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To desire, to wish- желать to want – хотеть

5. Глаголы выражающие отношение между предметами:

to appear, to seem – казаться to belong – принадлежать to exist – существовать to have – иметь to consist – состоять to contain – содержать в себе to own – владеть to cost – стоить to depend – зависеть to weigh - весить to possess – обладать

Types of the sentences Present Past Future Future-in-the-Past
Positive (+) I You V We They He She V+ es/s It E.g. We usually work. He goes to the Zoo every Sunday. I You We They V +ed/ V2 He She It E.g. They worked yesterday. He went to the Zoo 2 years ago. I / We shall V You They He will V She It E.g. We shall work next week. He will go to the Zoo tomorrow. I / We should V You They He would V She It E.g. (He said that) We should work next week. He would go to the Zoo the next day.
Negative (-) I You We do not V They He She does not V It E.g. I don’t like it. He does not go to the Zoo every Sunday. I You We They did not V He She It E.g. I didn’t like it. He did not go to the Zoo yesterday. I / We shall not V You They He will not V She It E.g. I shan’t cook tomorrow. He will not go to the Zoo tomorrow. I / We should not V You They He would not V She It (He said that) We should not work next week. He would not go to the Zoo the next day.
Interrogative (?) I Do you V we they he Does she V It E.g. Do you live here? Does he go to the Zoo every Sunday? I you we Did they V? he she It E.g. Did you live here last year? Did he go to the Zoo last year? Shall I / we V? you they Will he V? she It E.g. Shall we do it tomorrow? Will he go to the Zoo tomorrow? Should I / we V? you they Would he V? she It E.g. Should we do it tomorrow ? Would he go to the Zoo the next day?
Clue words Usually, always, often, sometimes, every day (week, month, year) Yesterday, last week (month, year),... ago Tomorrow, next week (month, year), in  
Types of the sentences Present Past Future Future-in-the-Past
Positive (+) I am You We are Ving They He She is It E.g. I am reading book at 5 o’clock today. She is doing her homework now. I He was Ving She It You We were Ving They E.g. When I came they were reading book. She was doing her homework at 5 o’clock yesterday. I / We shall be Ving You They He will be Ving She It E.g. When I come they will be reading book. She will be doing her homework at 10 o’clock tomorrow.   I / We should be Ving You They He would be Ving She It E.g. (He said that) We should be working at 10 o’clock the next day. He would be going to the Zoo at this time next day.
Negative (-) I am You We are not Ving They He She is It E.g. I am not reading book. She is not doing her home task now. I He She was not Ving It You We were not Ving They E.g. When I came they weren’t reading book. She wasn’t doing her home task at 5 o’clock yesterday. I / We shall not be Ving You They He will not be Ving She It E.g. When I come they will not be reading book. She will not be doing her homework at 10 o’clock tomorrow. I / We should not be Ving You They He would not be Ving She It E.g. (He said that) We should not be working at 10 o’clock the next day. He would not be going to the Zoo at this time next day.
Interrogative (?) Am I you Are we Ving ? they he Is she it E.g. Am I reading book. Is she doing her home task now? I he Was she Ving ? it you Were we Ving ? they E.g. Were you reading book? Was she doing her homework at 5 o’clock yesterday? Shall I / we be Ving? you they Will he be Ving ? she It E.g. Shall we be doing it whole day tomorrow? Will she be doing her homework at 10 o’clock tomorrow? Should I / we be Ving? you they Would he be Ving ? she It E.g. Should we be doing it whole day tomorrow?
Clue words Now, at... o’clock today, at the moment, still. When I came..., from... till o’clock yesterday, whole, while When I come..., from... till o’clock tomorrow, whole, while  
Types of the sentences Present Past Future Future-in-the-Past
Positive (+) I You We have V +ed/ V3 They He She has V +ed/ V3 It E.g. They have just talked He has already written a letter. I You We They had V +ed/ V3 He She It E.g. They had talked He had written a letter. I / We shall have V +ed/ V3 You They He will have V +ed/ V3 She It E.g. He will have written a letter by 5 o’clock tomorrow. I / We should have V +ed/ V3 You They He would have V +ed/ V3 She It E.g. (He said that) He would have written a letter by 5 o’clock the next day.
Negative (-) I You have not V +ed/ V3 We They He She has not V +ed/ V3 It E.g. They have never talked about it. He has not written a letter yet. I You We They had not V +ed/ V3 He She It E.g. They had not talked about it. He had not written a letter. I / We shall not have V +ed/ V3 You They He will not have V +ed/ V3 She It E.g. He will not have written a letter by 5 o’clock tomorrow. I / We should have V +ed/ V3 You They He would not have V +ed/ V3 She It E.g. (He said that) He would not have written a letter by 5 o’clock the next day.
Interrogative (?) I you V +ed/ V3 ? Have we they he Has she V +ed/ V3? it E.g. Have they ever talked about it? Has he written a letter yet? I you we Had they V +ed/ V3 ? he she it E.g. Had they ever talked about it? Had he written a letter yet? Shall I / we have V +ed/ V3? you they Will he have V +ed/ V3 ? she It E.g. Will he have written a letter by 5 o’clock tomorrow? Should I / we have V +ed/ V3? you they Would he have V +ed/ V3 ? she It E.g. Would he have written a letter by 5 o’clock the next day?
Clue words Just, already, yet, never, ever, recently, for For, by … o’ clock yesterday, before. by … o’ clock tomorrow, before  
Types of the sentences Present Past Future Future-in-the-Past
Positive (+) I You have been Ving We They He She has been Ving It E.g. We have been reading since morning. I You We They had been Ving He She It E.g. We had been reading for 2 hours when mother came. I / We shall have been Ving You They He will have been Ving She It E.g. We shall have been reading for 2 hours when they come. I / We should have been Ving You They He would have been Ving She It E.g. (We said that) We should have been reading for 2 hours.
Negative (-) I You have not been Ving We They He She has not been Ving It E.g. We have not been reading since morning. I You We They had not been Ving He She It E.g. We had not been reading for 2 hours when mother came. I / We shall not have been Ving You They He will not have been Ving She It E.g. We shall not have been reading for 2 hours when they come. I / We should not have been Ving You They He would not have been Ving She It E.g. (We said that)We shall not have been reading for 2 hours.
Interrogative (?) I Have you been Ving? we they he Has she been Ving? it E.g. Have we been reading since morning? I you we Had they been Ving? he she it E.g. Had we been reading since morning? Shall I / we have been Ving? you they Will he have been Ving? she It E.g. Will we have been reading for 2 hours when they come? Should I / we have been Ving? you they Would he have been Ving? she It E.g. Would we have been reading for 2 hours?
Clue words since since for for
The verb to be in the Present, Past, Future Tenses
Positive (+) I – am (I’m) You We are (‘re) They He She is (‘s) It   I am a student.Я (есть) студент. You are a student.. Ты (есть) студент. He is a student. Он (есть) студент. I She, He was (‘s) It You We were (‘re) They I was a student. Я был студентом. He was a student. Он был студентом. You were a student. Ты был студентом. I, We – shall be (‘ll be) You They He will be (‘ll be) She It I shall be a student. Я буду студентом. He will be a student. Он будет студентом. You will be a student. Ты будешь студентом.
Negative (-) I am not (‘m not) You We are not (aren’t) They He She is not (isn’t) It E.g. He is not at home. We are not students.   I He She was not (wasn’t) It You We were not (weren’t) They E.g. He was not at home. We were not students.   I / We shall not be (shan’t be) You They He will not be (won’t be) She It E.g. He will not be at home. We shall not be students.  
Interrogative (?) Am I you Are we? they he Is she it E.g. Is he at home? Are we students?   I he Was she? it you Were we? they E.g. Was he at home? Were we students?   Shall I / we be? you they Will he be? she It E.g. Will he be at home? Shall we be students?  
Clue words Today, now, usually, always, often, sometimes, every day (week, month, year) Yesterday, last week (month, year),... ago Tomorrow, next week (month, year), in


The verb to have (got) in the Present, Past, Future Tenses
Positive (+) I You We have (‘ve) (got) They He She has (‘s) (got) It E. g. They have a big house. He has a new car. I You We They had (‘d) (got) He She It E. g. They had a house. He had a black car. I / We shall have (‘ll have) (got) You They He will have (‘ll have) (got) She It E.g. We shall (We’ll) have a big house. He will (He’ll) have a new car.
Negative (-) I You have not (haven’t) (got) We They He She has not (hasn’t) (got) It E.g. They have not a house. He has not a new car. I You We They had not (hadn’t) (got) He She It E.g. They had not a house. He had not a black car. I / We shall not (shan’t) have (got) You They He will not (won’t) have (got) She It E.g. We shall not have a big house. He will not have a new car.
Interrogative (?) I you (got)? Have we they he Has she (got)? it E.g. Have they a house? Has he a car? I you we Had they (got)? he she it E.g. Had they house? Had he a black car? Shall I / we have? you they Will he have (got)? she It E.g. Shall we have a big house? Will he have a new car?
Clue words Today, usually, always, often, sometimes, every day (week, month, year) Yesterday, last week (month, year),... ago Tomorrow, next week (month, year), in



Prepositions of place and direction
Prepositions Предлоги For example Например
on на (где? куда?) on the table (где?) on the table (куда?) на столе на стол
in в (где?) The flowers are in the vase Цветы в вазе.
into в (куда, во что?) Put the flowers into the vase Положи цветы в вазу
to в (куда?) to the country в деревню (загород)
from из, от, с, у from the country from Peter from the table из деревни у Петера со стола
out of из (из внутри ч. л.) out of room из комнаты
off с (со) (с поверхности ч.-л.) off the table со стола
near, at, by у, около, за near (by) the window at the table у окна за столом
behind позади behind the house за домом
under под under the bed под кроватью
in front of перед in front of the house перед домом
among среди among the balls (many balls) среди мячиков
between между between the balls (two balls) между мячиков
in the middle of в середине in the middle of the room в середине комнаты
above над above the tree над деревом
next to рядом next to the shop рядом магазином
on the left с лева on the left of the supermarket с лева от супермаркета
on the right с права on the right of the drugstore с права от аптеки



Prepositions of movement
English Russian
across the road через дорогу
through the wood через лес
across the river через реку (вплавь, на лодке)
over the river через реку (по мосту, по воздуху)
over the fence через забор
along (down) the street по улице
down (up) the river по реке
across the sea по морю
about the town по городу
about the room по комнате
along the corridor по коридору
about the country по стране


Prepositions of time
English Russian
at 6 o’clock at noon at midnight (at night) at sunrise (sunset) в шесть часов в полдень в полночь (ночью) на восходе солнца (на закате)
in spring in the morning in the afternoon in the evening весной утром днем вечером
in September в сентябре
in two hours через два часа
in 2007 в 2007 году
on Monday в понедельник
on the 1st of September первого сентября
after dinner после обеда
before entering the institute перед (до) поступлением в институт
by 5 o’clock к пяти часам
since morning с утра
during the holidays в течение каникул
from... (morning) till (until)... (night) с … (утра) до … (ночи)


Conditional sentences

I type (Real Condition)

Present Simple Tense (If- clause)   Future Simple Tense (Principal clause)
If Subject+ do/ does E.g. If she comes in time, + Subject+ shall/will+ do we shall go to the theatre



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