была правдивая отношения искусства и жизни в дни Ренато Гуттузо и Рокуэлла Кента. Искусство принадлежит народу.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Professor Chomsky - the greatest scientist. For our university, an honor that he came to us.
2. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.3. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "4. Shakespearean performances at all times considered the standard theater. Every actor dreams of today to embody the feelings and experiences they wrote about the great William Shakespeare.
5. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.6. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.7. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: The great value of visiting a museum and studying works of art first-hand is that one becomes aware of the qualitative difference between original and photographic reproductions.

Giclée Fine Art Printing

Using a selection of museum quality media, that meets The Fine Art Trade Guild requirements, any size of original water-colour, oil,pastel or photographic image can be reproduced as a Limited Edition Fine Art Print. After a one-off set-up fee per scanned and colour corrected image (from £20 depending on image size and quantity of prints required) prints can be ordered in the future,on demand, to the Artists' requirements (minimum of five A4 or A3). Please note that some heavy oil pictures could require photographic reproduction at a slightly higher cost.There is no set up fee for images supplied on digital file Prints are created using Epson Ultrachrome HDR inks to ensure long life. Giclée printing offers the highest degree of accuracy and richness of colour available.

Giclée Canvas Prints on 100% pure cotton canvas are ideal for the reproduction of your photographs or paintings and give added value to your artwork. Prints on canvas have an extra protective coating to ensure there is no damage from scratching or splashes and for greater UV stability. Please contact us for prices for this service.

Жикле изобразительных искусств печать
С помощью выбора музейного качества информации, которая отвечает требованиям изобразительного искусства Гильдии Торговля, любого размера оригинального акварелью, маслом, пастелью или фотографическое изображение может быть воспроизведен в качестве Limited Edition Fine Print ст. После одноразовой платы за соединение в отсканированном и цветокоррекцию изображений (от $ 20 в зависимости от размера и количества отпечатков обязательно) отпечатки могут быть заказаны в будущем, по запросу, с требованиями художников (минимум пять A4 или A3). Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что некоторые тяжелые картины маслом может потребоваться фотографическое воспроизведение по несколько более высоким cost.There не создана плату за изображения поставляются на цифровую печать файлов создаются с помощью Epson UltraChrome HDR чернила для обеспечения длительного срока службы. Жикле печати предлагает самую высокую степень точности и богатство цвета в наличии.
Жикле отпечатки на холсте на 100% чистый холст хлопка идеально подходит для воспроизведения ваших фотографий или картин и дают дополнительную ценность для ваших работ. Печать на холсте иметь дополнительный защитный слой, чтобы убедиться в отсутствии повреждений от царапин и брызг и для большей УФ-стабильностью. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для цен на эту услугу.


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good.2. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.3. Muffled sound of the rain drumming on the roof, muffled their footsteps.4. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.5. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values."6. Motif is dead in 1999, during the life of a little-known abstract artist of Armenian origin Arthur Pinadzhan. Value of certain of about 3 thousand of his paintings, drawings, sketches, up to 87 thousand dollars.7. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.


Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic: Emotions are perfectly permissive signs of the healthy body’s response to distress.All negative symptoms, physical or mental, stem from an imbalance. For example, mood swings are caused by a chemical imbalance, while muscular pain usually results from a structural imbalance. Negative symptoms are there as a warning sign to tell you that your body is not functioning effectively and you need to act before the imbalance becomes unmanageable. If you run your body the way it likes to be run and give it the resources it needs the rewards will be great. If the system works well then the feedback will be positive – plenty of energy, emotional stability and fewer aches and pains.

Of course it is not always just your lifestyle that makes you ill. Any trauma that weakens the body – such as an accident, disease, virus or emotional distress – can be the main trigger for ill health or emotional instability. Exposure to such things is part and parcel of living, which is why you have an inbuilt coping mechanism to deal with them. It is your ability to recover that dictates the state of your health; it is also the deciding factor in whether or not a problem develops. Negative aspects of your lifestyle, such as a bad diet or too much stress, may not be the initial reason for ill health but they can certainly prevent you from recovering. Anything, no matter how small, that puts strain on an already-weakened body will only add to the problem and slow down or even stop the process of recovery.

What Warning Signs Are You Experiencing? Some physical warning signs:

fatigue aches and pains sickness headaches dry skin and rashes food cravings weight imbalances a need for stimulants poor sleep

Some psychological warning signs: unhappiness anxiety disinterest over-sensitivity panic a


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