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Economy Of Ultrasonic Metal Welding

In order to determine the economics of using an ultrasonic metal welding process, the essential criteria such as investment costs, energy requirements, process time, welding quality, etc. must be compared to other bonding techniques on a case-by-case basis.

No substitute

For large number of selected applications, ultrasonic metal welding is particularly effective. On the other hand, there are also a number of applications for which soldering, crimping, laser or resistance welding is the better solution. This means that ultrasonic metal welding is no substitute for other bonding techniques but rather a very welcome supplement to the range of bonding techniques. There are different applications and savings for each individual application.

The investment costs for ultrasonic metal welding equipment, depending on the features, are higher than those for a resistance welding machine or a simple soldering tool. But they are by far lower than those for laser welding equipment.

Low energy costs

The high costs for the electric energy and the necessary water cooling for a resistance welder, for example, greatly exceeds the energy costs involved in ultrasonic metal welding. Here, only an outlet for 100 V AC or 240 V AC is necessary and the energy is only required for a fraction of a second.

Superior process control

Another advantage of ultrasonic metal welding is that there are no consumable materials. If a soldered bond for which silver solder has been used can be replaced by ultrasonic metal welding, a significant payback can be realized.

In many cases, the manufacturing cycle time can also be reduced as ultrasonic metal welding often makes prework or rework redundant.

In addition to the aforementioned cost advantages, it is above all the improved welding quality which is decisive when ultrasonic welding equipment is used. The increased use of computer-controlled ultrasonic metal welding equipment offers a large scope of possible controls during the welding process. In large-scale production, this has led to a considerable reduction of rejects and quality-related problems. Apart from the mentioned advantages, ultrasonic metal welding is also a very environmentally-compatible process.

Environmentally compatible

Characteristic advantages are:

· very low energy consumption

· no cooling water necessary

· no fumes or odors

· modest space requirement

The positive results which have been observed in industries since the beginning of the '80s with the introduction of ultrasonic metal welding has led to its increasing use in many cost-intensive industries, such as the automotive industry. Considerable savings have been implemented in many sectors thanks to this technique.




Welding processes and letter designation
Group Welding Process Letter Designation
Arc welding - электродуговая сварка Carbon Arc дуговая сварка угольным электродом CAW
  Gas Metal Arc дуговая сварка металлическим электродом GMAW
  Gas Tungsten Arc дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом (в защитном газе) GTAW
  Plasma Arc плазменная сварка PAW
  Shielded Metal Arc дуговая сварка металлическим покрытым электродом SMAW
  Stud Arc приварка шпилек плавлением SW
  Submerged Arc (дуговая) сварка под флюсом SAW
  Dip Brazing пайка погружением в расплавленный припой DB
  Furnace Brazing пайка в печи FB
  Induction Brazing индукционная пайка IB
  Infrared Brazing пайка инфракрасными лучами IRB
  Resistance Brazing пайка электросопротивлением RB
  Torch Brazing пайка с применением нагрева пламенем TB
Oxyfuel Gas Welding - газовая сварка Oxyacetylene Welding ацетилено-кислородная сварка OAW
  Oxyhydrogen Welding водородно-кислородная сварка OHW
  Pressure Gas Welding газопрессовая сварка PGW
Resistance Welding - (контактная) сварка сопротивлением Flash Welding стыковая сварка оплавлением FW
  Percussion Welding ударная сварка PEW
  Projection Welding рельефная сварка RPW
  Resistance-Seam Welding шовная контактная сварка RSEW
  Resistance-Spot Welding точечная контактная сварка RSW
  Upset Welding стыковая сварка сопротивлением UW
Solid State Welding Cold Welding холодная сварка CW
  Diffusion Welding диффузионная сварка DFW
  Explosion Welding сварка взрывом EXW
  Forge Welding кузнечная сварка FOW
  Friction Welding сварка трением FRW
  Hot Pressure Welding сварка давлением с подогревом HPW
  Roll Welding сварка прокаткой ROW
  Ultrasonic Welding ультразвуковая сварка USW
Soldering - пайка мягким [легкоплавким] припоем Dip Soldering пайка погружением DS
  Furnace Soldering пайка в печи FS
  Induction Soldering индукционная пайка IS
  Infrared Soldering пайка инфракрасными лучами IRS
  Resistance Soldering пайка (электро)сопротивлением RS
  Wave Soldering пайка волной припоя WS
Other Welding Processes – другие процессы сварки Electron Beam Электронно-лучевая сварка EBW
  Electroslag электрошлаковая сварка ESW
  Induction сварка с индукционным нагревом IW
  Laser Beam лазерная сварка LBW
  Thermit термитная сварка TW



Английский язык: методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода и говорения для студентов II курса очной формы обучения специальности 150202 «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства». – Брянск: БГТУ, 2007.


Максимова марина владимировна



Научный редактор Е.А. Акулова

Редактор издательства Л.И. Афонина

Компьютерный набор М.В. Максимова



Темплан 2007 г., п.


Подписано в печать. Формат 60х84 1/16 Бумага офсетная. Офсетная печать. Усл. печ. л. 1,97 Уч.-изд. л. 1,97

Тираж 40 экз. Заказ Бесплатно.


Брянский государственный технический университет.

241035, Брянск, бульвар 50-летия Октября, 7. БГТУ. 54-90-49.

Лаборатория оперативной полиграфии БГТУ, ул. Институтская, 16.


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