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11.5 Regarding How Long Kreacher was in the Scarecrow

11. 5 Regarding How Long Kreacher was in the Scarecrow

I need to take one step back to talk about the scarecrow real quick.

I know some people say Kreacher may not have been aware of the time and went into the scarecrow a day early or something. But I think if he had been in it that long, and no one came by, he likely would’ve gotten out, since there would be no point. He’s not that stupid. Remember I said a long time ago that Kreacher is a realist? He’s not a romanticist. He’ll choose materialism and his survival over anything else. This goes the same for being rejected by Emma multiple times. This gets me back to a point I said I’d cover a while ago. Remember how I mentioned he said “You’ll regret this. ”? That could mean, if he discovered the secret exit, due to Emma’s rejection of him, he’s not going to take her with him to escape the manor through this secret exit.


11 Theory (Continued): Kreacher Survived

For more evidence Kreacher may have escaped, I have a few sets of pictures. The first comes from the game itself, the cutscene that plays after the detective (Orpheus) looks at the scar on the back of his hand.

The next picture is in game at Moonlit River Park inside the large building (not the carnival tent).

The 3 pictures after this are from another cutscene at the start of the game, when the detective flips the wall around to reveal the bookcase.


Finally, these last 4 pictures come from the official reality show “The Secrets of Oletus Manor” (it’s in Chinese). The pictures can be found in the background.

The one common theme between all these pictures I’ve showed you is that Freddy, Emily, and Emma are all shown, and in a way that seems to indicate they will or did lose/die, while Kreacher (in all but the last set, where he’s the only one not crossed out) is missing in each of them. What could this mean? Something’s up/different about Kreacher, while the other 3 are implied to have gotten caught or died.

One more odd thing that happens during that show is when they explain the “game rules”. (I am not chinese, which is the language for this show, so correct me if I say something wrong). The basics are explained as: there are 5 people, with 1 hunter and 4 survivors (we all know this). But then it says 1 of the survivors is a traitor (undercover). This traitor needs to hide their identity (not let the others know they’re undercover) and help the hunter win. The interesting part is that, as they’re explaining these rules, they use Kreacher’s picture to indicate the “undercover” person.

This may not be anything, but it’s an interesting note either way.

Other facts to note about Kreacher include the fact his room is on the 2nd floor of the manor (something only the manor owner could set up/do) and how he has most of the manor keys. The former fact is from Freddy’s diary when he comments on the doors on the 2nd floor.

This latter fact we see when Kreacher locks all the doors before the scene where he tries to punch Emma.

This 2nd fact is also said during that reality show as well. When asked who has the most of the manor keys, the response is Kreacher.

I can’t say how true any of this could be. Maybe there is no traitor. Or the fact some of this stuff is approaching 2 years old may not be true anymore in case officials have changed the story since then. But I wanted to present them anyways as possible evidence and attempt to make a case.

Kreacher is smarter than he looks. He has to be if he was to survive this long, especially with him having to grow up on the streets. It is possible he could find a secret exit or be an “undercover” agent.

One way I’d like to show this is with his character day letter. If you read it, you should notice how well everything is written. And as I’ve already gone over, he is being crafty by fooling Father Duke and the church, pretending he’s on their side to manipulate them to hopefully give him what he wants (the kids from his orphanage). But if you compare this to how he talks in game, it’s not quite the same. When Kreacher’s around others, he stutters and talks in 3rd person. One example is at the start of Freddy’s and Kreacher’s diary. The 2 of them and Emma are all in the dining room, so Kreacher talks with a stutter and in 3rd person with the use of his own name.

When Kreacher’s talking to himself, or when he thinks he’s alone, he speaks normally (no stutter, no 3rd person use of his own name). For example, when Emily is avoiding Kreacher at the start of her diary, he thinks he’s alone and so talks normally.

The only exception is when Kreacher gets mad (which makes sense since when people lose control, they normally drop all pretenses, because anger causes people to not think or not care).

My point here is just that Kreacher is smarter than he looks. Kreacher is a liar, and he hides a lot of information about himself this way, and I’m using the way he speaks as one example. There must be a reason why he does this, as it’s a very clear difference.

The last thing I want to mention is my belief that, out of the other 3, Kreacher has the greatest need to actually win the game. His main goal is the money for a new orphanage. The partner thing was a side interest that he will still put as secondary or ignore if it’s out of his reach. To compare to the others, Emily and Freddy technically want money in a way from this, but Emily’s main reason for being here is to make up for past mistakes, via Emma, while Freddy wants revenge on the person who killed Martha (Leo and his wife), meaning Emily. Emma’s main reason for being there is to meet Leo. The point is, the other 3 have reasons for being at the manor that can and are accomplished without ever having to actually win the game. Kreacher’s goal for funding a new orphanage can only be obtained if he plays the game.

As I said, he likely out of all of them is the one who would be the most interested in winning. The other 3 are more interested in each other than the game itself, while Kreacher for the most part hates them all. Freddy and Emily are “upper class” while Emma is only after she rejects him multiple times (and possibly when she tries to burn the scarecrow, at which point he’d definitely not want anything to do with her). This could go back to the undercover theory. The personal conflict and fighting between the other 3 is great enough that Kreacher doesn’t even have to do very much to have them get caught by the hunter. Either way, Kreacher, as a thief and from what we know of him as a character, would be willing to play dirty or do something underhanded if it meant winning the game and surviving. He’d be careful not to break the manor owner’s rules though, since breaking them means death and that’s something he’s very careful to avoid.

So, all in all, to sum it up: I believe Kreacher is smart enough and has the opportunity to possibly escape the manor (or be an “undercover” agent for the manor owner/hunter), which is also a result that could be hinted at from all the evidence I’ve given so far. But there’s no guarantee, so feel free to think whichever way you want until officials say otherwise.

The very last thing I wanted to bring up was something I stumbled across while doing my analysis. It’s a curious comment from Emily when she views the frog’s golden ball (the day Emma is bringing her into the garden because the scarecrow “talked”).

“Has to experience death… to turn into a prince”. If we assume Kreacher was in the scarecrow when Emma set it on fire, this could be seen as his “death”. But unlike Freddy, Emily, and Emma (especially Emily who has the highest chance of the 3 for actually being dead aside from Kreacher), who were all taken out by the hunter, Kreacher was not, and there is a possibility he managed to escape from the scarecrow and from burning to death. If that’s the case, we could say Kreacher, like the frog, “came back” after supposedly dying.

An interesting way of thinking of his “death” is to compare it to a phoenix. Like Kreacher, a phoenix dies by setting itself on fire… but is reborn again from the ashes. Kreacher, just like a phoenix, was set on fire, but from those “ashes” he possibly survived and thus was “reborn”. If we add in the frog prince part, Kreacher, after being “reborn” “turned into a prince”. This could possibly imply that Kreacher escaped, as the prince in the story lived “happily ever after”. The ugly frog changing into a handsome prince could sort of be compared to Kreacher’s situation, where the situation was at first ugly, grim, due to being sent into a game where he could die and the only way out (to win) was to escape. Like the frog, Kreacher “died”, but as a result, his situation “changed into something better”, which could imply this “better” situation was “escaping” (as that is the only possible better outcome other than dying or remaining trapped in that death game).

What do you think?

Oh, actually I do have 1 more thing. One more response I received that could somewhat relate about the possibility of Kreacher surviving:

Thanks for sticking with me for this long. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride and hopefully after everything you might start thinking differently about our resident thief, Kreacher.


12 Epilogue

Links to other theories and posts that talk about or mention Kreacher:


Analysis of Kreacher’s Personality

https: //docs. google. com/document/d/1N-6XrH92qHWuct_r7TZEL4x8GcOdmWuj/edit


Season 13 Essence 2 Analysis (because of his Deputy skin)

https: //docs. google. com/document/d/1-tBfKajyJCQuLoWM2vWsdK8XmPmgamhL/edit


The Traitor Theory and Kreacher

https: //docs. google. com/document/d/1zDUTSZYSHTrTTIzNqk2bOK0qh6hhj-Vn/edit




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