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Read, translate and learn the given words. Prepare for a dictation.

Read, translate and learn the given words. Prepare for a dictation.

Спеціальність: Хореографія

accumulation a choreographic device or structure where new movements are added to existing movements in a successive manner, e. g., A, AB, ABC, ABCD

beat underlying pulse

body awareness     body shapes, body base, body part, locomotor, non-locomotor

body base   standing, sitting, kneeling, lying

body parts arms, legs, head, fingers, ankles, elbows, knees, shoulders, toes, wrists

body shape accent emphasis

curved, straight, open, closed, symmetrical, asymmetrical

call and response   a structural device most often associated with African dance and musical forms, one soloist or group performs, and the second soloist or group performs in response to the first

canon  a choreographic device or structure in which movements introduced by one dancer are repeated exactly by subsequent dancers in turn, e. g., Mexican wave

choreographic device      a specific way of manipulating movement to develop

choreographic structure the way in which movement is organised and shaped to create a dance (e. g., ABA, theme and variations, narrative)

communication      conveying or transmitting meaning with a particular context

culture        understandings, patterns of behaviour, values and symbol systems that are acquired, preserved, and transmitted by a group of people and that can be embodied in art words

dance elements      body awareness, space, time and energy, relationships

dance work a product of dance making activity (i. e., haka, ballet, hip hop performance)

direction     forward, backward, right, left, up, down

duration     long, short

elements of dance the key components of movement (e. g., space, time, energy, relationships and body awareness)

energy float, swing, sudden, smooth, sharp, percussive, vibratory, explosive

focus fixed, moving, single, multi

general space space in the overall dance area

genre a specific category of dance that has a tradition or history and is identifiable by specific characteristics, social functions, and cultural contexts (e. g., romantic ballet, hip hop, kapa haka)

graphic notation    notation in which movement is represented by shapes and lines

improvisation spontaneous movement in response to a stimulus

interpretation        analysis or appreciation of meaning in a dance work by a viewer: or the particular meaning communicated by the performer of an existing art work

kinaesthetic signs and symbols   movement, gestures, and body language

level high, medium, low

locomotor movement movement in which the body travels across space (e. g., running, creeping, rolling)

melodrama overly dramatic, larger than life

Read, translate and learn the given words. Prepare for a dictation.

Спеціальність: Образотворче мистецтво


Методичні рекомендації для студентів                          спеціальності Образотворче мистецтво. (Є. Швець).

Read, translate and learn the given words (1-30). Prepare for a dictation.

Робота з фаховим матеріалом (професійна лексика):

Практичні заняття: 3, 4.

Спеціальність: Музика

cadence Resting place in a musical phrase; music punctuation.                                              canon Type of polyphonic composition in which one musical line strictly imitates another at a fixed distance throughout.
cantata Vocal genre for solo singers, chorus and instrumentalists based on a lyric or dramatic poetic narrative. It generally consists of several movements including recitatives, arias and ensemble numbers.
capriccio Short lyric piece of a free nature, often for piano.
carol English medieval strophic song with a refrain repeated after each stanza; now associated with Christmas.
castrato Male singer who was castrated during boyhood to preserve the soprano or alto vocal register, prominent in seventeenth and early eighteenth century opera.
celesta Percussion instrument resembling a miniature upright piano, with tuned metal plates
chamber choir Small group of up to about twenty-four singers, who usually perform a cappella or with piano accompaniment.
chamber music Ensemble music for up to about ten players, with one player to a part.
chamber sonata See sonata da camera.
chanson French polyphonic song, especially of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, set to either courtly or popular poetry. See also Burgundian chanson.
choir A group of singers who perform together, usually in parts, with several on each part; often associated with a church.                                                                                                             chord Simultaneous combination of three or more tones that constitute a single block of harmony.                                                                                                                                      chorus Fairly large group of singers who perform together, usually with several on each part. Also a choral movement of a

melody Succession of single tones or pitches perceived by the mind as a unity. mezzo forte The Italian term for " moderately loud", indicated in the musical score by the marking " mf".
mezzo piano The Italian term for " moderately soft", indicated in the musical score by the marking " mp".
mezzo-soprano Female voice of middle range.
minimalist music Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns with little variation. See also spiritual minimalism.
minuet and trio A moderate triple-meter dance form with two main sections (minuet = A, trio = B) that often occurs as the third movement of a symphony. mode Scale or sequence of notes used as the basis for a composition; major and minor are modes.
monophonic Single-line texture, or melody without accompaniment.
muses Nine daughters of Zeus in ancient mythology; each presided over one of the arts.
music drama Wagner's term for his operas.
music video Video tape or film that accompanies a recording, usually of a popular or rock song.
phrase Musical unit; often a component of a melody.
pianissimo The Italian term for " very soft", indicated in the musical score by the marking " pp".
piano The Italian term for " soft", indicated in the musical score by the marking " p".
piano Keyboard instrument whose strings are struck with hammers controlled by a keyboard mechanism; pedals control dampers in the strings that stop the sound when the finger releases the key.
pitch Highness or lowness of a tone, depending on the frequency (rate of vibration).


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