An international forum of cooperation
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Практикум для развития навыков технического перевода, чтения и устной речи для студентов 3 курса специальности 1-45 02 01 – Почтовая связь
УДК 811.1 ББК 81.2 Англ. А64
Рекомендовано к изданию кафедрой гуманитарных наук 15 сентября 2008, протокол № 2
Составитель И.Н. Ращинская, ст. преподаватель кафедры гуманитарных наук
Рецензент Н.И. Мышелова, ст. преподаватель кафедры гуманитарных наук
ISBN Приведены аутентичные тексты по тематике почтовая связь, подобранные из журнала “Post office”, для совершенствования навыков чтения и техники перевода. В каждом уроке выделены термины по специальности, способствующие пониманию прочитанного текста, предусмотрен ряд упражнений, способствующих развитию монологической и диалогической речи. Предназначено для студентов и преподавателей колледжа.
УДК 811.1 ББК 81.2Англ.
Lesson 1 Study the following words.
Read and translate the text. Ten reasons why the world needs the UPU The Universal Postal Union two years ago celebrating its 130th anniversary and hosting its 23rd Congress, some stocktaking appears to be in order. Though the UPU has certainly changed over the years, what tangible effect has it had on the forces at work in the rapidly changing postal market? How has it benefited member countries and postal customers in general? Could the postal sector continue to evolve, or indeed survive, without the UPU?
To assess the enormous work done by this international organization, Union Postaleasked stakeholders from all segments of the postal sector the following two questions: Does the world need the UPU? And how can it become more effective? For the respondents, the UPU carries out its essential roles by acting as, among other things, defender of the universal service and single postal territory, as well as coordinator, arbitrator, organizer, developer and promoter. What follows is a brief look at what makes the UPU continue to be a necessary and valued organization. Write out other unknown words and word expressions and learn them. Find Russian equivalents. Tangible effect; to evolve survive;essential roles;rapidly changing postal market;member countries;enormous work.
Find English equivalents. Почтовые клиенты; единая почтовая территория; ценная организация.
Answer the questions. 1 What did the UPU celebrate two years ago? 2 Has the UPU changed over the years? 3 Does the UPU carry out its essential roles by acting as coordinator and developer? 4 The UPU continues to be a valued organization, doesn’t it?
Give a summary of the text. Lesson 2
Study the following words.
Read and translate the text. Maintaining a single postal territory This is regarded as the UPU's "main mission". Since 1874, with the signing of the Treaty of Berne giving birth to the UPU, the membership of new coimtries agreeing to comply with the Regulations governing the exchange of international mail (letters, parcels and other categories) has broadened the concept of the single postal territory. Today, the UPU's 190 member countries make up the largest physical postal network in the world. Under the terminal dues system set up and managed by the UPU, Posts are financially compensated for handling volumes of international mail exchanged with other Posts. To appreciate the scope of this system, just imagine how many bilateral and multilateral agreements there would be without it. Nevertheless, terminal dues represent only one of the UPU's operational responsibilities. It establishes and maintains close relations with other international bodies such as the World Trade Organization, the International Air Transport Association and the World Customs Organization, with which agreements exist for expediting the transmission and customs clearance of letters and parcels around the world. It also endeavours to satisfy the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services. "The UPU's strength can be summed up as follows: one need only point to any location in the world, the postal network takes care of the rest. This is possible thanks to the rules defined by the UPU for the forwarding and transit of mail, and to terminal dues". Abdelilah Bousseta, Director, Mail and Courier Division, Moroccan Post.
Write out other unknown words and word expressions and learn them. Find Russian equivalents. The terminal dues system; bilateral and multi lateral agreements; operational responsibilities; international bodies; to satisfy the provisions.
Find English equivalents. Содружество новых стран; Международная почтовая корреспонденция; Всемирная торговая организация; Международная воздушная транспортная ассоциация; Всемирная потребительская организация.
Answer the questions. 1 Terminal dues represent only one of the UPU’s operational responsibilities, don’t they? 2 Do the UPU’s 190 member countries make up the largest physical postal network in the world? 3 How are Posts financially compensated? 4 The UPU establishes close relations with other international bodies, doesn’t it? 5 Must the UPU satisfy the provision of the General Agreement on Trade in Services?
Give a summary of the text. Lesson 3
Study the following words.
Read and translate the text. An international forum of cooperation The UPU represents an international forum where all postal stakeholders can come together to discuss and find solutions to the major problems facing the sector. Some of the questions dealt with by the Action Groups and Project Teams of the Postal Operations Council include postal security, postal financial services, technical cooperation, postal development, terminal dues, parcels, the universal postal service and the environment. Other bodies such as the Direct Mail Advisory Board try to energize high growth sectors by closely following the latest developments and organizing workshops tailored to the needs of countries. The UPU also maintains relations with publishers and the World Association for the Development ofPhilately. In Bucharest, the creation of the Consultative Committee, which will represent the UPU's "third circle" alongside the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council, will formally incorporate postal stakeholders from the private sector, thus enabling them to contribute in a concrete way to discussions on the Post's future and the challenges that lie ahead. "One of the UPU's key roles going forward is promoting private sector contributions to its work. The private sector welcomes the creation of the Consultative Committee as a revitalizing factor for the Union. We expect the Committee to foster innovative research and ideas. The UPU must nurture the Committee and ensure its voice is heard." Luis Jimenez, Senior Vice-President.
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