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Questions. Module 5. Science in Everyday life. Grammar revision. Participle. Participle Clauses. Verbs + that Clause. 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.


1. What is one way radiation is used that is beneficial for our health?  

a. To kill bacteria in foods that could make us sick.  

b. To disinfect surfaces like tables and door handles where bacteria often live.  

c. To zap our bodies with extra energy for sports and activities.  

d. To damage cells and eventually cause things like thyroid cancer.  

2. In the article, how does the author describe radiation?  

a. As something to avoid at all costs.  

b. As something that’s less harmful than its reputation suggests.  

c. As something that can be both good and bad.  

d. As something that is helpful for human health and food safety.  

3. Which of the following conclusions about radiation is supported by the passage?  

a. Radiation is more harmful than helpful.  

b. Radiation is neither harmful nor helpful.  

c. Radiation is more helpful than harmful.  

d. Radiation is both helpful and harmful.  

4. Read the following sentence: “You might not know exactly how to describe it, but chances are good that you know the word radiation can have two very different connotations. ” In this sentence the word connotations means ….

a. denotations.

b. meanings.

c. connections.  

d. implications.  

5. This passage deals primarily with ….

a. the ways that radiation can kill bacteria that may be present in foods.  

b. the effects, both positive and negative, that radiation can have.  

c. the fact that too much radiation can be harmful for our health, even causing cancer.  

d. why we should try to minimize our exposure to radiation.  

Module 5


Academic Word List: accommodate, adjacent, albeit, analogy, anticipate, assemble, assure, attain, behalf, bulk, cease, coherent, coincide, collapse, colleague, commence, compatible, compile, conceive, concurrent, confine, controversy, converse, convince, device, devote, diminish, distort, encounter, enormous, erode, ethic, format, forthcoming, found, incline, inherent, insight, integral, integrity, intermediate, intrinsic, invoke, levy, likewise, manual, mature, mediate, medium, mutual, nonetheless, notwithstanding, odd, ongoing, overlap, panel, passive, persist, pose, preliminary, protocol, qualitative, refine, reluctance, restrain, rigid, route, scenario, so-called, straightforward, subordinate, supplement, suspend, team, temporary, trigger, undergo, unify, violate, vision, whereby.


Participle. Participle Clauses. Verbs + That Clause

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. The hypothesized threshold / threshold hypothesized by Sasaki and Takahashi is much lower than ours. 2. The proposed solution / solution proposed in the present paper has three main advantages. 3. The obtained results / results obtained can then be used to determine the cost. 4. The considered samples / samples considered were taken from three different sources. 5. This value concurs with the found amount / amount found. 6. The solutions of treated samples / samples treated were then added to the final mixture. 7. The solutions of treated samples / samples treated with this acid showed a completely different behavior. 8. The same components were found in all the investigated samples / samples investigated. 9. There is no doubt that the quality of offered goods / goods offered is inferior. 10. This is actually much higher than the calculated value / value calculated in Sect. 14. 1.


2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Never having seen / seeing a blue whale before, I had no idea of the sheer size of the creature. 2. We consider the tiger’s survival is / to be essential. 3. Having been studied / Having studied more carefully in recent years, the clouded leopard has become better understood. 4. Looking into the sky, two ospreys could be seen / we could see two ospreys. 5. Having not / Not having owned a parrot, I can’t say how easy they are to look after. 6. Seeing the deer had been injured, it was taken to / I phonedthe wildlife rescue center. 7. While walking through the forest, there were / we spotted several rare birds. 8. The deer caught / catching in the fence made a full recovery. 9. Trained properly, they make / we make them good guard dogs. 10. The marine biologists studied / studying the fish gathered vital information about it.


Infinitive and -ing Forms

3. Rewrite these sentences using perfect infinitives.

1. It seems that you misunderstood the directions. 2. We were sorry that we had upset her. 3. It seems that the rain has stopped. 4. I'm glad that I’ve got to know your family. 5. Max was disappointed that he had failed his exam. 6. We expect we'll have moved house before September. 7. Alice was very happy that she had left school. 8. I'm fortunate that I grew up bilingual. 9. It is believed that the terrorists have left the country. l0. It appears that the car was stolen last night.


4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. We did these tests proving / to prove our hypothesis. 2. Developing / To develop this program entailed carrying / to carry out various tests. 3. One approach is exploiting / to exploit the vast range of software already available. 4. We would like you participating / to participate in our congress. 5. They expect having / to have their results ready by the end of the year. 6. It is difficult proving / to prove that x = y. 7. That x = y is easy proving / to prove. 8. Proving / To prove that x = y is straightforward. 9. But going / to go back to what you said earlier… 10. Could you explain that again using / to use different words?


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