The report on the performed work
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 16 из 16 To give the scheme of engineering procedure (with indication of the modes) productions of this type of a product. To describe performance of work on a task, to give necessary calculations. To carry out the analysis of the received results and to explain them. To make the short conclusion on work. Control questions: 1. A role of fermenting microflora in forming of quality of Curt. 2. What types of Curt exist? 3. Describe engineering procedure of production of Curt.To give the scheme of engineering procedure (with indication of the modes) productions of this type of a product. To describe performance of work on a task, to give necessary calculations. To carry out the analysis of the received results and to explain them. To make the short conclusion on work. Laboratory work № 15 Production technology of soft ice cream
Work purpose: Task: Short theoretical data Equipment, devices and technical means: Work performance order Safety regulations during the work in laboratory During the work in laboratories of department of technology of milk and dairy products it is necessary to follow the following rules: 1. Before the occupations it is necessary to put on white dressing gowns and kerchiefs or caps. 2. In a workplace it isn't necessary to hold any foreign objects. Bags and portfolios keep within a special locker. 3. It is strictly forbidden to drink water from chemical ware. 4. Not to include and not to switch off knife switches and devices without the permission of the teacher. To watch a condition of isolation of wires, electrofittings and equipment. 5. It is impossible to taste reactants. 6. To put the hot and heated objects only on an asbestos grid or other heat-resistant laying. 7. During the work with strong acids and alkalis it is necessary: ü at measuring off and transfusion of acid and alkali to put on goggles, rubber gloves and over a dressing gown a rubberized apron; ü not to involve a mouth acid in a pipette, to use batchers or a rubber pear for acid measuring off; ü when closing zhiromer traffic jams and when stirring to wrap them in napkins; ü at a vvertyvaniye in a zhiromer of a rubber stopper, and also when counting indications of content of fat, a zhiromer to hold for the expanded part wrapped in a napkin. Otherwise, in the place spy the case and the graduated tube the zhiromer can break, and acid will get on hands; ü taking out traffic jams from zhiromer, to hold zhiromer openings aside from itself and from people around; ü to merge the fulfilled acids and alkalis through a funnel in special bottles. 8. If acid has got on hands or a face, it is necessary to wash out at once the struck places clear water, then weak solution of soda and again clear water. If acid has got on clothes, she is neutralized soda and washed away water. 9. If in the centrifuge the zhiromer breaks, it is necessary to wash out immediately an internal part of the case soda solution, clear water and to wipe dry.
10. The burning spirit-lamps, torches have to be from flammable substances (gasoline, air, alcohol, etc.) at distance not closer to 3 m. 11. Having ended work, it is necessary to put in order a workplace (to wash dishes, to put into place reactants, devices, etc.) and to hand over him to the laboratory assistant of department.
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Kanseitova E.T, Berdembetova A. T., Kobeyeva Zh.K., Balabekova A.S
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