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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Natural resources are the building blocks on which modern society depends. Knowledge of their physical nature and origins, and the web they weave between all aspects of human society and the physical earth can lay the foundation for a sustainable society.

We agree with the above statement because natural resources are important, as human beings would not exist without them. We use natural resources in everything we do. Therefore we should use our resources with minimal wastage and even ensure we dispose of the waste products in an environment friendly manner and whenever possible, we should recycle.

A natural resource is any form of material organic or inorganic obtainable from the earth’s physical environment to satisfy human needs. Before using any such material however, technology, economic implications, cultural beliefs and possible environmental effects of obtaining and using it have to be considered. Thus, a material thing can be considered as a resource only if the technology for obtaining and utilizing it is both available and acceptable economically and culturally.


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


Some people criticize English food. They say it’s unima­ginable, boring, tasteless, it’s chips with everything and to­tally overcooked vegetables.

The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven’t had to invent sauces to disguise their na­tural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?

If you ask foreigners to name some typically English di­shes, they will probably say «Fish and chips» then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn’t lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with reasonable prices.

In most cities in Britain you’ll find Indian, Chinese, French, and Italian restaurants. In London you’ll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because English have no «cuisine» themselves, but this is not quite the true.


1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?

2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?

3. From a foreigner’s point of view, what are typically En­glish dishes?

4. Do all English eat in restaurants?

5. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?

6. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?


to criticize — критиковать

tasteless — безвкусный

overcooked — переваренный

ingredient — ингредиент, составная часть

to invent — изобретать

sauces — соус

to disguise — скрыть

spice — специя, пряность

herb — трава

delicious — очень вкусный

disappointing — обидно

to lend — одалживать

cuisine — кухня


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients.

More and more people feel strongly about the way, their food is produced. Nowadays so much of the basic food we eat —meat, fish, fruit and vegetables — is grown using chemicals and additives. Although fertilizers and pesticides have greatly increased the quantity of food and helped to improve its appearance, there is a growing concern about the effects of these chemicals in the food chain. This concern has led to a growth in the demand for organically grown products.

Today there is another problem. It is modified food, whiсh is cheaper that ordinary one. There is a rumour that such food can cause cancer and other problems. Nobody knows, either it is just an imagined fear or a real problem. This problem could be solved and examined, but it will take some time.

The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.

Income is also an important factor. That is why not surprisingly, money, rather than a lack of knowledge about how to eat well, is at the heart of the problem.

Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating:

First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat.

Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt.

Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.


1. What nutrients do you know?

2. What are the main factors that determine the food we eat?

3. What are three main messages to follow for healthy eating?


nutrient — питательное вещество

carbohydrate — углевод

protein — белок, протеин

fat — жир

to contain — содержать

additive — добавка

fertilizer — удобрение

pesticide — пестицид, ядохимикат

to increase — увеличить

to improve — улучшить

concern — интерес, участие, заинтересованное отношение

food chain — пищевая цепочка

to lead (past led, p.p. led) — вести, приводить

demand — потребность

modified food — модифицированная еда

rumour — молва, слух(и), слушок, толки

to cause — быть причиной, вызывать

cancer — рак (онкология)

fear - страх, боязнь, опасение

to solve — решать

to depend on – зависеть от

income - прибыль; заработок

lack – недостаток, нужда; отсутствие чего –л.


Ex.1: Answer the questions:

1. What nutrients do you know?

2. What are the main factors that determine the food we eat?

3. What are three main messages to follow for healthy eating?

3. What are the main things to know about food we eat?

4. What fats are good?

5. What fats are dangerous for our health?



Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:

When we want to buy things, we usually say we are going shopping. We go to a store (American English) or shop (British English). If it is a group of shops together we might say we are going to the shopping center. If we want to buy food, we may say we are going grocery shopping. A shopping mall is a large group of shops in a covered area in which you can walk around.

Different Kinds of Shops:

A large shop that sells all kinds of foods is called a supermarket. A hypermarket usually includes a supermarket and department store. A department store is a large shop with different sections or departments selling lots of different things.

A delicatessen or deli sells cooked foods or prepared foods like salads, cold cooked meats and cheeses.
A butcher sells different meat products.
A fruit and vegetable shop or greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables.
A bakery sells different kinds of bread.
A florist is a shop or company that sells flowers, especially flowers that have been put together in a special way.
A secondhand shop has things that are not new.
A plant shop or garden center is a place where you can buy flowers and plants to grow in your garden.
A boutiqu e sells women's clothing and jewelery.
Factory outlets are stores selling brandname clothes and shoes at discounted prices.
A stall is a place in a market where you can sell things.

A store that sells milk, ice-cream, small amounts of groceries etc and is often open longer than other stores has different names in different English speaking countries: for example, convenience store, 7-Eleven (parts of Australia), dairy (New Zealand), corner store, superette or newsagent. You need to find the name that is used where you are living.

A store that has a drive-thru or drive-through part allows you to buy something without leaving your car.


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:

Shopping for clothes

Igor Smirnov. Excuse me.

Shop Assistant. Can I help you?

Igor Smirnov. Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.

Shop Assistant. How about this one?

Igor Smirnov. Yes, that’s nice. Can I try it on?

Shop Assistant. Certainly, there’s the fitting rooms over there.

Igor Smirnov. Thank you.

Shop Assistant. How does it fit?

Igor Smirnov. It’s too large. Have you got a smaller one?

Shop Assistant. Yes, here you are.

Igor Smirnov. Thank you. I like this sweater, but have you got it in blue?

Shop Assistant. Wait a second. I’ll just check. Here you are.

Igor Smirnov. Thank you. That’s fine. How much is it?

Shop Assistant. It costs $40.

Igor Smirnov. Are there any discounts?

Shop Assistant. Yes, a 10% off for today.

Igor Smirnov. Great! I’ll take it.

Shop Assistant. OK, how would you like to pay?

Igor Smirnov. Do you take credit cards?

Shop Assistant. Yes, we do. Visa and Master Card.

Igor Smirnov. OK, here’s my Visa.

Shop Assistant. Thank you. Have a nice day!

Igor Smirnov. Thank you, bye.


Ex.1: Join the English word with its translation:

English Russian

appetizer говядина

bacon овощи

cake молочные продукты

peel продавец

confectionary картофель

beef закуска

veal кондитерский отдел

potatoes сметана

dairy сыр

biscuit бекон

vegetables очищать от кожуры

shop assistant огурец

pork пирог, торт

boil свёкла

cheese телятина

rice морковь

sour cream печенье, крекер

cabbage свинина

carrot рис

beetroot варить

cucumber капуста


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:

No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company.

The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview.

Effective resumes are straightforward, factual presentations of a person's experience and accomplishments. They are neither over detailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is best.

One page seems too superficial; a four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official. Some writers suggest that a chronological (the standard-type) resume be used; others argue for an accomplishment resume. A useful resume should include both your experiences and key accomplishments. When sent to a prospective employer, a resume should be professionally reproduced, with particular attention to misspellings, typographical errors, and careful spacing.

To attract attention, some job seekers print resumes on tinted paper, in a menu-like folder, or on unusual-sized paper. If done in a way to attract positive attention to yourself, these approaches have merit.


1. What is the purpose of a resume?
2. What are effective resumes?
3. What is the length of effective resumes?
4. What should a useful resume include?
5. How should a resume be reproduced?

inevitably — неизбежно
to require —требовать
to hire — нанимать
accomplishment — выполнение (достижение)
superficial — поверхностный
to irritate — раздражать
tinted paper — тоновая окрашенная бумага
merit — достоинство


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


When we want to buy something we go to a shop or market. There are many kinds of shops in every city. We can mention food supermarkets, department stores, clothing stores, grocery, bakery and butchery.

As to the human preferences, I can prove that most women like purchasing of clothes, men like automobiles and their accessories to buy.

I like to do my shopping at large department stores and supermarkets. There is a great assortment of various goods in one building and this is very convenient. Department stores are composed of many departments: shoes, ready-made clothes, fabrics, sports goods, toys, glasses, electric appliances, cos­metics, jewelry etc. You can buy or try on everything you like.

There are also escalators in big stops that help customers to get to different floors. All things for sale are on the counters so, that they can be easily seen. For a example, in a women’s clothing department, you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, shorts, tops, lingerie and many other things. In a men’s clothing department you can find suits, trousers, over­coats, ties, shirts, shorts, T-shirts, etc. The knitwear department is involved in selling sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woolen jackets and other woolen clothes.

Cosmetics and jewelry departments are women most wan­ted place to visit; it is the women pilgrimage place. However, men are also often visitors here. In this department you can find gold and diamond wedding sets, diamond jewelry, gem- stone jewelry, golden jewelry, pearls, a great variety of necklaces and bracelets made of different types of gold, silver, rings, etc. At the perfumery department, they sell various creams and powders, lipsticks, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket, we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni; flour, cereals, tea, apples, apricots, pine-apples, plums, cherries, and so on. At the butcher’s department there іs a wide choice of meat and poultry: pork, beef, mutton, chicken, etc. At the bakery, you buy brown and white bread, rolls, and biscuits. Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery, which is stocked with cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and so on and on and on. Everything is sold here ready-weighed, wrapped and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can purchase milk, creams and cheeses of dozen kinds, butter and other dairy products.

The methods of shopping may vary. It depends on either women or men make a shopping tour. It may be a self-service shop, where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then, he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the chosen products are read by computer and the only thing to do to finish your shopping tour is to pay and come back home. If it is not a self-service shop, most small shops are of this kind, the shop assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and keep back your change, then take your products and go home.

But there is a very good service called On-line Market. It really helps you to save your time and get goods of high quality. You have just to look through catalogues of any Internet shop, choose the things you want to buy, order them and wait until they get them to your home.


1. Where can we go when we want to buy something?

2. What kinds of shops are there in the city?

3. What departments are there in department stores?

4. What are women most wanted places to visit in the shops?

5. What can we buy in a food supermarket?

6. What kind of meat is sold at the butcher’s department?

7. What can we buy at the greengrocery?


to mention — упомянуть

to prove — доказать, утверждать

bakery — булочная, пекарня

butchery — зд. мясной отдел

ready-made clothes — готовая одежда

fabrics — ткани

toy — игрушка

electric appliances — электрические приборы

jewelry — драгоценности; ювелирные изделия

to try on — примерить, опробовать

customer — клиент, покупатель

blouse — блузка

skirt — юбка

shorts — шорты

tops — топики

lingerie — дамское белье

suit — костюм

trousers — брюки

over coat — пальто

tie — галстук

shirt — рубашка; блуза; сорочка

T-shirt — футболка, тенниска

knitwear — вязаные, трикотажные вещи

cardigan — шерстяная кофта на пуговицах без воротника

diamond — алмаз; бриллиант

wedding — свадьба; венчание, бракосочетание

gemstone jewelry — ювелирные изделия из драгоценных камней

pearl — жемчуг

necklace — ожерелье

bracelet — браслет

ring — кольцо

sausage — колбаса; сосиска

flour — мука

cereal — крупа, крупяной продукт (полученные из зер­новых культур)

apricot — абрикос, абрикосовый

ріnе-аррlе — ананас

plum — слива

poultry — домашняя птица

pork — свинина

beef — говядина

mutton — баранина

chicken — курица, курятина

roll — булочка; рулет (мясной и т. п.)

frequently — зачастую, часто

greengrocery — овощная или фруктовая лавка

cabbage — (кочанная) капуста

onion — лук, луковица

cucumber - огурец

carrot — морковь

beetroot — свекла

green pea — зеленый горошек

to wrap — заворачивать

dairy — молочный магазин, молочная

to purchase — покупать, закупать (приобретать что-л. за деньги)

creams — сливки

cheese — сыр

butter — масло

to vary — изменять(ся), менять(ся)

check-out counter — прилавок контроля


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


Countertrade is a term which denotes various methods of linking two export transactions. The simplest forms of countertrade are reciprocal sales and barters.

Normal dealings in international trade are carried out by contracts of sale where the sale of goods means an exchange of goods for money. But if contract provides for an exchange of goods for goods and services, it is not a contract of sale in the legal sense, but it is a barter. In American law, however, a contract of barter is also a contract of sale.

The rules governing a contract of barter are not well defined in English law. The contract of barter is assimilated to the contract of sale, as far as the terms implied by the law into the contract are concerned. The property in the goods, supplied in a barter by each party to the other, passes when the parties intend to pass.

The developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, the East European States, the oil exporting countries and other countries demand in a growing measure countertrade arrangements when accepting the supply of goods or services from exporters in the industrial countries. Some developing countries lack hard currency and credit facilities to pay for their imports in money and also wish to expand their own export markets. The foreign trade organizations of East European countries seek to balance their exports and imports in compliance with the requirements of their national economies. Oil exporting countries use the oil which they produce as consideration in kind for industrial and other products they require.


сountertrade – встречная торговля

to link – связывать (две или более операции)

transaction – сделка (торговля)

reciprocal sale – взаимная торговля

barter - бартер

contract - контракт

to assimilate – сравнивать(ся)

background - фон

developing countries – развивающиеся страны

oil - нефть

to lack – испытывать недостаток в чём-либо

hard currency – твёрдая валюта

to expand markets – расширять рынки

to seek – быть неспособным (к чему-либо)

in compliance with - в соответствии с чем-либо



Ex.1: Read and translate the words into Russian:

nature, protection, environment, industry, to develop, to throw out, dust, harmful, substance, to suffer, smog, to disappear, pollution, air, destruction, the ozone layer, to lead, planet, global, the Earth, to take care, to ruin, to protect, dangerous, immediate, to keep clean, to pollute, acid rains, greenhouse effect, to breathe, fertilizer, pesticide, plant, insect, animal, bird, ecology, to save, to destroy, natural resources, to kill.



Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it’s the only place where we can live.

People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and did not produce such amount of polluting agents that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale. With the development of overcrowded industrial highly developed ci­ties, which put huge amounts of pollutants into surrounds, the problem has become more and more dangerous. Today our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, and overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.

In order to understand how air pollution affects our body, we must understand exactly what this pollution is. The pollutants that harm our respiratory system are known as particulates. Particulates are the small solid particles that you can see through rays of sunlight. They are products of incomplete combustion in engines, for example: internal-combustion en­gines, road dust and wood smoke. Billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels are burnt, they produce smoke and other by-products, which is emitted into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke, given off by power plants and automobiles, but it is not enough. These chemical com­pounds undergo a series of chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight; as a result we have smog, mixture of fog and smoke. While such pollutants as particulates we can see, other harmful ones are not visible. Among the most dangerous to our health are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and ozone or active oxygen. If you have ever been in an enclosed parking garage or a tunnel and felt dizzy or light­headed, then you have felt the effect of carbon monoxide (CO). This odourless, colourless, but poisonous gas is produced by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, like gasoline or diesel fuel.

Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains.

Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend continues, one day we won’t have enough oxygen to breathe, we won’t see a beautiful green forest at all.

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: indus­trial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in our seas.

Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon become extinct.

And even greater threats are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are:

Fortunately, it’s not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered animals. We can recycle our wastes; persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities, because it is apparent that our careless use of fossil fuels and chemicals is destroying this planet. And it is now more than ever apparent that at the same time we are destroying our bo­dies and our future.


1. When did the problem of pollution become dangerous?

2. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth?

3. Why is air pollution harmful?

4. Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air?

5. What does the burning of fuel and fossil fuels produce?

6. What are the most dangerous pollutants?

7. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?

8. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?


tiny part — крошечная часть

to pollute — загрязнять

rural area — сельский район

polluting agents — загрязняющие компоненты

global scale — глобальный масштаб

acid rains — кислотные дожди

overpopulation — перенаселение

to threaten — угрожать

to affect — воздействовать

respiratory system — дыхательная система

particulates — макрочастицы

solidparticles— твердые частицы

ray of sunlight — зд. солнечный свет

combustion — сжигание, сгорание

internal-combustion engine — двигатель внутреннего сго­рания

wood smoke — зд. сгорание древесины

by-products — побочные продукты

power plants — силовые установки

chemical compounds — зд. химические элементы

to undergo — подвергаться воздействию

smog — смог

carbon monoxide — угарный газ

nitrogen oxides — окислы азота

sulfur dioxide — сернистый газ

dizzy — головокружение

odourless — без запаха

fossil fuels — органическое топливо

gasoline — бензин

to emit — испускать, выбрасывать

disastrous consequences — гибельные последствия

greenhouse effect — парниковыйэффект

to breathe — дышать, вдыхать

chemical fertilizers — удобрения

pesticide — пестицид

plant — растение

insect — насекомое

extinct — исчезнуть, вымирать

to persuade enterprises — зд. убедить предпринимателей

wastes — отходы


Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:


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