LANGUAGE FOCUS. 2. Word formation. Complete this table by filling in the correct forms. 3. Match the columns. 4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.
LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Give Russian equivalents for the following English words and phrases:
2. Word formation. Complete this table by filling in the correct forms. a.
3. Match the columns. a.
4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary. 1) A contract is a binding agreement made ______ the parties concerned. 2) Contract law deals ____ promises which create legal rights. 3) A person’s promise is made ___ exchange ___ the other person’s promise. 4) When the contract is negotiated, the offer and the acceptance must match ___each other ___ order for the contract to be binding. 5) Entering ____ a contract, the parties must agree ___ the essential terms. 6) The courts may enforce a vague contract ____ certain circumstances.
7) Contracts may be done ___ writing or ___ spoken words. 8) Obligations are something which a party has to do or give ___ to get those rights. 9) A party may try to escape ____the obligations _____ the contract. 10) A non-breaching party may file a lawsuit ____ the breaching party for breach of contract. 11) In some cases, individuals who are not a party ___ a contract may have enforceable rights _____ the contract. 12) Contracts made ____ the benefit of a third party may be enforceable by the third party. 5. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) Contract law deals with drafting and interpreting legal agreement made in writing. 2) In all jurisdictions a contract is formed when one party makes an offer and the other party accepts it. 3) The price fixed in a contract is the consideration. 4) A party to a contract is both a promisor and a promisee. 5) If the offer and acceptance do not match each other, a contract cannot be formed. 6) The contract is enforceable if the parties agree on the essential terms. 7) A contract for the sale of land may be done both orally and in writing. 8) Sometimes a party to a contract may escape its obligations under the contract. 9) An injured party may file a lawsuit against a breaching party in case of a breach. 10) Specific performance is a remedy for breach of contract awarded by court. 11) Third-party beneficiary contracts may be enforced only by the parties to the contract. 6. Chose the phrase which best completes each statement. Sometimes more than one variant is possible. 1) A contract is formed when … a. one party makes an offer. b. one party makes an offer and the other party accepts it. c. one party signs the contract. d. one party promises the other party to give up doing something. 2) Consideration is …. a. the terms of the contract. b. the fulfilment of the contract. c. the money paid under the contract. d. the damages awarded by court. 3) In order for the contract to be binding … a. the offer and the acceptance must match each other. b. the contract must be in writing. c. the other party must make a counter-offer. d. the contract must be duly performed. 4) The essential terms of a contract are … a. the terms of the contract. b. the time the contract must be performed. c. the partries to the contract. d. the price and the subject matter of the contract. 5) A party may escape its obligations under the contract if …. a. the subject matter of the contract is illegal. b. it has made a counter-offer. c. there is fraud in the inducement. d. the party lacks legal capacity to contract. 6) Usually remedies for the breach of contract are in the form of … a. money paid to the non-breaching party. b. specific performance. c. prison term awarded to the breaching party. d. death penalty. 7) A party to a contract which transfers the rights under a contract to a third party is called …. a. an assignor. b. an assignee. c. a delegate. d. a delegatee.
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