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Questions. 17. Do the following statements agree with the claims of the text writer? There are three possible options (TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN). Choose one option. Discuss your opinions with your groupmates.


1. In which year did the World Health Organization define health in terms of mental, physical and social well-being?

2. Which members of society benefited most from the healthy lifestyles approach to health?

3. Name the three broad areas which relate to people's health, according to the socio-ecological view of health.

4. During which decade were lifestyle risks seen as the major contributors to poor health?

17. Do the following statements agree with the claims of the text writer? There are three possible options (TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN). Choose one option. Discuss your opinions with your groupmates.

YES — if the statement agrees with the views of the writer;

NO — if the statement contradicts the views of the writer;

NOT GIVEN — if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this.

1. Doctors have been instrumental in improving living standards in Western society. The approach to health during the 1970s included the introduction of health awareness programs.

2. The socio-ecological view of health recognizes that lifestyle habits and the provision of adequate health care are critical factors governing health.

3. The principles of the Ottawa Charter are considered to be out of date in the 1990s. In recent years, a number of additional countries have subscribed to the Ottawa Charter.


18. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.

aggregates, expertise, diverse, revealed, bonds, briefly, acknowledging, nevertheless, 
 indexed, transport, inhibits, transformation, lectured, interval, gender, ignorance, 
 recovery, neutralizing, display, explicit.

1. Atoms form _______ with each other by sharing or exchanging electrons. 2. Doctors believe my mother's quick _______ from her illness was partly due to her desire to see her grandchildren again. 3. Studies show that almost all animal societies _______ clear patterns of territorial, hierarchical, and sexual inequality. 4. Drinking milk is an effective way of _______ the burning feeling caused by eating spicy food. 5. Our company has built up a great deal of _______ in creating successful web-sites. 6. In 1215, Britain's King John was forced by his lords to sign the Magna Carta _______ that free men are entitled to judgment by their peers, and that even a sovereign is not above the law. 7. The longest _______ between the birth of two children on record is 41 years; a Welsh woman had a girl in 1956, and then a boy in 1997. 8. According to scientists, oysters can change from one _______ to another and back again depending on which is best for mating at a given moment. 9. China has undergone an incredible economic _______ in the last 20 years. 10. Books in the library are _______ by author, title, subject, and key word. 11. Gas and oil are very convenient forms of energy, simply because they are so easy to handle and _______. 12. We stopped driving _______ to have something to eat, and then set out again. 13. In general, a body of rock consists of mixtures or _______ of minerals. 14. Discrimination is usually based on _______ of other cultures or lifestyles. 15. The boss gave _______ instructions for the running of the company while he is away on holiday. 16. The sugar used in jams and jellies both sweetens the fruit and _______ the growth of bacteria. 17. The professor _______ us on current trends in Canadian literature. 18. The religion of Islam teaches the word of God as _______ to the Prophet Mohammed. 19. You may have failed the level, but your Spanish has improved a lot _______. 20. The former U. S. S. R. was composed of 15 very _______ republics with some cultural differences.


19. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the list.

incentives, preceded, initiated, allocated, overseas, federal, capable, 
 domain, migration, scope

1. My son is working _______ for an international oil company. 2. We have to choose a good _______ name for our website. 3. Canada has _______ elections every three or four years. 4. Joan is a much better worker than the fellow who _______ her in this job. 5. A recent report suggests that governments need to eliminate pricing systems that encourage oil use, and replace them with policies that provide _______ for alternative energy. 6. In Iraq over the past 50 years, there has been a widespread _______ of people to the urban centers. 7. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping _______ important economic reforms in China. 8. Due to the huge demand, tickets for the Olympic Games will be _______ using a lottery system. 9. Unfortunately, your question is outside the _______ of my experience in the field. 10. Do you think that a two-year-old child is _______ of knowing the difference between telling the truth and lying?

20. Group discussion on the topic “Life-Changing Science Discoveries”. Discuss the following discoveries in the group. Express and prove your opinions; support them with the examples from your experience.

The Copernicus System. In 1543, while on his deathbed, Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus published his theory that the Sun is a motionless body at the center of the solar system, with the planets revolving around it. Before the Copernicum system was introduced, astronomers believed the Earth was at the center of the universe.

Gravity. Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist, is considered the greatest scientist of all time. Among his many discoveries, the most important is probably his law of universal gravitation. In 1664, Newton figured out that gravity is the force that draws objects toward each other. It explained why things fall down and why the planets orbit around the Sun.

Electricity. If electricity makes life easier for us, you can thank Michael Faraday. He made two big discoveries that changed our lives. In 1821, he discovered that when a wire carrying an electric current is placed next to a single magnetic pole, the wire will rotate. This led to the development of the electric motor. Ten years later, he became the first person to produce an electric current by moving a wire through a magnetic field. Faraday's experiment created the first generator, the forerunner of the huge generators that produce our electricity.

Evolution. When Charles Darwin, the British naturalist, came up with the theory of evolution in 1859, he changed our idea of how life on earth developed. Darwin argued that all organisms evolve, or change, very slowly over time. These changes are adaptations that allow a species to survive in its environment. These adaptations happen by chance. If a species doesn't adapt, it may become extinct. He called this process natural selection, but it is often called the survival of the fittest.

Louis Pasteur. Before French chemist Louis Pasteur began experimenting with bacteria in the 1860s, people did not know what caused disease. He not only discovered that disease came from microorganisms, but he also realized that bacteria could be killed by heat and disinfectant. This idea caused doctors to wash their hands and sterilize their instruments, which has saved millions of lives.

Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which he published in 1905, explains the relationships between speed, time and distance. The complicated theory states that the speed of light always remains the same 186, 000 miles/second (300, 000 km/second) regardless of how fast someone or something is moving toward or away from it. This theory became the foundation for much of modern science.

Penicillin. Antibiotics are powerful drugs that kill dangerous bacteria in our bodies that make us sick. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin, which he grew in his lab using mold and fungi. Without antibiotics, infections like strep throat could be deadly.

DNA. On February 28, 1953, James Watson of the United States and Francis Crick of England made one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history. The two scientists found the double-helix structure of DNA. It’s made up of two strands that twist around each other and have an almost endless variety of chemical patterns that create instructions for the human body to follow. Our genes are made of DNA and determine how things like what color hair and eyes we’ll have. In 1962, they were awarded the Nobel Prize for this work. The discovery has helped doctors understand diseases and may someday prevent some illnesses like heart disease and cancer.

Periodic Table. The Periodic Table is based on the 1869 Periodic Law proposed by Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev. He had noticed that, when arranged by atomic weight, the chemical elements lined up to form groups with similar properties. He was able to use this to predict the existence of undiscovered elements and note errors in atomic weights. In 1913, Henry Moseley of England confirmed that the table could be made more accurate by arranging the elements by atomic number, which is the number of protons in an atom of the element.

X-Rays. Wilhelm Roentgen, a German physicist, discovered X-rays in 1895. X-rays go right through some substances, like flesh and wood, but are stopped by others, such as bones and lead. This allows them to be used to see broken bones or explosives inside suitcases, which makes them useful for doctors and security officers. For this discovery, Roentgen was awarded the first-ever Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

Quantum Theory. Danish physicist Niels Bohr is considered one of the most important figures in modern physics. He won a 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the structure of an atom and for his work in the development of the quantum theory. Although he helped develop the atomic bomb, he frequently promoted the use of atomic power for peaceful purposes.

Atomic Bomb. The legacy of the atomic bomb is mixed: it successfully put an end to World War II, but ushered in the nuclear arms race. Some of the greatest scientists of the time gathered in the early 1940s to figure out how to refine uranium and build an atomic bomb. Their work was called the Manhattan Project. In 1945, the U. S. dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tens of thousands of civilians were instantly killed, and Japan surrendered. These remain the only two nuclear bombs ever used in battle. Several of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project later urged the government to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only. Nevertheless, many countries continue to stockpile nuclear weapons. Some people say the massive devastation that could result from nuclear weapons actually prevents countries from using them.

HIV/AIDS. In 1983 and 1984, Luc Montagnier of France and Robert Gallo of the United States discovered the HIV virus and determined that it was the cause of AIDS. Scientists have since developed tests to determine if a person has HIV. People who test positive are urged to take precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. Drugs are available to keep HIV and AIDS under control. The hope is that further research will lead to the development of a cure.


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