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I. Learn the words to read and translate the text.


1. purpose - назначение, намерение, цель; замысел, стремление

to accomplish / achieve / fulfill a purpose — достигнуть цели

Syn: aim, end, goal, object, objective, intention, design

2. tools - инструментарий, инструментальные программные средства

3. variety - многообразие, разнообразие; ряд, множество

4. security system - система безопасности; система защиты; система ограничения доступа (напр. к банку данных)

5. advanced system - система, построенная на основе последних технических достижений

6. expert system - экспертная система, ЭС система, использующая базу знаний (правил) для решения задач (выдачу рекомендаций) в некоторой предметной области, например в медицине, диагностике неисправностей, выборе конфигурации сложной компьютерной системы, планировании последовательности действий и др. Она должна обладать способностью объяснить, почему предложено то или иное решение и доказать его обоснованность.

7. decide - делать выбор

8. output - вывод [данных]

9. digital camera - цифровой фотоаппарат

10. edit - редактировать, готовить к печати

11. compatible - совместимое устройство

12. network - [вычислительная, компьютерная] сеть

13. connectivity - связность (компонентов системы)

network connectivity - возможность соединения (напр., компьютеров между собой); способность к взаимодействию (напр., программ между собой); возможность подключения; возможность связи; возможность соединения

14. share - разделять, совместно [коллективно] использовать (ресурс)

15. communication service - служба связи; communication services - услуги связи

16. log (-ed) – регистрировать; to log on to a computer подсоединяться к компьютеру (в рабочем сеансе)

17. FTP - File Transfer Protocol - протокол передачи файлов = программа передачи файлов в интернете между хост-компьютерами

18. host computer - хост-компьютер, главный компьютер, в Интернете он должен иметь уникальные IP-адрес и доменное имя; локальный компьютер

IP = Internet Protocol - ответственный за адресацию и передачу пакетов TCP по сети

IP = identification of position - идентификация положения

IP = information provider - информационный провайдер

19. server - сервер

20. downloading – скачивание

21. uploading - загрузка в удалённый компьютер (по линии связи); подкачка


Unlike most machines, computers do not have a fixed purpose. They are multi-purpose tools. They can be used in a very wide variety of situations. Computers are found in a wide range of systems including security systems, cars and phones. Advanced systems, known as expert systems, enable computers to 'think' like experts. Medical expert systems, for example, can help doctors diagnose an illness and decide on the best treatment. As computer systems are developed, they are becoming more common and are gradually being used for more and more purposes. A variety of peripherals can be added to a computer. One of the most common peripherals is a printer. Printer is used for printing the computer output. Output is the processed data or signals that come out of a computer system on paper. A digital camera allows photographs to be input to a computer for editing.

Not all computer systems are compatible. Some computer systems cannot use the same programs and data. Connected together computers form a network. Network can provide the ‘connectivity’ required to enable computers and software to communicate and to share resources. Networks connected together form an internet. The connection of networks throughout the world is known as the Internet (note that a capital I is used) or, more simply, the Net. Various communication services are available on the Internet. Email (electronic mail) is for sending and receiving text messages. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) allows users to communicate using text messages in real-time, while the users are logged on to the system. An Internet service called FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring data or program files between the powerful server computers and the client computers. To copy data from a larger server system to a client is referred to as downloading. To copy data from the client to the server is known as uploading.

II. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

  1. A computerdoesn’t have …
  2. Computers can be used …
  3. A printer is …
  4. A network …
  5. Various communication services …


III. Match each word or phrase in column A with a meaning in column B.


1. a fixed purpose a) an output device for printing results on paper
2. multi-purpose b) a camera that produces digital images that can be stored in a computer, displayed on a screen and printed
3. expert system c) through the whole of period or area
4. printer d) connect (to); hook up (to)
5. digital camera e) a purpose that is not changed
6. network f) being used in several situations
7. log on to g) advanced system
8. throughout h) another name for net or netting


IV. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the purposes to use a computer?
  2. What systems enable computers to be great people’s helpers?
  3. What peripherals can be added to a computer?

Computer Users

Primary school teacher

We've got a new program with 3D graphics to encourage young children to tell stories. We tried it out last term and now we use it regularly. There's a mat in front of the monitor, like a carpet. There are pressure pads under the mat. When the children stand on them, they can move about inside the pictures on the screen. If they stand on the right, they, er, can move to the right, and so on. The good thing is that it works better if there are more children on the mat. This encourages them to work together.

What I like about this program is that if you ask the children what they've been doing, they don't say, 'We've been working with the computer', and they say 'We've been telling stories'. The computer doesn't get in the way of learning; it's just a tool we don't get that reaction when we sit them down at a keyboard.

Open University student

I've had a computer for about, oh, three years now. I'm an OU student doing a degree in mathematics. I work full time so I study at home in the evenings and at weekends. Some Saturdays there are tutorials I can attend in town but mostly I work alone. I use the computer to write my assignments. I also use the Internet to email my tutor if I have any problems with the course work. There's a help group too onthe Web made up of other students doing my course not just here in the UK but around the world. We can chat about assignments and help each other out if we're in difficulty.

Louise, aged 6

Well, I make cards for my friends. I made one for Mary's birthday last week. I use Word and you go into clipart. Then these things come up on the screen. And you can click on any one like animals and two people with a heart, and a star and a hat. I've got CD ROMS. I like Splat the Cat and Pets 3. You click on Go to the Adoption Centre, then you go to Pick a Pet and you can choose what you want, a cat or a dog. And you can give it a name and feed it. The one I'm going to adopt is a cat. … And you've got to give your cat a name. But first I'll take its picture, then I'll save it.


I paint mainly figures in imaginary interiors. Erm, they represent myths. I work in acrylics although I also make woodcuts. Erm, I keep photographs of most of what I've done, apart from the work I've destroyed the ones I didn't like. I've scanned in about a third of these photographs, around 100 paintings, to make a CD. I've organized the paintings into themes and added a soundtrack so that each group of paintings is accompanied by music. Erm, I'll send the CD to dealers. In the past it would have been slides. I'm also going to start my own website to try to sell directly. The difficult thing is trying to get people to visit your site.


ATM (automatic teller machine)


  1. ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) - банкомат
  2. keypad - (малая) клавиатура; (малая) клавишная панель
  3. withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) – снимать
  4. strip - полоса; полоска
  5. dispense – распределять
  6. cash – деньги
  7. request – запрашивать; требовать


First the customer puts their card into the machine and enters their PIN (Personal Identification Number) number on the keypad and the amount they wish to withdraw. The ATM reads the information on the magnetic strip on the card. The strip contains the name of the account holder, their account number and details of the network it is linked to. This information is then sent to a central computer which holds information on many accounts. The customer's PIN number is checked as well as the amount of money in their account. If their account has sufficient funds, the ATM is instructed to dispense the cash requested.


  1. a swipe card = a credit card
  2. satellite - сателлит, спутник
  3. forward - представлять, подавать, передавать
  4. scrutiny - внимательный осмотр; исследование, наблюдение


A customer uses a Visa card to pay for a $1,295 computer in Chicago. The store uses a swipe card reader to send details of the purchase and the customer's card number to a processing centre in New Jersey. The information may travel by satellite or phone lines. Because the purchase is above a certain limit, details are forwarded to a computer in Atlanta for closer scrutiny. Next the transaction is sent to San Mateo in California for processing. The California computer checks the card details in a database of card holders and finds that the card was issued by a Portland bank. Then it checks with the Portland bank's computer to see if the transaction request should be approved or denied. The response is sent back to the original.


Text “Computers Make the World Smaller and Smarter 1”


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