Compounding (in kilograms) on the pasteurized whey with fillers
Table 7.3
In the beginning acidity no more than 75 °Т purify cottage cheese serum of casein dust by a filtration through 2 layers of a gauze or mylar fabric. The serum purified of casein dust will pasteurize at a temperature (76±2) °C with endurance 20 with or (65±2) °C with endurance not less than 30 min. Cool the pasteurized serum up to the temperature (6±2) °C. Sugar is brought in the pasteurized and cooled serum in the form of sugar syrup. Sugar syrup is prepared as follows: granulated sugar is dissolved in serum in the ratio 1:1 on weight, solution will pasteurize at a temperature (92 ±2) °C with endurance of 7-2 min., then cool up to the temperature (27 ±2) °C and filtered. Sugar introduction directly into serum before pasteurization is allowed. The coriander is brought in the form of broth which is prepared on serum. Grains of a coriander crush in the coffee grinder or a mortar, fill in with serum in a small amount, heat to 85 °C and maintain 25 min., then filter. Bring the components prepared on a compounding in the pasteurized and cooled serum and carefully mix. The whey pasteurized without fillers has to have acidity no more than 75 °Т, with fillers – no more than 85 °Т. Fragrant carbonated drink can be made from the cottage cheese filtered serum with various food essences. The compounding on drink (in kilograms on 1000 kg of a product taking into account losses) is presented in table 7.4. Compounding on Fragrant drink Table 7.4
Bring granulated sugar in the filtered serum, the color, mix mix. The color is prepared by combustion of granulated sugar in aluminum capacity, adding at the same time a squirt hot water at continuous hashing. Bring the formed weight to boiling and then cool. The amount of water has to be three times more than the mass of granulated sugar. The color has intensive brown coloring. On 4 l of serum 50 g of granulated sugar and 150 ml of the water heated to 80-90 °C are required. Then mix when hashing is heated to 65 °C and maintained at this temperature of 20 min. Upon termination of endurance hashing is stopped. After pasteurization mix is filtered, cool up to 15-20 °C, bring essence and mixed within 5 min. The prepared mix is filled in in a siphon and saturated with carbonic acid. Ready drink represents uniform liquid in which existence of an insignificant proteinaceous deposit is allowed. Drink sweet-sour, refreshing, with aroma peculiar to the added filler, and weak smack of serum. Acidity of drink has to be no more than 80 °Т. Proceeding from raw materials availability, students are offered to develop 3-4 types of drinks on the given technologies and to define their indicators of quality.
Control questions: 1. What nutritional value and dietary properties of secondary dairy raw materials? 2. In what essence of biological value of whey? 3. How carry out whey clarification? 4. In what look bring granulated sugar, vanillin and a coriander at production of whey with fillers? 5. How prepare a color for carbonated drink "Fragrant? Laboratory work №8 Studying of technology of preparation of sour-milk ferments. Work purpose: To get acquainted with technology of preparation of sour-milk ferments. To study a bottle way of receiving ferments of true cultures. Task 1. To define how many production ferment is necessary for preparation 500 kg of kefir. Task 2.To prepare production ferment for preparation of kefir. Short theoretical data To cause lactic fermentation by production of fermented milk products, kisloslivochny oil and cheese, apply true bacterial cultures. Bacterial cultures usually produce in a look dry and liquid (seldom), kotoryesokhranyayutsyado10-14 days on cold, an expiration date of dry cultures – more 2-hmesyaets. At the plant, as well as in laboratory, prepare maternal (the main, initial or primary), transfer (secondary) and production (worker) ferment. All stock has to be sterile. Equipment, devices and technical means: the thermostat, pans, the electric stove, scales with weights, glasses, circles of parchment, ferment dry. Work performance order Technology of preparation of sour-milk ferments Maternal ferment. 1. Milk to proseparirovat and receive about 2 l of skim milk (to remove foam with a pure spoon). 2. To pour in milk in a flask, to close a wadded stopper, to propasterizovat in water at 90-95 °C within 30 min. 3. In the same ware to cool milk to 30 °C (in cold water). Temperature of milk is taken the thermometer without wooden frame. At preparation of ferment for acidophilus milk to cool up to 45 °C. 4. The film formed on the surface of milk is removed a sterile metal spoon. 5. To pour dry or to pour in liquid laboratory culture in milk, at the same time mixing it a verticil. Contents of a flask are mixed roundabouts. 6. To close ware a gauze or parchment and to put in the thermostat or in a vessel with water, where to maintain temperature 28-30os. The culture for acidophilus milk and yogurt is maintained at 40-45 °C. If milk was fermented in a flask, then it should be placed in the thermostat. 7. The first three hours to mix milk in each hour, then to cover capacity with a gauze. Final souring occurs cherez12-18ch. Maternal ferment is stored at a temperature of 10 °C. Her clot has to be quite dense, acidity – 65-70 °Т. Taste and aroma pure, accurately expressed. Transfer (secondary ferment) 1. To prepare skim milk also, as well as for maternal ferment (to pasteurize, remove foam, okhladitdo25-27 with °C). At preparation of ferment for acidophilus milk and yogurt temperature of milk has to be 40-45 °C. 2. To skim with maternal ferments a sterile spoon (2-3rd). To stir the remained clot a verticil to a smetanoobrazny state. To shake up contents of a flask. 3. To bring a pure beaker or the cylinder in prepared fat-free moloko2-3 by % of maternal ferment.
4. Folding of transfer (secondary) ferment comes in 8-14 h. Ferment has to have pleasant taste and aroma, acidity within 90-100 °. It is necessary to store this ferment at a temperature of 10 °. In maternal and transfer ferments of a bacterium are still insufficiently active therefore the third change is necessary for receiving working (polzovatelny) ferment. Working ferment is prepared similarly transfer, it is only necessary to reduce souring temperature to 20-24 °C, for acidophilus milk till 38-40 °. These ferments are usually ready in 6-10 h. Ready working ferment has to have sour-milk true taste and a smell, a uniform consistence, to be without vials of gas and foreign smacks and smells. Apply a so-called two-row way to respect for purity. From the main ferment at the same time train the main and working again. Working ferment every time ferment new the main. At such way remain more long time of property of the main ferment, and working ferment turns out quality.
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