10.4 Theory (Continued) – Applying This To Emma During The Game
As a continuation of this line of reasoning (about the things we see in Emma’s diary not quite being what we first think, that they aren’t exactly reality), I could go on and try to give a similar explanation about the last part of Emma’s diary. This is where she’s in the game with the scarecrow in the suitcase. Emma thinks Kreacher is gone. So when she’s talking to her trunk, she’s talking to the scarecrow (not Kreacher), which basically means she thinks she’s talking to her dad. This also means, when she burns the scarecrow, she’s not purposefully trying to burn Kreacher because she knows he’s in there. In fact, it’s more likely she’s trying to burn the scarecrow, or even (at least in her head) trying to burn her dad. About Emma burning the scarecrow, this was hinted at earlier. Right before this, she heard the scarecrow talk for the first time. During this sequence, we see Kreacher hiding in the bushes. This likely aligns with the part in Kreacher’s diary where he says Emma is talking to the scarecrow, and how he can use this to his advantage. I do not think Kreacher is the one talking as the scarecrow in this scene. He only gets the idea of going into the scarecrow later (when he needs to refill the straw, which he doesn’t do in this scene). I think this is all just part of her hallucination and complex/condition. Emma went into the garden during this scene because she was looking for Kreacher, though she fails to find him. At this point, Emma starts talking to herself. The mention of a headache is important. This goes back to Emma’s condition. This helps us prove that, at least during this scene, Kreacher isn’t the one talking. We have proof that, before this, she wasn’t or hadn’t ever talked to the scarecrow, because if you click on the scarecrow before finishing looking for Kreacher, you get this line. So Kreacher wasn’t talking to her before this (as the scarecrow) either. Back to Emma and her dilemma. She starts asking for help, after which we see the scarecrow speak up. She ends up asking it to stop Freddy and Kreacher from fighting anymore, which it says it will do. This is evidence of Emma’s condition worsening, since the scarecrow apparently hadn’t ever talked before this moment. Everything that’s happening is causing her to deteriorate. And you want to know what I think was the reason why we suddenly see it worsen right here, and hear the scarecrow talk for the first time? It’s because of the appearance of Emily, the doctor that performed electroshock therapy on her, which only happened just a short while before this scarecrow scene. And like I said earlier, Emma doesn’t have memory loss, so she knows who this is. The questions Emma asks later in Emily’s diary, as well as the answers Emily gives hint towards this being the case. At one point near the end, it even seems like Emma is literally asking Emily how she (Emily) thinks she (Emma) is doing. The response she gets back likely isn’t quite what she hoped (especially from her “angel”). This could also contribute to her worsening mental state as she becomes more aware she has a problem or worsens just because she hears Emily saying she thinks Emma has a problem (isn’t “well”).
Also, if you choose the incorrect answer during this section, Emma’s answers also again hint that she has all her memories. 1. If you answer “Church Hospital” you get the following response: The rest of the questions and wrong answers are: 2. 3. I actually find these responses kind of interesting. The first one definitely seems to imply she doesn’t have any good feelings about the church (after what they did). The second is quite telling, as she directly seems to say that she (Emma) was there, and so it doesn’t make sense that Emily wouldn’t have seen her. Thus, Emma seems to call her out on this untruth. Finally, the last response almost seems to imply Emma is aware of why Emily is here and what her potential goal (to atone for her mistakes) is. (This almost seems to make her seem… I’m not quite sure how to phrase it. It could be manipulative or it could just be her need for Emily, as she seems to want Emily to care about her and to fulfill “her pledge” to Emma, which was to “cure” her, and also to atone. Either way, think what you want. I just found it a bit curious. )
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