Translate the underlined passages into Russian.
LISTENING 6.2. Trousers woman' in Islamic World
1. Find out the meaning of the following words and word combinations: to show the courage, to defy, to rebel, head-to-toes Islamic niqab, to flog smb a number of lashes, slacks 2. Listen to the story and answer the questions.
1) What country is Lubna Hussein from? What is she said to continue to campaign for outside her country? 2) What ban did she defy when leaving her country? 3) What book did she publish? Did she write it in her own language? 4) What did she describe in this book? 5) Why was she arrested in a Khartoum restaurant? 6) What punishment was she initially sentenced to? How did the authorities have to change it under the pressure of publicity? 7) What is another case close to hers Lubna Hussein mentions? Why the teenage girl was flogged 50 lashes? 8) Why does Lubna Hussein believe that the girl’s case is direct violation of human rights? 9) What does Ms Hussein accuse the Sudanese authorities of and why? 10) How many women are reported to have been arrested that year? TEXT TRANSLATION 6.2. Мусульмане призывают не связывать теракты с исламской религией Участники "круглого стола" в Совете муфтиев РФ в понедельник заявили о недопустимости связывать теракты в Москве, Ингушетии и дагестанских городах, равно как и в любых странах мира, с исламом и мусульманами. В "круглом столе" принимали участие руководители духовных управлений, муфтии, имамы, представители МИД РФ, послы ряда арабо-мусульманских стран. Президент России Дмитрий Медведев в пятницу призвал СМИ обращать внимание на терминологию при освещении терактов, отметив, что на Кавказе считают неприемлемым использовать слово "шахид" по отношению к террористам, "исходя из общечеловеческих соображений и представлений ислама". "Мы знаем, что сегодня в Ингушетии погибли милиционеры. Это погибли молодые мусульмане, которые ценой своей жизни не пустили бандитов на территорию милицейского участка Карабулака. Ни о каком "участии" мусульман во взрывах, терактах речи не идет", - сказал глава Совета муфтиев РФ Равиль Гайнутдин, отметив, что кто убивает и проливает кровь, тот не мусульманин.
В понедельник утром у здания ГОВД в ингушском Карабулаке неизвестный привел в действие взрывное устройство. Смертник пытался зайти во внутренний двор здания, но его остановили сотрудники милиции - стажеры. Двое стажеров погибли, четыре человека пострадали, смертник скончался на месте. Менее чем через час после этого был взорван автомобиль, припаркованный напротив здания ГОВД, получили ранения девять человек./…/ Муфтий Чеченской республики Султан Мирзаев, в свою очередь, заявил, что невозможно представить Россию без Кавказа. Посол по особым поручениям МИД РФ Константин Шувалов в своем выступлении отметил, что президенты, премьер-министры всех стран арабо-мусульманского мира, Организации Исламская конференция выразили слова соболезнования в связи с терактами в московском метро. Послы Турции, Индонезии, Пакистана, Брунея, Кувейта и других государств в своих выступлениях еще раз выразили соболезнования семьям погибших в московском метро, Кизляре и Карабулаке. "Ислам - религия мира и созидания. Эта вера в принципе не может ассоциироваться с террором и насилием", - сказал посол Саудовской Аравии Али Хасан Джафар. В итоговом заявлении, принятом участниками "круглого стола", говорится, что любые попытки оправдать насилие религиозными мотивами противоречат исламу, а также отмечается необходимость углубить разработку комплекса образовательных и просветительских программ, работу с молодежью.
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha - "the awakened one". Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada (" The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle").
While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world. Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million, making it the world's fourth-largest religion. Buddhist schools vary significantly in the exact nature of the path of liberation, the importance and canonicity of various teachings and scriptures, and especially their respective practices. The foundations of Buddhist tradition and practice are the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community). Taking "refuge in the triple gem" has traditionally been a declaration and commitment to being on the Buddhist path and in general distinguishes a Buddhist from a non-Buddhist. Other practices may include renouncing conventional living and becoming a monastic, support of the monastic community, meditation, cultivation of wisdom, study of scriptures, physical exercises, devotion and ceremonies, or invocation of bodhisattvas. Buddhism is now again gaining strength in India and elsewhere. Most scholars classify similar numbers of people under a category they call "Chinese folk" or "traditional" religion, an amalgam of various traditions that includes Buddhism. Historically, Buddhism was incorporated into Russian lands as early as the late 15th century, when Russian explorers travelled to and settled inSiberia and what is now the Russian Far East. It is also believed that Indian King Ashoka had sent monks to spread Buddhism all over the world including Siberia. Afterwards, it began to spread into the geographically and culturally adjacent Russian constituent regions known today as: Amur Oblast,Buryatia, Chita Oblast, Tuva Republic, and Khabarovsk Krai. There is also Kalmykia, another constituent republic of Russia that is in fact the only Buddhist region in Europe, perhaps paradoxically located to the north of the Caucasus. Tibetan Buddhism is primarily practiced by the indigenous peoples in these various regions of central and eastern Russia, except for a few Russian converts based mainly in the larger cities such as St. Petersburg or Moscow, where there is greater access to urban Buddhist centers or facilities of the like. The Russian Federation, and perhaps strangely, Austria are the only two European states today that recognize Buddhism as an "official", though not necessarily "state religion" in their respective countries. On top of that, Russia also recognizes it, along with Islam, Judaism, and of course Orthodox Christianity, as native to Russian soil in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation. There are a few dozen Buddhist university-monasteries throughout Russia, but concentrated in the Russian Far East and Siberia, known in Russian as Datsans. The central body of Russian Buddhism is the Karma Kagyu Buddhist Association of the Russian Federation. Adherents to Buddhism account for approximately 700,000 in the Russian Federation, about 0.5% of the total population. Exercises
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