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Voice 2.   Block III: Project work. Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson. Николай Заболоцкий. Lesson 4. Humor of different nationalities

Voice 2

It has also become easier for foreign writers to communicate directly with smaller publishing companies in other countries. Some smaller 11)……………………. companies concentrate on only translating and publishing foreign works. These smaller companies are better able to serve the foreign writer.

Voice 1

As the global publishing market changes, there is a greater demand for good translators. However, most people will still never know the names of even the most 12)……………………. translators. But translator, Daniel Hahn, believes that this is a good thing. On the website, wordswithoutborders. org, he wrote:

Voice 5

“As translators, our job is to be as unseen as possible. The reader should not notice we are there at all. The reader should reach the end of the book and think, ‘Wait, I do not speak Portuguese! How did that happen? ’ It is the highest honour when our work is not noticed. ”

Task 2. Answer the questions:

1) What should real translators concentrate on?

2) What doesn`t a bad translation capture?

3) How many years does it take to become a good translator according to Edith Grossman?

4) What role does translation play for culture?

5) What are most publishing houses interested in?


                                                          Block III: Project work

Translate the following poems into Russian and in English:

Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson

Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple Host

Who took the Flag today

Can tell the definition

So clear of Victory

As he defeated--dying--

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!



Николай Заболоцкий

Не позволяй душе лениться!
Чтоб в ступе воду не толочь,
Душа обязана трудиться
И день и ночь, и день и ночь!
Гони ее от дома к дому,

Тащи с этапа на этап,
По пустырю, по бурелому
Через сугроб, через ухаб!
Не разрешай ей спать в постели
При свете утренней звезды,
Держи лентяйку в черном теле
И не снимай с нее узды!
Коль дать ей вздумаешь поблажку,
Освобождая от работ,
Она последнюю рубашку
С тебя без жалости сорвет.
А ты хватай ее за плечи,
Учи и мучай дотемна,
Чтоб жить с тобой по-человечьи
Училась заново она.
Она рабыня и царица,
Она работница и дочь,
Она обязана трудиться
И день и ночь, и день и ночь!



Lesson 4

                                     Humor of different nationalities


                                             Block I. Vocabulary

Task 1. Read the text and translate the words and phrases in bold into Russian:

" It's a match made in heaven... by a retarded angel. " - Woody Allen


There it is. Straight from one of the masters of dry comedy. That's how it is done. Analyzing humor is tough, as it is something very spontaneous. It's like champagne flowing out from the uncorking of a bottled wit. Humor is a subtle way of presenting reality in such a way, that it makes us laugh. Like every other thinking process, contemplating life through the lens of dry humor is a habit. To some, it comes naturally, some cultivate the 'clown' within them as a defense mechanism against the harsh realities of life and some are plain old loony! They just can't help it. A capacity for sense of humor is inherent in all of us. It's up to us if we want the serious philosopher or the clown within to take hold of us. Well, you need them both and if you really think about it, they are two facets of the same personality. The clown is just the philosopher turned inside out. Dry humor is more about the philosopher within you, looking at the world through the clown's eyes. It's not-so-obvious, subtle and intellectual kind of humor. Being a particularly big fan of dry humor, in here, I share some tips on how you can develop the clown within, who can give you more reasons to laugh and relieve stress for yourself and those around you.

How to Cultivate a Dry Sense of Humor?

Look Within
You can develop a great sense of humor when you learn to laugh at yourself. Our own life, the vagaries of existence and our experiences provide us with tons of potent situations for humor to erupt spontaneously. Look within and draw from the wealth of personal experience, to come up with facts of life, which make up for great dry humor. Laughing at your own goof - ups and embarrassing situations is a must, to develop the capacity for humor.


" My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers. " - Woody Allen

Mastering the Play of Words
Puns are replete in dry humor. Playing with words is addictive and a lot of fun. Opportunities for some great puns present themselves all the time. If you are up for it, you can spot them and certainly impress people with your wit.


" Politics: 'Poli' a Latin word meaning " many"; and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures. ' " - Robin Williams

Appreciate Sarcasm
Developing an appreciation for irony and sarcasm is a must, to develop sense of humor, of the dry kind. Sarcasm and satire, make for some great dry humor. However, make sure that the recipients of your sarcasm or satire enjoy the joke just as much. If somebody's hurt, it's not humor, but pure malice. Avoid crossing the line.


" Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. " - H. L. Mencken

Read Good Humor
Always helps, when you learn from the masters. Read the works of some of the master humorists like, S. J. Perelman and Robert Benchley, classic English authors like P. G. Wodehouse, Mark Twain and contemporary writers like Douglas Adams. Reading good humor may inspire you to come up with your own. Witty company does help in developing a good sense of humor.


" Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. " - Mark Twain

Look at the Bigger Picture
Taking life too seriously makes us immune to humor! Now that's the kind of immunity you don't want. It is okay to be infected with humor. Look at the bigger picture and our little worries seem inconsequential; funny even. Great humorists have always looked at the larger picture and taught us to laugh at ourselves.


" I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. " - Albert Einstein


As most stand - up comedians, actors and directors will confess, being funny is serious business. Humor, insight and creativity are intimately connected. Therefore, developing your sense of humor is also about developing creativity and insight into your understanding of the world and its various idiosyncrasies and comedies. Analyzing and dissecting humor literally kills it. It will emerge naturally, when you have the right attitude. It has to be spontaneous and effervescent. Let your mind open to possibilities. The key to it is enjoying life and always focusing on the lighter side of things.


Task 2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the most common way to define humor?

2. What helps a person to cultivate a dry sense of humor?

3. What quote about humor do you agree with and why?

4. What master humorists named in the text have you already read?

5. Why should a person develop his sense of humor?  



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