Конкурс стихотворений о животных. Расширение словарного запаса и кругозора учащихся.
The 8th page. Teacher: There are many poems about animals. Let's listen to some of them in English. (Учащиеся декламируют стихи о животных, которые они самостоятельно подобрали и выучили к данному уроку). Teacher: And one of the best ones is "My Dream ”. Dasha has learned it for you. But first let's remembersome new words. (Новая лексика спрятана под картинкой). Teacher: Now let's listen to the poem and say what the main idea of it is. Pupils: I think (I guess… To my mind…) it is to care about animals, to love them and to be always there for them. (Учащиеся слушают стих и высказывают главную идею). Teacher: I want you to learn this poem by heart for the next lesson. (Учитель раздает учащимся копии стихотворения). 3. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. The 9thpage. Teacher: You have pets at home, don't you? They are the members of your families, aren't they? Now in pairs. Come to our guests ask and answer the questions about your pets. P1, P2, P3, etc. → Teachers. (Учащиеся подходят к учителям и расспрашивают их о домашних любимцах). Have you got a pet? What's its name? What is it like? Is it funny? It is independent, isn't it? Is it a special dog? Is it your best friend? Does your friend have an easy or a difficult life? Etc. 4. Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, умения высказаться по прослушанному тексту. The 10th page. Teacher: We love our pets, don't we? And what about Englishmen? Let's listen to the text " Traditions in GreatBritain " and answer the teacher's questions. (Аудиозапись сделана учителем). Traditions in Great Britain Every nation has its traditions. Englishmen are proud of them. And one of the traditions is their love to animals. Englishmen love their pets very much. Animals are members of English families and are protected by law. If a person treats his pet badly he can be sent to a prison. In this country there are special cemeteries for animals. Teacher: Are Englishmen proud of their traditions? Do they love their pets very much? Are animals in England protected by law? Where can be a person sent? What is there in this country? Teacher: And now listen to some more information about animals in the U.K. (Учитель читает небольшой отрывок из книги "Корни дуба. Впечатления и размышления об Англии и англичанах" В. Овчинникова).(Глава 6 "Кошки, собаки и дети…" с. 20). The 11th page. Teacher: And now some discussing information. In New York there is a famous Zoological Park. Dr. Blair works with different animals there. Listen to the text and try to understand it.Then say what the intelligent animals are.
DISCUSSING INFORMATION The Ten Most Intelligent Animals Do animals think, or do they act merely from instinct? These questions are debated by many people. Dr. Blair, a director of the New York Zoological park, works with animals for many years. "We see animals showing affection, sympathy, jealousy or anger. And there is no doubt that animals think when they show these feelings, " Dr. Blair says. He believes that the ten most intelligent animals are: (Аудиозапись сделана учителем). Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3 etc. I think that the most intelligent animal is a lion (a monkey, a wolf, an elephant, a beaver etc.). The 12th page. Teacher: Look at the photos of different animals and guess if it is an intelligent animal or not. Then name it and drag the picture. If it is an intelligent animal it will be on the circle. But if it is not it will be under the circle. (Учащиеся называют животное, выходят к доске и перетаскивают картинку на "Круг идей". Картинка животного(согласно заданию) остается либо на круге, либо прячется под него). The 13th page. Teacher: Now let's read and remember the list of the ten most intelligent animals according to Dr Blair. T-Group The 14th page. Teacher→Pupils And what about your animals? Are they intelligent? Do they think? Do they show different feelings? Let's listen to your projects and find out everything.
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