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перевода и говорения для студентов II курса

очной формы обучения специальности 150202

«Оборудование и технология сварочного производства»




УДК 42.07


Английский язык: методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода и говорения для студентов II курса очной формы обучения специальности 150202 «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства». – Брянск: БГТУ, 2007. – 34 с.


Разработала: Максимова М.В.,




Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ

(протокол № 10 от 22. 11. 06)



Настоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов II курса дневного отделения специальности «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства».

Основная цель данного подобия – развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также развитие навыков говорения.

Методические указания состоят из II разделов. Каждый раздел имеет определенную структуру: базовый терминологический и общенаучный словарь-минимум для чтения оригинальной литературы, основной текст, послетекстовые упражнения и задания.

Основные тексты отобраны из англо-американской литературы. Их главная цель - научить читать научно-технические тексты, самостоятельно вести поиск информации, уметь обобщать полученную информацию и углублять профессиональные знания, вести беседу в пределах данной тематики. Система упражнений ориентирована на закрепление лексики и грамматических конструкций, на развитие навыков устной речи, а также на понимание студентами предлагаемого материала и стимулирование самостоятельных суждений и высказываний. В конце каждой части пособия даются тексты, которые могут быть использованы студентами для закрепления навыков перевода научно-технической литературы.




Read and translate the text.

Text A

Introduction to Welding Processes & Equipment

Among the first things a new welder needs to understand, is what the different kinds of welding processes and equipment are, and their application. A quick rundown:


1. Soldering:
Bonding by melting a soft metal to the surface of pieces to be joined. Low temperature. Good for joining dissimilar materials. Most common solders are lead-tin alloys.

2. Tinning:
A soldering process, where the surface of a metal is coated with solder.

3. Leading:
A form of soldering, solder is used to fill in the surface of metal.

4. Brazing:
Similar to soldering, but uses a higher temperature to fuse the filler metal to the work pieces. Stronger bond. (Includes "Silver Soldering") Work heated to pre-melt temperatures.

5. Welding:
Joining 2 similar work pieces by melting them together, usually with an additional filler rod of some sort to take up space. Materials must be similar.

6. Cutting:
Work is heated to melting point and beyond, and "cut" by oxidizing metal. (Literally burning it away).

7. Shield:
A barrier to keep oxygen away from heated work to prevent oxidation. Includes chemical coatings called flux (liquids, pastes, solids, which may be vaporized into a barrier gas when heated), and inert gasses.

Oxidation of the surfaces will prevent proper bonding of the metals.

Read and learn the following words and expressions:

application soldering to bond to melt surface lead-tin alloys tinning brazing to fuse filler metal work piece filler rod shield oxidation flux to vaporize - применение - паяние - соединять - плавиться - поверхность - свинцово-оловянный сплав - лужение - пайка твердым припоем - плавить(ся), сплавлять(ся) - присадочный металл - заготовка - присадочный пруток - экран; защитная ширма - окисление - плавень, флюс - испаряться

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the first things a new welder needs to understand?

2. What is soldering?

3. Give the definition to the term tinning.

4. What is the difference between soldering and brazing?

5. What is welding?

6. What is cutting?

7. What do you know about shield?

Fill in prepositions if necessary. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. A new welder needs to understand the kind … welding processes and equipment.

2. Good...joining dissimilar materials.

3. Leading is a form … soldering, solder is used to fill in the surface of metal.

4. Brazing is similar … soldering, but uses a higher temperature to fuse the filler metal to the work pieces.

5. Welding is joining 2 similar work pieces … melting them together, usually … an additional filler rod of some sort to take up space.

6. During the cutting the work is heated … melting point and beyond.

7. Shield is a barrier to keep oxygen… … heated work to prevent oxidation.

8. Oxidation … the surfaces will prevent proper bonding … the metals oxidation.

Give the summary of the text.

What parts of speech do the following words belong to? Translate these words into Russian.

Welding, equipment, welder, application, dissimilar, higher, usually, point, space, coat, use, form, liquid, coating, call.

Read and translate the text.

Text B


Brazing is "a group of welding processes which produces coalescence of materials by heating them to a suitable temperature and by using a filler metal, having a liquidus above 450oC and below the solidus of the base materials. The filler metal is distributed between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary attraction."

A braze is a very special form of weld, the base metal is theoretically not melted. There are seven popular different processes within the brazing group. The source of heat differs among the processes. Braze welding relates to welding processes using brass or bronze filler metal, where the filler metal is not distributed by capillary action.



Soldering is "a group of joining processes which produces coalescence of materials by heating them to a suitable temperature and by using a filler metal having a liquidus not exceeding 450 oC (840 oF) and below the solidus of the base materials. The filler metal is distributed between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary attraction." There are a number of different soldering processes and methods.


Read and translate the text.

Text A

Gas Welding

Uses Flame from burning gas to create welding heat.

· Propane torch:
Soldering, heating

Good for sweating pipes, starting fires, and spending hours trying to heat frozen bolts, while the surrounding metal gets just as hot.

· Oxyacetylene torch:
Cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, leading.

Most universal and useful welding tool. With the right bits, rod, and technique, you can weld almost anything. Good for cutting anything from sheet metal to the turret of a tank, lead filling, brazing (a sort of hard soldering process) welding plate, welding sheet metal, welding aluminium, heating frozen bolts, or alternately cutting them off, drilling holes in plate, welding cast iron, shrinking and forming steel. Drawbacks are: Overheating of some types of work, harder to control quality of some processes.

· Oxy-propane:
Soldering, brazing, heating.

A cheap compromise between low cost and portable propane, and Oxy-Acetylene. Better than the former, not as good as the latter.


Arc Welding

Uses an electric arc to create welding heat.

· Basic AC & DC arc welders (AC is cheaper)

Uses flux coated steel (or other) rods of various types for different jobs. Makes some of the best welds on heavy gauge steels and cast iron. Cutting rods can make clean holes through thick stock, and are about the only thing which can cut Kryptonite bike locks. Very difficult to weld thin metals. You can also get a carbon arc torch to use on an arc welder to braze.

· MIG (Metal Inert Gas):

A DC arc welding process which uses filler metal fed in the form of a spool of thin wire, shielded by flow of inert gas (CO2, Argon) instead of flux used in Arc. Very fast, much easier than Arc Welding, with less heat buildup. Very good for sheet metal, due to minimal heat distortion. Harder to weld thick stock, as welds are weaker due to poorer penetration. The modern choice for steel body work, it can also be used for Aluminium with Argon as the shield gas.

· TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas):

A high frequency AC arc process which uses a tungsten electrode shielded by an inert gas to create a fine, controllable torch. Uses a separate filler rod, as in Oxy-Acetylene welding. Capable of welding very thin metals. About the best process for Aluminium, Stainless steel, and other exotic stuff.

· Resistance welding: includes spot welding:

Uses the heat generated by electricity flowing through work to melt and fuse. i.e.- put an electrode on either side of 2 overlapped sheets of steel, turn on power. Metal in between heats up, and melts together. An old favorite for assembling car bodies.

· Plasma Cutters:

Not a welder, but related. A high voltage arc is used to superheat and ionize a stream of air to the "plasma" state. The stream of plasma makes a rapid, clean, narrow cut with minimal heating of the work piece.

There is, of course, a wide range of equipment, capabilities, quality, and pricing. The quality can make a big difference in the ease of use and quality of work. "You get what you pay for." Experience, and practice, practice, practice are very important. Learning from an expert gets you there a lot faster.


Read and learn the following words and expressions:

gas welding propane torch oxyacetylene torch sheet metal turret to drill holes cast iron to shrink drawback arc welding flux coated gauge carbon arc welding - газовая сварка - пропановая горелка - ацетиленокислородная сварочная горелка - листовой металл - револьверная головка (станка) - сверлить отверстия - чугун - сжиматься - недостаток - электродуговая сварка - шлакообразующее покрытие; минеральное покрытие - шаблон, лекало, эталон - дуговая сварка угольным электродом
DC (direct current) - постоянный ток
AC (alternating current) - переменный ток
Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) - дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа
MIG (Metal Inert Gas) - дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в среде инертного газа
spool - шпулька, катушка; бобина
heat buildup - накопление тепла
distortion - искажение

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What kinds of torches do you know? Describe each of them.

2. What types of welding are mentioned in the text? Tell a few words about each of them.

Give the summary of the text.


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