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II. In this text some lines contain a word that should not be there. Decide which lines contain them and correct

II. In this text some lines contain a word that should not be there. Decide which lines contain them and correct

1. Principal parts of the Otto-cycle

2. engine are include a cylinder

3. that is closed at a one end and

4. in which a piston is moves. The

5. in-and-out motion of the piston

6. is varies the volume of the chamber

7. during the strokes. The piston is

8. connected to the crankshaft

9. by the connecting of rod. The crankshaft

10. transforms the reciprocating or

11. motion of the piston into rotary

12. motion. The crankshaft has a heavy

13. flywheel which by its his inertia

14. minimizes irregularity in the

15. motion of the shaft.


III. For questions 1-7 read the text and decide which answer a, b, c best fits each space

    The Otto cycle is characterized by four strokes, or movements, back and forth, of a piston 1 _______________ the cylinder: intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes. The cycle 2______________ at the top dead center, when the piston is at 3______________ uppermost point. On the first 4______________ stroke of the piston, a mixture of fuel and air is 5_____________ into the cylinder through the intake port. The intake valve then closes, and the following upward stroke compresses the fuel-air 6_____________. The air-fuel mixture is then ignited by a spark plug at the top of the compression stroke. The resulting 7_____________ of burning gases forces the piston downward for the third stroke. The fourth stroke evacuates the exhaust gases from the cylinder through the open exhaust valve.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1. a) inside               b) outside        c) backward

2. a) begin                b) begins         c) began

3. a) his                    b) it’s                       c) its

4. a) forward            b) downward  c) upward

5. a) draws               b) drawn         c) draw

6. a) mix                   b) mixing        c) mixture

7. a) expansion        b) expand       c) expanded


IV. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space 1-5

    At the moment when the piston 1___________ the end of the compression stroke and the volume of the 2____________ chamber is at a minimum, the fuel-air mixture is 3_______________ by the spark plug and burns. Expanding gases exert a pressure on the piston. The work is done. During the final stroke, the 4_____________ valve is opened and the piston moves toward the cylinder head, driving the exhaust 5______________ out of the combustion chamber.


V. Express the same idea using the words in bold:

1. Engines with pistons tend to vibrated because there are lots of moving elements in them.

because of

2. As the piston moves inside the cylinder it transforms the energy from the expansion of a burning gas into mechanical power.


3. In internal combustions engines the fuel is burnt to exert a pressure on the piston.

so as to

4. The V cylinder configuration reduces the weight of the engine.

is used to

5. An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder.

in order to

6. The engine didn’t work because the fuel was bad.

                                          because of


5. Listen to the text. For questions 1-9 choose the best answer a, b or c

1. The difference between internal and external combustion engines is in ____________________________.

    a) place of combustion

    b) type of fuel

    c) working parts

2. Internal combustion engines are divided into _____________ main classes.

    a) two

    b) four

    c) three

3. Petrol engines are used in __________________________.

    a) small vehicles and small aircraft

    b) heavy vehicles

    c) jet airplanes

4. The purpose of burning fuel in all engine types is to ________________.

    a) heat air

    b) increase pressure

    c) heat fuel

5. Earliest engines used ____________________ as their fuel.

    a) petrol

    b) gas

    c) oil

6. Nikolaus Otto and Eugen Langen used _________________ as fuel for their “silent” engines.

    a) petrol

    b) gas

    c) oil

7. The first inventor who used petrol as fuel was __________________.

    a) N. Otto

    b) E. Langen

    c) G. Daimler

8. The diesel engine was invented in _____________________________.

    a) 1894

    b) 1885

    c) 1867

9. The gas turbine was invented _________________ the World War II.

    a) before

    b) during

    c) after


1. Read the text about internal and external combustion engines. Look at the pictures and get ready to compare and contrast the engines. Use the plan beneath the text

External combustion engines burn their fuel (coal, wood, oil) outside of the engine and produces hot working fluid (рабочее тело) that then does work by moving a piston. The example of an external combustion engine is a steam engine, used in old-fashioned trains and steamboats. Internal combustion engines burn fuel directly in the engine and uses the fuel and gases resulting from its combustion as the working fluid that powers the engine. An automobile engine is an example of an internal combustion engine. Internal combustion engines are more efficient (take less fuel per mile) than external combustion engines and also are much smaller.  


Similarities                                                 Differences

1. Function                                            1. Place of combustion

2. Main elements                                   2. Fuel

                                                               3. Efficiency

                                                               4. Size



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