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Обязанности старшего механика

Duties of Chief Engineer
(Обязанности старшего механика)


Chief Engineer is responsible to the Captain for:

(Старший механик подчиняется капитану и несет перед ним ответственность за)

1. the engine department and the safety of the crew, machinery and environment directly within his control;

(механическую часть судна, безопасность экипажа, исправную работу механизмов и охрану окружающей среды)

2. the implementation of the company’s policies as contained within the Fleet Standing Instructions, company manuals and other official company instructions on all machinery related matters of operations, safety and environmental protection;

(исполнение на судне требований Компании, изложенных в Инструкциях по Флоту, Руководствах и других документах Компании по вопросам эксплуатации машин и механизмов; безопасности и защиты окружающей среды)

3. the onboard discipline of all the engine department officers and crew and the appraisal of same;

(соблюдение дисциплины членами машинной команды и оценку их деятельности)

4.the safe operation of the vessel’s machinery and technical plant;

(безопасную эксплуатацию судовых машин и механизмов)

5. the monitoring of the performance of the mail propulsion and auxiliary machinery;

(надежную работу и техническое состояние главного двигателя и вспомогательных механизмов)

6. the accurate monitoring and control of the vessel’s fuel and lubricating oil consumption, and the status of fuel and lubricating oil bunker quantities;

(надлежащий контроль и слежение за расходом топлива и смазочных масел и определение потребности в бункере/маслах)

7. the bunkering of fuel & lubricating oils and other fluids as appropriate;

(прием топлива, смазочных масел и других технических жидкостей)

8. the maintenance of the main propulsion, auxiliary, cargo handling and deck machinery;

(проведение профилактики главного двигателя, вспомогательных механизмов, грузовых и палубных механизмов)

9. the compliance with statutory and classification survey requirements, with regard to machinery and relevant spaces;

(состояние машин и механизмов, машинных отсеков в соответствии с требованиями классификационных освидетельствований)

10. the accurate entry of all operational machinery parameters by the watchkeepers/duty engineers in the engine room log;

(надлежащее ведение машинного журнала, внесение в него вахтенными механиками /мотористами рабочих параметров всех механизмов)

11.the reporting of any accident or damage to the vessel’s machinery or technical plant;

(донесение об аварии или другом ущербе, причиненном судовым механизмам или судовой силовой установке)

12. the safeguarding of the owner’s and company’s interests at all times;

(защиту интересов Судовладельца и Компании)

13. the undertaking of any other duties or instruction as required by the company;

(исполнение других обязанностей или инструкций по требованию Компании)


Places on vessel - название помещений на судне

Русский вариант Английский перевод
Аккумуляторная Battery room
Бортовой грузовой от ceк Wing cargo compartment
Буфетная Pantry
Ванная Bathroom
Вентиляторная Fan room
Влажная кладовая Wet provision
Туалет W. С./ water closet
Грузовые помещения Cargo space
Душевая Shower room
Жилые помещения Accommodation spaces
Жилые помещения команды Crew accommodation (spaces)
Закрытая шахта Closed trunk
Камбуз Galley
Камера для овощей Veg. room
Каюта практикантов Apprentice's accommodation
Кают–компания Mess room
Кинобудка Motion picture projection room
Кладовая Store room
Кладовая белья Linen room
Кинобудка Motion picture projection room
Кладовая Store room
Кладовая белья Linen room
Коридор Corridor
Курительный салон Smoking (smoker) room
Лазарет Sickbay, ship's hospital
Лифт Lift
Малярная Paint room
Мастерская Workshop
Машинная мастерская Engine workshop
Межпалубные трапы Stairways
Овощная камера Vegetable room
Палубные кладовые Deck stores
Парикмахерская Barber shop
Пекарня Bake shop
Плавательный бассейн Swimming pool
Плотницкая Carpenter's shop
Подпалубный коридор Under-deck tunnel
Подшкиперская Bosn's store
Полубак Forecastle



Учим наименования частей судна на английском языке

Parts of the vessel

Наименование Перевод
Бак Forecastle
Брашпиль Windlass
Верхний мостик Upper bridge deck
Верхняя палуба Upper deck (tweendeck)
Второе дно Double bottom
Главная палуба Main deck
Грузовое устройство Cargo handling gear
Грузовой кран (стрела) Cargo crane (derrick)
Дежурная шлюпка Rescue boat
Днище (подводная часть) Bottom
Коридор систем Piping system
Корма Stern
Кормовой подзор левого борта Port quarter
Кормовой подзор правого борта Starboard quarter
Корпус Hull
Котельное отделение Boiler room
Люк Hatch
Люковое закрытие Hatch cover
Мачта Mast
Машинное отделение Engine-room
Мостик Bridge
Надводный борт Freeboard
Надстройка Superstructure
Наружная обшивка Shell plating
Настил двойного дна Double bottom plating
Нижняя палуба Lower deck
Носовая часть судна Bow
Носовой подзор слева Port bow
Носовой подзор справа Starboard bow
Отсек Compartment
Палубная надстройка Deck superstructure
Переборка Bulkhead
Переменный пояс Boottop (area)
Переходной мостик Catwalk
Поперечная переборка Transverse bulkhead
Рулевая машина Steering gear
Рулевая рубка Wheel house
Румпельное отделение Steering compartment
Сигнальная мачта Signal mast
Спасательная шлюпка Lifeboat
Средняя надстройка Midship superstructure
Танк двойного дна Double bottom tank
Твиндек Tweendeck
Труба (дымовая) Funnel; chimney
Трюм Hold
Туннель гребного вала Shaft tunnel/alley
Фальшборт Bulwark
Фок -мачта Foremast
Форштевень Bow stem
Ходовой мостик Navigating bridge
Центральный пост управления (ЦПУ) Central control room (CCR)
Цепной ящик Chain locker
Швартовная лебедка Mooring winch
Швартовное устройство Mooring gear
Шлюпочная палуба Boatdeck
Шлюпочное устройство Boat gear
Шпиль Capstan
Штурманская рубка Chart room
Ют Poop
Якорная цепь - (канат) Anchor chain
Якорное устройство Anchor gear
Якорь Anchor


Duties of Chief engineer. The chief engineer of the ship is the head of the technical department of the ship. It is his duty to ensure that the engine room machinery works properly ge. 1. Chief engineer should ensure that all the ship’s machinery and equipment are working in efficient manner in order to support safe navigation of the ship. 2. He should carry out all his duties, while complying with the rules and regulations laid down by the flag state administration, IMO, and port state authorities. 3. Frequent inspections of equipment dealing with ship and personal safety must be carried out by him at regular intervals of time 4. All items used for pollution prevention should be frequently checked and tried out for proper operating condition 5. Chief engineer should lay down a set of standing orders for each crew member under his command 7. He should see that details of every operation and activity should be properly maintained in log and record books, which state the compliance of the system. 8. Life saving and fire preventing equipment should be checked an regular basis for their operating condition. (Operating mechanism and linkages should be inspected and lubricated frequently) 9. In order to minimize sources of fire, chief engineer must ensure that proper operation and maintenance of fuel and lubricating oil and purifying equipment is carried out to minimize leakages. In case there are leakages, they should be rectified at the earliest. 10. He should also make sure that the amount of waste oil that is collected should be as less as possible. The collected oil should be burnt in an incinerator or given to shore based collecting facilities. 11. Chief engineer should ensure that the maintenance of incinerator is carried out as per the rules and regulations laid down by the management. 12. It is imperative of him to check that the oil is pumped out of the ship only through oily water separator. (According to few company rules, only the chief engineer should handle the Oily water separator) 13. In order to make sure the maintenance and repair procedures are carried out properly, necessary machine spare should be made available in the ships store by filing a proper requisition at the right time. 14. It is the duty of the chief engineer to motivate his crew to develop a "safety first” attitude in his work. 15. Chief engineer also make sure that his crew attends all shipboard emergency drills and safety meetings. 16. Each and every crew member should know how to tackle every kind of situation on ship. The chief engineer must provide guidance to his crew during drills so that they know how to get out of an emergency situation safely in the minimum time possible. 17. While tackling an emergency situation, the Chief Engineer must follow the company guidelines and procedures for dealing with emergencies. 18. At the sight of an emergency, response time matters a lot. Therefore, the chief engineer must be able to guide his crew in minimum time to attend and rectify the task. 19. Chief engineer must have the knowledge of equipment such as fixed fire fighting installation, operation of quick closing valve etc. in order to deal with extreme emergency situations. 20. He must also have the knowledge of ship board emergency equipment response machinery panel, along with other important emergency machinery 21. During an emergency situation, the chief engineer must maintain proper communication with the master regarding the situation of emergency, as the ship’s master is in touch with the local authorities and the shipping office. 22. He must be co-operative with the master so that both deck and engine departments function towards bringing the emergency situation under control in the quickest possible time 23. Last but not the least, the chief engineer should maintain a proper conduct with his crew members and address their queries and requirements at the best of his abilities.



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