Write out other unknown words and word expressions and learn them.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Find Russian equivalents. The liberalization of markets; customer needs; commercial flexibility; regional development banks; postal regulation. Find English equivalents. Исчезновение границ; развивающиеся страны; универсальная почтовая услуга; основательные изменения; конструктивный диалог; региональные банки развития.
Answer the questions. 1 What have these operators had to adapt to? 2 When has the world changed a great deal? 3 Did the Postal Development Action Group clear the way for constructive dialogue with the World Bank? 4 What does the work Postal Regulation present?
Give a summary of the text. Lesson 8
Study the following words.
Read and translate the text. Setting technical standards Standards are important prerequisites for effective postal operations and for interconnecting the global postal network. The primary aim of the technical standards developed by the UPU is to define a uniform mode of communications between the different mail processing and tracking systems in order to ensure efficiency and quality of service. To date, more than a hundred standards have been created, and the UPU is working closely with bodies such as the European Committee for Standardization, the International Organization for Standardization, and the Internationa Post Corporation. Nearly 25 million bags and trays are tracked annually on the basis of messages and UPU standard codes while Posts track an estimated 40 million postal items in all categories. As postal sector liberalization continues, rigorous technical standards become increasingly important. The more postal operators there are, the more essential it becomes to standardize mail processing, tracking and transmission. It is therefore important that standards are applied worldwide by all postal sector stakeholders. Otherwise there would be chaos in delivering even a simple letter or parcel from one country to another Write out other unknown words and word expressions and learn them. Find Russian equivalents. Quality of service; Working closely; Increasingly important; Mail transmission; Uniform mode of communications; Efficiency and quality of service; Postal sector stakeholders.
Find English equivalents. Важные предпосылки; основная цель; системы обработки и транспортировки почты; ежегодно транспортируется; почтовые отправления всех категорий; либерализация почтового сектора.
Answer the questions. 1 What is the primary aim of the technical standards developed by the UPU? 2 Is the UPU working with the International Post Corporation? 3 How much bags and trays are annually tracked on the basis of messages? 4 It is important that standards are applied worldwide, isn¢ t it? 5 How many standards have been created by the UPU?
Give a summary of the text. Lesson 9
Study the following words.
Read and translate the text. Promoting and developing new products and services Small packets, international reply coupons, EMS and money orders are some of the products and services that have been promoted by the UPU. With 190 member countries expressing their needs and those of their customers, the organization encourages the development and use of new products and services to meet customer requirements around the world. The UPU also develops innovative and effective services for Posts themselves through its Telematics Cooperative and Postal Technology Centre, which strive to develop new technologies for mail tracking, the electronic exchange of funds and electronic mail security. Mindful of the technological and financial constraints faced by many of its member countries, the UPU is quick to develop or adapt software applications to meet the specific needs of Posts. This has made it possible for developing countries to acquire systems for tracking mail and transferring funds (International Postal System andInternational Financial System). The electronic postmark, developed by a handful of industrialized Posts, has also found a home in the UPU, which is trying to extend its use to developing Posts which would otherwise not have the means to adopt it. The UPU has also created products such as the POST'Code,postal addressing system and the Universal List of Localities to ensure better mail targeting by Posts and customers. "With rapid technological change, the UPU's presence is important to collect ideas from members and translate those into products that satisfy customers changing needs." Rehema Makuburi, Manager, International Postal Affairs, Tanzania Post
Write out other unknown words and word expressions and learn them. Find Russian equivalents. Small packets; money orders; telematics cooperative; the electronic mail security; system for transferring funds; International Financial System; the electronic postmark; The Universal List of Localities.
Find English equivalents. Международные ответные купоны; почтовый технологический центр; электронный обмен денежными переводами; развивающиеся страны; система почтового слежения; международная почтовая система; почтовая система адресования; быстрые технологические изменения.
Answer the questions. 1 The UPU develops effective services for Posts themselves through its Telematics Cooperative and Postal Technology Centre, doesn’t it? 2 Is the UPU trying to extend the electronic postmark? 3 What kind of product has the UPU also created? 4 Is the UPU’s presence important to collect ideas from members?
Give a summary of the text.
Lesson 10
Study the following words.
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