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II. The superficial layer of cervical fascia proper


(musculi capitis/мышцы головы)


The facial muscles (musculi faciei/мышцы лица)


The facial muscles are attached to the skin or mucous membrane by one or both ends.


Epicranius (m. epicranius /надчерепная мышца)

· Origin. The frontal belly (venter frontalis /лобное брюшко) extends backwards from the forehead region and the occipital belly (venter occipitalis /затылочное брюшко) extends forwards from the occipital bone.

· Insertion. Both parts are inserted into the epicranial aponeurosis (aponeurosis epicranialis /сухожильный шлем).

· Actions. The frontal belly lifts the eyebrows when looking upwards and both bellies can move the whole scalp on the underlying loose fascia.

Orbicularis oculi (m. orbicularis oculi /круговая мышца глаза)

· In two parts.

· The orbital part (pars orbitalis /глазничная часть) surrounds the whole eye, blending with the frontal belly of the epicranius. It closes the eye tightly.

· The palpebral part (pars palpebralis /вековая часть) is in the eyelid and closes the eye gently as in sleep.

Procerus (m. procerus /мышца гордецов)

· Origin. The ridge of the nose.

· Insertion. The skin of the glabella where it interlaces with the frontal belly of the epicranius.

· Actions. It causes transverse wrinkling of the skin above the bridge of the nose.

Corrugator supercilii (m. corrugator supercilii /мышца, сморщивающая бровь)

· Origin. The nasal part of the frontal bone.

· Insertion. It passes laterally and interlaces with the frontal belly of the epicranius.

· Actions. It draws the eyebrows towards each other and causes the formation of vertical wrinkles in the space between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose.

Nasalis (m. nasalis /носовая мышца)

· Origin. From the wall of the socket of the maxillary lateral incisor.

· Insertion. The transverse part (pars transversa /поперечная часть) ascends to the bridge of the nose and joins with the contralateral muscle. The alar part (pars alaris /крыльная часть) passes to the ala.

· Actions. The transverse part compresses the cartilaginous part of the nose, the alar part draws the ala downwards.


Orbicularis oris (m. orbicularis oris /круговая мышца рта)

· Surrounds the whole mouth and blends in with the surrounding muscles.

· Closes the mouth and protrudes the lips.

Buccinator (m. buccinator /щёчная мышца)

· Origin. From the pterygomandibular ligament, where it is continuous with the superior constrictor of the pharynx.

· Insertion. It blends in with the orbicularis oris.

· Actions. It tightens the cheeks and keeps them in contact with the gums, thus preventing food collecting in the vestibule of the mouth.

Levator labii superioris

(m. levator labii superioris /мышца, поднимающая верхнюю губу)

· Origin. The infra-orbital margin of the maxilla.

· Insertion. The skin of the nasolabial fold.

· Actions. It raises the upper lip.

Levator anguli oris (m. levator anguli oris /мышца, поднимающая угол рта)

· Origin. The canine fossa.

· Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

· Actions. Itraises the angle of the mouth.

Zygomaticus minor (m. zygomaticus minor /малая скуловая мышца)

· Origin. The zygomatic bone.

· Insertion. The skin of the nasolabial fold.

· Actions. It raises the angle of the mouth and makes the nasolabial fold deeper.

Zygomaticus major (m. zygomaticus major /большая скуловая мышца)

· Origin. The lateral surface of the zygomatic bone.

· Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

· Actions. It pulls the angle of the mouth upwards and laterally. It is very important in the expression of laughter on the face.

Depressor anguli oris (m. depressor anguli oris /мышца, опускающая угол рта)

· Origin. The inferior border of the mandible laterally of the mental tubercle.

· Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

· Actions. It pulls the angle of the mouth downwards.

Depressor labii inferioris

(m. depressor labii inferioris /мышца, опускающая нижнюю губу)

· Origin. The inferior border of the mandible just below the mental foramen.

· Insertion. The lower lip.

· Actions. Itpulls the lower lip downwards and laterally.

Mentalis (m. mentalis /подбородочная мышца)

· Origin. The alveolar yokes of the lower incisors.

· Insertion. The skin of the chin.

· Actions. Itraises the skin of the chin with the formation of small dimples in it.

Risorius (m. risorius /мышца смеха)

· Origin. The masseteric fasciae.

· Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

· Actions. Itforms the small dimple laterally to the angle of the mouth and stretches the mouth in laughing.

Nerve supply of the facial muscles: thefacial nerve.


The masticatory muscles (musculi masticatorii /жевательные мышцы)


Temporalis (m. temporalis /височная мышца)

· Origin. The lateral side of the skull below the temporal line.

· Insertion. The coronoid process of the mandible.

· Actions. It closes the mouth and clenches the teeth. The posterior fibres are horizontal and help to retract the mandible when closing the mouth.

Masseter (m. masseter/жевательная мышца)

· Origin. The lower border of the zygomatic arch.

· Insertion. The masseteric tuberosity of the mandible.

· Actions. Closes the mouth and clenches the teeth.

Lateral pterygoid (m. pterygoideus lateralis/латеральная крыловидная мышца)

· Origin. The lateral plate of the pterygoid process.

· Insertion. The neck of the mandible and the intra-articular disc of the temporomandibular joint.

· Actions. It protrudes the mandible and moves the head of the mandible onto the articular tubercle when the mouth is opened.

Medial pterygoid (m. pterygoideus madialis /медиальная крыловидная мышца)

· Origin. The pterygoid fossa of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone.

· Insertion. The pterygoid tuberosity of the mandible.

· Action. It helps to close the mouth.

Nerve supply of the masticatory muscles: the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.


The fasciae of the head

The temporal fascia (fascia temporalis /височная фасция)

· This fascia covers the temporal muscle.

· It arises from the temporal line and it is divided into two parts near the zygomatic arch:

- the superficial layer which fuses with the external surface of the arch.

- the deep layer, which fuses with the internal surface of the arch.

· The space between two layers is filled with fatty tissue.

The masseteric fascia (fascia masseterica /жевательная фасция)

This fascia covers the masseter.

The parotid fascia (fascia parotidea /фасция околоушной железы)

This fascia forms the capsule around the parotid gland.

The buccopharyngeal fascia

(fascia buccopharyngea /щёчно-глоточная фасция)

This fascia covers the posterior section of the buccinator, forms the pterygomandibular raphe and is continues with the connective tissue covering the pharyngeal muscles.

THE MUSCLES OF NECK (musculi colli /мышцы шеи)

The superficial muscles

Platysma (platysma /подкожная мышца шеи)

· Origin. The skin over the upper part of the chest, crossing the mandible to blend in with the orbicularis oris.

· Actions. It pulls down the corners of the mouth and has an antisphincteric action on the neck as in loosening a tight collar.

· Nerve supply. The facial nerve.


(m. sternocleidomastoideus /грудино-ключично-сосцевидная мышца)

· Origin. The front of the manubrium of sternum (by a narrow rounded tendon) and the medial third of the clavicle.

· Insertion. The mastoid process and the lateral part of the superior nuchal line.

· Actions. It rotates the head to the opposite side and flexes the cervical spine to the same side, thus bringing the ear nearer to the shoulder of the same side. Both muscles acting together can flex the cervical spine against resistance. An accessory muscle of respiration.

· Nerve supply. Spinal accessory nerve.


Suprahyoid muscles

These muscles lie between the mandible and the hyoid bone.

Digastric (m. digastricus /двубрюшная мышца)

· The anterior belly (venter anterior /переднее брюшко) arises from the digastric fossa of the mandible.

· the posterior belly (venter posterior /заднее брюшко) arises from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone.

· Both bellies meet at the intermediate tendon, that attached to the body of the hyoid bone.

Stylohyoid (m. stylohioideus /шилоподъязычная мышца)

· Origin. The styloid process of the temporal bone.

· Insertion. The body of the hyoid bone and it embraces the intermediate tendon of the digastric.

Mylohyoid (m. mylohyoideus /челюcтно-подъязычная мышца)

· Origin. The mylohyoid line of the mandible.

· Insertion. To the body of the hyoid bone and to the tendinous raphe between the inner surface of the body of the mandible and the body of the hyoid bone.

· Two mylohyoid form the floor of the mouth.

Geniohyoid (m. geniohyiodeus /подбородочно-подъязычная мышца)

· Origin. The mental spine of the mandible (this muscle lies above the mylohyoid).

· Insertion. The body of the hyoid bone.

Actions of suprahyoid muscles. These raise the hyoid bone.

Nerve supply of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and stylohyoid muscle. The facial nerve.

Nerve supply of another suprahyoid muscles. Cervical spinal nerves.


Infrahyiod muscles

Sternohyoid (m. sternohyoideus /грудино-подъязычная мышца)

· Origin. The posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum, the sternoclavicular joint and the sternal end of the clavicle.

· Insertion. The inferior edge of the hyoid bone.

· Actions. It pulls the hyoid bone downwards.

Omohyiod (m. omohyoideus /лопаточно-подъязычная мышца)

· Origin. Medially from the scapular notch (inferior belly).

· Insertion. The body of the hyoid bone (superior belly).

· Two bellies meet at the intermediate tendon, that lies under the sternocleidomastoid.

· Actions. Takes part in the dilatation of the large veins situated under the fascia. Pulls the hyoid bone downwards.

Sternothyroid (m. sternothyroideus /грудино-щитовидная мышца)

· Origin. The posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum.

· Insertion. The lateral surface of the thyroid cartilage.

· Actions. Lowers the larynx.

Thyrohyoid (m. thyrohyoideus /шито-подъязычная мышца)

· Origin. The lateral surface of the thyroid cartilage.

· Insertion. The body and the greater horn of the hyoid bone.

· Actions. Pulls the larynx upwards when the hyoid bone is steadied.

Nerve supply of the infrahyoid muscles. Cervical spinal nerves.

The deep muscles


Scalenus anterior (m. scalenus anterior /передняя лестничная мышца)

· Origin. The transverse processes of several cervical vertebrae.

· Insertion. The scalene tubercle on the medial border of the 1st rib, by means of a narrow pointed tendon.

Scalenus medius (m. scalenus medius /средняя лестничная мышца)

· Origin. The transverse processes of most of the cervical vertebrae.

· Insertion. A large area on the 1st rib behind scalenus anterior.

Scalenus posterior (m. scalenus posterior /задняя лестничная мышца)

· Origin. The transverse processes of the lower cervical vertebrae.

· Insertion. The outer surface of the second rib.

Actions of the scalenus muscles. Flex the cervical spine, produce lateral flexion to the same side and rotation to the opposite side. An accessory muscles of respiration.

Longus colli (m. longus colli /длинная мышца шеи)

It lies on the superior surface of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae and has three parts:

- the vertical part is stretched between the bodies,

- the inferior oblique part is stretched between the bodies inferiorly and the transverse processes superiorly,

- the superior oblique part is stretched between the same transverse processes inferiorly and the bodies superiorly.

· Actions. Flexes the head laterally, both muscles flex the head forwards, it takes part in rotation of the head.

Longus capitis (m. longus capitis /длинная мышца головы)

· Origin. The transverse processes of the middle cervical vertebrae.

· Insertion. The basilar part of the occipital bone.

· Actions. Flexes the head forwards.

Suboccipital muscles (see also the muscles of the back)

Rectus capitis anterior (rectus capitis anterior /передняя прямая мышца головы)

· Origin. The lateral mass of the atlas.

· Insertion. The basilar part of the occipital bone.

· Actions. Flexes the head forwards.

Rectus capitis lateralis

(rectus capitis lateralis /латеральная прямая мышца головы)

· Origin. The transverse process of the atlas.

· Insertion. The lateral part of the occipital bone.

· Actions. Helps the longus colli.

Nerve supply of deep muscles. Cervical spinal nerves (cervical plexus).

The cervical fasciae


Five fascial layers are distinguished.

I. The superficial cervical fascia (fascia colli superficialis /поверхностная фасция шеи)

It is the part of the common superficial fascia of the body. It contains the platysma.

II. The superficial layer of cervical fascia proper

(lamina superficialis fasciae colli propriae/поверхностная пластинка собственной фасции шеи)

· This fascia covers the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, the salivary glands, the vessels and nerves.

· It is attached to the mandible and the mastoid process above, to the anterior border of the manubrium of the sternum and the clavicles, to the transverse processes laterally and to the spinous processes posteriorly.

· In front, on the midline it fuses with the deep layer of the cervical fascia proper to from the linea alba cervicalis.

· The fascia forms the fascial sheaths for the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius.


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