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Space exploration

1. The space race

Meaning: competition between the US and the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 60s to be the first to explore space

Example: The space race in the 1950s marks an important point in the development of space exploration


2. A space probe

Meaning: a type of space craft that does not have a person inside

Example: Space probes can be sent to far distances for long periods of time to gather information about different areas in space.


3. A lunar module

Meaning: a small craft used for travelling between the moon and the larger space craft orbiting the moon.

Example: When the first men walked on the moon they came out of the lunar module. The first man to walk on the moon said " One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. "


4. To put into orbit

Meaning: To send something into space, following a curved path of a planet or an object as it moves around a star, a moon or a planet

Example: A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.


5. Manned space flight

Meaning: a voyage into space which has a person to control it

Example: As manned space flights are so dangerous, many checks must be carried out first.


6. To launch a space rocket

Meaning: to send a rocket into space

Example: Nowadays, men launch space rockets – not ships – to discover new worlds.


7. The cosmos

Meaning: the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system

Example: Although the challenge of exploring and understanding the cosmos is exciting, it is also very expensive



8. To pour money into space research

Meaning: to spend enormous amounts of money on space research

Example: Some people argue that it is wasteful to pour money into space research.


9. A test flight

Meaning: a flight during which a space craft or part of its equipment is tested

Example: Test flights add to the huge costs of space exploration.


10. A space shuttle

Meaning: a spacecraft designed to be used, for example, to travel between the earth and a space station

Example: The first space shuttle was front-page news, but now people are no longer excited by the concept.


11. A space station

Meaning: a large structure that is sent into space and remains above the earth as a base for people working and travelling in space

Example: Even maintaining an international space station is so expensive that the costs must be shared by several countries.


12. Space voyages

Meaning: journeys into space

Example: Public interest in the early space voyages was unprecedented.


13. Space tourism

Meaning: travelling to space as a form of vacation/holiday

Example: Billionaires are the only people who are likely to experience space tourism in the foreseeable future.


14. To discover the mysteries of the universe

Meaning: to find out more about space

Example: Space exploration is an essential element in our attempt to discover the mysteries of the universe.



15. Space missions

Meaning: flights into space

Example: Recent space missions have begun to explore Mars and more distant parts of the universe.


16. The conquest of space

Meaning: the act of gaining control over the difficult task of exploring space

Example: The conquest of space is a challenge that continues to inspire the public imagination.


17. To be an inspiration to

Meaning: to make somebody excited about something, especially thinking of the future

Example: The images of the first men on the moon were an inspiration to people, and made them more hopeful about the future.


18. Spacesuits and helmets

Meaning: the clothing worn by astronauts.

Example: Astronauts must find it difficult to carry out maintenance tasks during space flights wearing uncomfortable spacesuits and helmets.


19. Vacuum-packed food

Meaning: a space that is completely empty of all substances, including all air or other gas

Example: During manned space flights, astronauts have to live off vacuum-packed food.


20. Weightless conditions

Meaning; having no weight or appearing to have no weight. As a result, astronauts appear to float in space.

Example: Astronauts work in weightless conditions, which must make even routine tasks very difficult.


21. To endure hardships and discomforts

Meaning: to experience and deal with conditions that are unpleasant

Example: I doubt that space tourism will have mass appeal in the future. Travellers would have to endure hardships and discomforts such as weightless conditions, vacuum-packed food and wearing spacesuits and helmets.


22. To float through space

Meaning: to move slowly in the air

Example: Space tourism would be really boring, simply floating through space and looking out of the window of the spacecraft.



23. Zero gravity

Meaning: having no force to pull objects to the ground, so that they float.

Example: Living in conditions of zero gravity in space must be extremely tiring and uncomfortable.


24. Satellite technology

Meaning: the technology of sending electronic devices into space for communications purposes

Example: Satellite technology has resulted in huge advances in communications and information-gathering.


25. A spin-off

Meaning: a useful result of an activity that was designed to produce something different

Explanation: Space programs have produced spin-offs that have revolutionized modern life, such as satellite television and communications.


26. To make space travel commercially viable

Meaning: to make space travel a success financially

Example: Holidays in space are just fantasy. It is doubtful if it will ever be possible to make space travel commercially viable.


27. The quest for a new homeland

Meaning: the search for a new place to inhabit

Example: As humans are destroying their own planet, the quest for a new homeland in the universe is essential.


28. Alien life forms

Meaning: creatures from another world

Example: One of the most exciting possibilities of the space program is finding alien life forms on other planets.


29. Extraterrestrial life

Meaning: life that may exist on another planet

Example: The quest for extraterrestrial life will prove that humans are not alone in the universe.


30. In the realm of science fiction

Meaning: only possible in science fiction stories, only fantasy

Example: Most of the arguments in favour of space programs are in the realm of science fiction.



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