Block II. Video. Block III: Project work. Lesson 8. Conventional and nonconventional medicine: pros and cons. Block I. Vocabulary
Block II. Video Task 1. Watch the video https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=1ncnzIeIQsE and fill in the blanks: Hi there, I’m Tonya Reinan. I’m the 1)…………………………of The Power of Body Language. We’re here on the streets of Manhattan because what I’m going to do is I’m going to pick out some people and show you the 2)………………………… way to do things. And, perhaps some of the wrong ways to do things. One of the most interesting facets of body language is just what you can 3)………………………… from one single body part. So what do I mean by that? When you are 4)………………………… to someone one of the first things you want to do is look at their 5)…………………………. So if I’m talking to you straight on, yet my feet are pointing this way… you need to 6)………………………… that I’m on my way out. I’m not interested in what you have to say. I’m looking to move. So, one of the things you always want to 7)………………………… is the feet point where the body wants to go. So this is a power 8)…………………………. What that woman is demonstrating is she that feels 9)………………………… about herself. She is in what is known as a figure four, which is a position that takes up more space in the average sitting space. Her arms are pulled back saying … “I don’t feel 10)…………………………. I’m powerful. ” One of the things that is interesting about men is that they are always 11)…………………………, unconsciously, how sexual they are. So, if you are walking 12)………………………… a man and he has his hands in his 13)………………………… … you know what he is doing … he is trying to point out his best assets. So, as you see this people walking 14)………………………… the streets, look at what their hands are doing. Are their hands pointing to their most 15)………………………… areas? Because if, they are, they are sending you a very strong message. Task 2. Answer the questions: 1) What does it mean when people’s hands are pointing to a significant area of their bodies? 2) Why is it more difficult for a woman to get men’s attention than the other way around? 3) Observe the couple talking. According to Tonya, why is the woman uncomfortable? 4) What gestures may be the signs of people being dishonest? 5) What tricks do people use to make a person reveal his lie?
Block III: Project work
Look up new words in a dictionary and discuss with your partner. Then, match the subjects under the following numbers (1-17) with their completions under the given letters (a-q) in order to form grammatically correct sentences. Discuss your answers with a partner. 1. The first owner of the Marlboro Company 2. The three most valuable brand names on earth are 3. The liquid inside young coconuts can be 4. Pearls melt 5. Turtles can breathe 6. No piece of paper can be 7. Wrigley's Gum was the first product 8 Most dust particles in your house 9 Oak trees do not produce acorns 10 Walt Disney was afraid 11 A duck's quack 12 Apples, not caffeine, 13 Donkeys kill more people annually 14 It is possible to lead 15 The king of hearts is the only king 16 You burn more calories sleeping 17 Venus is the only planet a. used as a substitute for blood plasma. b. folded in half more than seven times. c. than plane crashes. d. than you do watching television. e. until they are fifty years of age or older. f. to have a bar code. g. without a mustache. h. that rotates clockwise. i. are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. j. are made up of dead skin. k. died of lung cancer. So, did the 1st " Marlboro Man. " l. of mice. m. in vinegar. n. Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. o. a cow upstairs... but not downstairs. p. doesn't echo, and no one knows why. q. through their behinds. Lesson 8 Conventional and nonconventional medicine: pros and cons Block I. Vocabulary Task 1. Read the text and translate the words and phrases in bold into Russian:
Traditional medicine, as we commonly know, includes modern health science, medical technology, surgery, and associated practices. It can also be referred to as contemporary medicine or the western medicine. Alternative medicine is the collection of all the knowledge, skills, and practices based on age-old theories or experiences. It comprises a wide range of procedures native to different cultures around the world. This science is a combination of all the unconventional practices that are used to prevent, diagnose, improve, and treat any form of illness. While experts differ in their view on this subject, it is important to deduce the pros and cons of both the branches of medicine. A judicious mix of both can be a good way forward. Different Aspects of Both Sciences ☛ Traditional approach focuses on the cause of the ailment. It concentrates on factors causing the disease, its prevention, remedies, and deals with the abnormality as an independent entity. The person affected, the environment, or the circumstances under which the disease occurred is insignificant in this system. It is limited to the scientific study of an anomaly and ways to remove it. The alternative approach is an ancient concept and varies according to person and place. It has evolved in different regions of the world over a long period of time. Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, or homeopathy are some of the practices that come under this category.
☛ The underlying principle of these systems is the same, i. e., considering the ailment as a dynamic entity of the system and ways to uproot its foundation. It considers a disease as an upset of balance between a body and its surroundings. Therefore, it focuses on cleansing the entire system rather than eliminating the immediate cause of concern. ✔ Traditional medicine, as we commonly know, does not consider other processes while treating a disease. It is entirely concerned with the organ affected and its treatment. This approach may adversely affect the other parts during the course of healing. ☛ Alternative practices consider a disease as a deviation from the normal functions of the entire system that is affected. Hence, it focuses on the background, environmental, and social conditions and of course, the part affected. The healer's job, in this case, is to remove the disharmony prevailing and not the elimination of the actual ailment. The healing of a system amounts to the alleviation of the particular disease. ✔ However, both the systems have certain advantages over each other. For example, in case of an emergency, such as a severe accident or where an urgent surgical procedure is required, conventional systems prove to be far more superior. ☛ Alternative systems require time and may not be suitable in situations demanding immediate results. Therefore, in critical circumstances, traditional avenues are a preferred option. ✔ On the other hand, illness due to psychological factors have a better healing course in the alternative system. Stress-related disorders, allergies, addictions, or 'modern' ailments, such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia have a better cure with the unconventional systems. The use of drugs and surgical procedures rarely helps in such cases and may adversely affect the other parts and organs. ☛ Another very important point of contention is the validity of the systems. Traditional therapy is granted a legal and valid status by responsible authorities, such as the local governments or medical associations of a country. ✔ Even though alternative medicine is hugely popular and practiced in large numbers, there are no regulatory bodies monitoring the system. Medical training, educational qualifications of the doctors, or the healing authority are never considered in an alternative system. ☛ A simple case in point is the treatment of the most common ailment prevalent the world over - headache. Modern medicine has prescribed hundreds of drugs for its cure. Until this day, there isn't a satisfactory remedy for headache. And the disappointing part is that the antibiotics are associated with a plethora of side effects. In fact, some of the medicines prescribed for headache have been banned in certain countries because of its harmful effects on the other organs of the body. ✔ On the other hand, a simple massage therapy, meditation session, yoga, or practice of 'tai chi' can permanently cure headache. Thus, alternative system rates over traditional medicine in the eradication of simple maladies. The solution is long-lasting and does not incur any side effect. In fact, the entire system gets rejuvenated and refreshed. ☛ A simple case in point is the treatment of the most common ailment prevalent the world over - headache. Modern medicine has prescribed hundreds of drugs for its cure. Until this day, there isn't a satisfactory remedy for headache. And the disappointing part is that the antibiotics are associated with a plethora of side effects. In fact, some of the medicines prescribed for headache have been banned in certain countries because of its harmful effects on the other organs of the body.
Task 2. Answer the questions:
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