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Имя существительное (the noun)

Занятие 2.

I. Topic: My future profession

Задание 1. Прочтите и запишите новые слова:


health care provider – врач

promoting – содействие

maintaining – поддержание

restoring – восстановление

impairment – нарушение

craft – ремесло, искусство Syn: skill, art

ethics – мораль, нравственность, этика

code of ethics – моральный кодекс

professional ethics – профессиональная этика

decent – достойный

consideration – уважение, внимание

compassion – сострадание

be′nevolence – доброжелательность

thoroughly – тщательно

to administer appropriate treatment – назначить соответствующее лечение

to make a correct diagnosis – поставить правильный диагноз

to handle emergencies – оказывать экстренную помощь больному

real challenge — настоящий вызов, истинное испытание

cope – справиться


Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст


My future profession

I shall enter any house for the good of the patient.

I shall not do my patients any harm.


There are many professions on earth, but the profession of a doctor is the most ancient among them. Many centuries ago people tried to treat each other. Medical students should know two symbols of medicine: the first is the snake giving its poison into the cup. It means wisdom and healing – the aims of medicine. The second symbol is a burning candle which reflects the inner essence of this profession. “Aliis inserviendo consumor” – “Giving light to others I burn myself”.

A physician is a health care provider who deals with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments. They may focus their practice on certain disease - known as specialist medical practitioners - or give medical care to individuals or families - known as general practitioners. Medical practice requires both a deep knowledge of the academic disciplines (such as anatomy and physiology), underlying diseases and their treatment — the science of medicine — and also a decent competence in its applied practice — the art or craft of medicine. The ethics of medicine require that physician show consideration, compassion and benevolence for his patients.

A doctor should know that a great profession comes with great responsibilities. He cures diseases by giving medicine and other kinds of treatment. He must examine his patient thoroughly, send him for analyses or X-ray, and only then he can make a correct diagnose and administer appropriate treatment. He may give advice about diet, exercise, and how to get well and keep fit. He has to know how to talk to sick people, to make decisions and handle emergencies. The doctors should always be prepared to take frequent refresher courses throughout the career because a good doctor must be up to date.

The life-path of a doctor is a real challenge to his abilities and personality. So if you are strong enough, you’ll be able to cope with all the difficulties and will be on guard of a great treasure – human health.


Задание 3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже:

1) A physicianis a … who deals with promoting, … or restoring human health.

2) He must examine his patient ….

3) A good doctor must have deep knowledge in academic disciplines and a … competence in applied practice.

4) The doctor can make a correct diagnose and ….

5) A general practitioner deals with treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental ….

6) He has to know how to talk to sick people, to make decisions and ….


handle emergencies, administer appropriate treatment, maintaining, thoroughly, decent, a health care provider



Задание 4. Подберите дефиницию для слов из левой колонки:


consideration a physician to maintain competence decent compassion -when you think about smth carefully -a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering of others and wish to help them -socially acceptable or good -to continue to have; to keep in existence -the ability to do smth well -a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a surgeon  



Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Who is a physician?

2) What may they focus their practice on?

3) Is there any difference between general practitioner and specialist medical practitioner?

4) What does medical practice require?

5) What must a good doctor show for his patients?

6) How does a doctor see his patient? What does he usually do?

7) What advice may a doctor give to his patient?

8) Why must a good doctor be ready to take refresher course?


II. Grammar

Имя существительное (the noun)

Имя существительное – часть речи, обозначающая лицо или предмет и отвечающая на вопрос кто? или что?: a skeleton, physiology, a patient.


Существительные делятся на:

собственные: London, Mary, America;

нарицательные: a dog, a patient;

абстрактные: history, love, friendship;

вещественные: bread, water, matter;

собирательные: family, team, crowd.


Существительные образуют множественное число путем прибавления к форме единственного числа окончания -(e)s:

trunk – trunks, boy – boys, hero – heroes, process – processes.


Обратите внимание на особые случаи образования множественного числа:

1. путем изменения корневой гласной:

man – men foot – feet

woman – women tooth – teeth

child – children mouse – mice


2. в именах существительных, заимствованных из греческого и латинского языков:

analysis – analyses bacterium – bacteria

thesis – theses nucleus – nuclei

datum – data stimulus – stimuli


3. в составных именах существительных, которые пишутся через дефис, форму множественного числа обычно принимает основное в смысловом отношении слово:

gall-bladder – gall-bladders

shoulder-blade – shoulder-blades

passer-by – passers-by

Задание 6. Поставьте следующие существитель­ные в множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множе­ственном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.


Задание 7. Из слов, данных в скобках, выберите нужные по смыслу.

1) There are many (woman, women) among the doctors.

2) Her (child, children) is two years old.

3) The (life, lives) of great (man, men) are very interesting.

4) His mother’s (foot, feet) ache (to ache – болеть)

5) Does your (tooth, teeth) ache?


Задание 8.

А. Найдите и подчеркните ядро в следующих предложениях, в которых подлежащие выражены существительными, образующими форму множественного числа по правилам латинского или греческого языков (форму числа существительного можно определить по форме глагола-сказуемого).


The bacillus is a bacterium of a certain form.

Bacilli are responsible for many serious diseases.

Each vertebra consists of two main parts: the body and the vertebral arch.

The five lumbar vertebrae lie in the lowest part of the back.


В. Переведите предложения.

1) Bacteria are vital.

2) Bacteria cause disease.

3) This bacterium is very sensitive to the lack of water.

4) Each nucleus contains one or more nucleoli.

5) Atomic nuclei contain a mixture of protons and neutrons.

6) Each alveolus is a tiny little pocket of air.

7) The pulmonary alveoli contain networks of extremely small vessels.

8) Each atrium opens into the ventricle through a valve.

9) The atria are the upper chambers of the heart.

10) Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes.

11) Each bronchus divides into bronchial tubes.

12) A cilium is a fine, thread-like hair from the surface of a cell.

13) Cilia line the upper airways and protect against infection.

14) The alga is a simple plant without root, stem or leaves.

15) Algae range in size from single cells to plants many meters in length.

16) A mitochondrion is an important cytoplasmic organelle.

17) Mitochondria generate energy for the cell's activities.

18) The analysis involves several steps.

19) Chemical analyses of various substances in the blood are invaluable aid in the

prevention of disease.

20) Amoebae are the type of unicellular animal.

21) Under a microscope ameba appears as a shapeless bit of jelly with one or more

spots (the nuclei) inside it.

22) The glomerulus is an integral part of the nephron, the basic unit of the kidney.

23) The glomeruli contain receptors for a number of hormones.

24) Pili are short hair-like projections of certain bacteria.

25) A pilus is one of the minute filamentous appendages of certain bacteria.

26) The vertebrae form a column of bones in the spine.

27) Numerous intestinal villi line the small intestine.

28) Sensory stimuli follow neural paths from the sensory organ to specific areas in

the brain.


Задание 9.

А. Выберите соответствующую форму существительного-подлежащего, определив его число по форме сказуемого.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1) (Bacterium/ Bacteria) show a number of different shapes and forms.

2) (Bacterium/ Bacteria) have far fewer genes than animals and plants.

3) The (nucleus/ nuclei) of radioactive atoms emit alpha or beta rays.

4) Each (villus/ villi) has a network of capillaries.

5) Each bacterial (flagellum/ flagella) consists of a single tube-like filament.

6) The (pneumococcus/ pneumococci) has its special effect on the lungs.

7) The seven cervical (vertebra/vertebrae) are the smallest in the vertebral column.

8) Small (embolus/ emboli) plug pulmonary arteries.

9) Like the streptococci, some (staphylococcus/ staphylococci) secrete enzymes and


10) (Reticulum/ Reticula) is a small network of tubules, vesicles, or sacs in cells.

11) (Paralysis/ Paralyses) results from damage to parts of the nervous system.



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