Pete's travel to London (continued)
«Hello, everybody! I go on with my story about London. Last time I told you that Steve King had promised to be my guide. And what a nice guide he appeared to be! First he took me to Westminister where most governmental buildings are situated. From the Westminister bridge we could get the best view of the Houses of Parliament with the famous clock tower called Big Ben. We could even get inside the Houses. Before we left the Palace of Westminister (its official name) Steve had told me many interesting things about old customs which exist to this day. I'd like to tell you only about one of them. There is a strip of carpet in front of the members' benches in the House of Commons and when a member, speaking in the House puts his foot beyond that strip there is a cry «Order!». This dates from the time when the members had swords on them and during hot discussions might start fighting. The carpet had become the sort of frontier. We also had visited Westminister Abbey. Steve told me that all the kings and queens of England — 37 in all — had been crowned there and many of them had been buried there too. One of the parts of the Abbey is called Poet's Corner, because many of the greatest writers are buried there: Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Alfred Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling and some others. Leaving the Abbey we went along Whitehall and then turned into a narrow lane — Downing Street. There's Number Ten, the official residence of the Prime Minister. All the Cabinet meetings take place there. I was really happy when we came to the famous Trafalgar Square with the tall (185 feet high) Nelson Column in the centre and the National Gallery forming one side of the square. Then Steve took me to the West End, the richest and the most beautiful part of London, where I could see the finest theatres, cinemas and concert halls, famous museums and large hotels, department stores and shops. There are many parks and gardens in the West End, among them Hyde Park, most famous of all because of its Speaker's Corner. The East End, which is the poorest district of London where most of the workers live, didn't produce great impression on me. There are still many people who live in poverty. They keep their houses and streets clean but all of them are not half as nice as they are in the West End. So thanks to Steve I had managed to see the most interesting sights of London by the end of my stay there. Next day after I had said good-bye to Steve and he had promised to come to our country and visit Rostov, our group left London». 10.3.4. Расскажите вашему другу о трех самых важных вещах, которые вы завершили к концу прошлого года. Model: I had finished reading the textbook on History of State and Law. 10.3.5. Ваш друг говорит, что он сделал что-то в прошлом. А вы заявляете, что сделали это еще раньше. Model: I. I went to the concert yesterday.
2. I had gone to this concert before you did. 10.3.6. Ваш преподаватель упрекает вас в том, что вы чего-то не делали. Разубедите его, сообщите, что вы еще раньше сделали это. Model: Т. Why didn't you want to translate the text? S. Because I had translated it already? 1. Why did you refuse to see this new film? 2. Why didn't you hand in the translation in time? 3. Why didn't you speak with this girl? 4. Why didn't you prepare your home-work? 5. Why didn't you come in time? 10.3.7. В текстах есть несколько случаев употребления Past Perfect. Найдите их и объясните их употребление. 10.3.8. Предположим, что вы принимаете участие в конкурсе на звание лучшего рассказчика. Чтобы научиться хорошо рассказывать, вы должны разбираться в употреблении Past Tenses. Сможете ли вы выбрать правильное Past Tense для следующих предложений? 1. Mike (to swim) in the swimming-pool while I was sitting and watching him. 2. Mike got tired after he (to swim) 3 miles. 3. They (to have dinner) at 2 o'clock yesterday. 4. They said (to learn) Spanish for six months last year, but she can't speak. 5. They said the child (to draw) a very nice picture. 6. She (to clean) the rooms when somebody knocked at the door. 7. She (to clean) the rooms before she went out. 8. They went home after they (to solve) this problem. 10.3.9. Автор сделал несколько ошибок в употреблении Past Tenses в следующей шутке. Помогите ему найти их и исправить. Once a mother and her two daughters were visiting London. They did sightseeing for some time when they came to the building with a noticeboard «National Picture Gallery» on it. The girls wanted to go in for they never were in any picture gallery. But their mother visited a picture gallery in her childhood and knew what it was like. She explained to the girls that there were no «real pictures» (movies she meant), but mere paintings. *10.3.10. Скажите по-английски: 1. Он приехал в наш город пять лет назад. К тому времени он уже окончил университет. 2. Когда я пришел домой, мои родители обедали, а старший брат ушел в кино. 3. Вы подготовились к контрольной работе? — Да, я повторил весь материал вчера вечером. 4. На днях я встретил Анну. Она рассказала мне о нашем общем знакомом. Он прислал ей письмо. 5. Когда Петр вошел в комнату, Нелли уже приготовила обед. 6. В прошлом году Нелли осталась летом в городе: она заболела. 7. Джейн никого не хотела слушать. Студенты никогда не видели ее такой сердитой. 8. Летом мы ездили в горы — я никогда до этого не видел гор.
10.3.11. Ваш друг собирается поехать в Лондон в качестве туриста. Порекомендуйте ему, что стоит посмотреть там. Useful language: If you are interested in... you should see... If you want to see... I recommend you to go... 10.3.12. Прочитайте следующую информацию об Уголке Ораторов в Гайд-Парке. As you walk past Hyde Park in London you may see people speaking on different subjects. At Speaker's Corner one can say anything one pleases. People sometimes talk about important economic, political and social problems, sometimes about minor matters. Теперь представьте, что мы находимся в Уголке Ораторов. Выступая перед слушателями, используйте фразы: Ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to tell you... And in conclusion let me... Thank you for attention! * 10.3.13. Стив рассказал Петру о некоторых интересных обычаях, связанных с парламентом. Прочитайте описания этих обычаев. I Most members do not attend Parliament all the time; but when there is an important discussion they are urged to attend. The Party Whips are especially responsible for seeing that all members of their party are present on such occasions. The letter sent by a Party Whip to the members of Parliament is called a «whip». II No man can make speeches in the House of Commons unless the Speaker calls on him, and no member may deliver more than one major speech in a debate. The name of the sovereign must not be introduced and the House of Lords is always referred to as «another place». Members do not address each other by name, but always as «the honourable member for so-and-so». III There is an expression used in the House of Commons to show the end of the day's business. Somebody calls out: «Who goes home?» and the session ends up and the members hurry home. This custom remains from the time when there was a lot of robbers in London. In the dark night the members went in groups through the narrow streets of the old city. А теперь попытайтесь передать эти истории тем, кто их не знает или не понял, когда читал. *10.3.14. Предположим, что вы — переводчик. Помогите англичанину ответить на вопросы российских студентов: Q. Что собой представляет Вестминстерский дворец? A. The Palace of Westminister is an official name for the House of Parliament. The building of the Palace is the seat of the British Parliament. There are two Houses: House of Lords and the House of Commons. Q. Чем знаменито Вестминстерское аббатство? A. All the kings and queens of England had been crowned there and many of them as well as many great writers had been buried there too. Q. Где происходят заседания кабинета министров? A. All the Cabinet meetings take place at Number 10, Downing street— the official residence of the Prime Minister. Q. В чем различие между Ист-эндом и Уэст-эндом? A. Working-class London is in the East End. It is a district of docks, factories, poor little houses and narrow streets. Housing conditions in this part of London are very bad. The West End is the finest part of London. There are famous shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, picture galleries and many beautiful parks. Practice in communication (Complaint and Apology/Excuse) *10.4.1. Read and try to remember:
Here are some ways of expressing your dissatisfaction with someone or something. A. (complaint) B. (apology/excuse) 1. I bought these gloves here. 1. Yes, I know but... When I got home there was 2. I'm sorry... a hole in them. Look! 3. Sorry, there's no- 2. I don't think this fish is fresh, thing I can do about 3. There's no hot water in my room. it, I'm afraid. A. 1. I (really) don't think that's good enough. 2. It/that (just) won't do. 3. That's no excuse. 4. You can't expect me to... 10.4.2. A friend complains that you: 1. never write to him or her. 2. were very rude to him/her. 3. tell lies. 4. still owe him/her 10 dollars. Excuse yourself. Your friend doesn't accept your apology. 10.4.3. Suppose you are a landlady or landlord. One of your guests: 1. comes in late every night. 2. leaves all the lights on. 3. makes a lot of noise. 4. listens to loud pop music on the radio. 5. leaves the front door open. Complain to him/her about these habits. He/ she will find excuses which you do not accept. General understanding 10.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions. The man who escaped (Episode 10) 1. The motorbike was fast but the roads were icy. Coke drove dangerously. He knew he had to. He had very little time. Around 2 o'clock in the morning he suddenly saw lights in his mirror. They were the headlights of police car. It came closer and closer and then suddenly speeded up. For several seconds, Coke and the car raced along side by side. The two policemen in the car were looking at him but they couldn't see his face clearly. Coke raised his hand and waved casually. Then, the car speeded up again. In a few seconds it was far ahead him. Coke raced towards London. He knew exactly where he wanted to go. He reached London just before 6. He drove to a block of small flats not far from the river in the south east. There was a light on in one of the ground floor flats. He went to the window and tapped softly. He was still standing at the window when the back door opened. When he looked up, a woman was standing there. «Come in, Ted. I've been expecting you», she said very softly. «I haven't got any right to ask you for help», he said after a pause. «But there's nobody else you can go to, is there? You'd better come in», she answered calmly. 2. Baxter caught a very early train to London. When he got to Scotland Yard the Chief Inspector was waiting for him. When Baxter went into his office, he was sitting at his desk and looking at a photograph. «Perhaps it was a good thing you didn't catch Coke after all», he said suddenly. Baxter stared at him in surprise. «What do you mean, sir? I don't understand». «I have a picture here of a man who knew Coke in the army. He was also a witness at Coke's trial. I've been interested in the man for some time now. Perhaps we'll be able to find out more about him now that Coke's free», the Inspector said, and gave Baxter the photograph. «This is the man. Watch him. Follow him everywhere!» Baxter looked at the man in the photo carefully. It was Eric Masters. 3. «You really shouldn't help me, Kate. It's against the law», Coke said. He and the young woman were sitting in her kitchen. He was eating breakfast hungrily. Kate didn't say anything. «I mean, everybody thinks I'm a spy», he went on. «But I don't think so», she finally said. Coke finished his breakfast silently. Then he said, «You were the only person who ever believed I was innocent. That's why I came to you. Who else will help me?» «Help you to do what, Ted?» Kate asked. «Help me to find the real spies», he answered slowly.
10.5.2. Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text. 1. Coke saw the headlights... a) of another motor bike behind him; b) of another police car in front of him, c) of another police car behind him. 2. Coke drove to a block of flats in... a) the south east; b) south west; c) north east. 3. The Chief Inspector wanted Baxter... a) to follow Coke everywhere; b) to follow Masters everywhere; c) to arrest Masters. 4. Coke came to Kate because... a) he wasn't afraid of her; b) she believed he was innocent; c) she was brave. 10.5.3. Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.) 1. What did Coke see in his mirror? 2. Why did Coke wave his hand? 3. Where did Coke drive to when he got to London? 4. What did the woman say? 5. What photo was the Chief Inspector looking at? 6. Why was it a good thing they didn't catch Coke? 7. Why did Coke come to Kate? 8. What was Coke going to do? 10.5.4. Compose the plan for this part of the story. Scanning practice 10.6.1. Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind. 1. What was a man charged with? 2. Who defended the criminal? 3. What was the verdict of the jury? 10.6.2. Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time. A strange sentence A man was brought up before a judge and charged with burglary. He had cut a hole in the side of a tent, had put his head, his right arm and his right shoulder through the hole and had stolen several things belonging to the people sleeping in the tent. The lawyer of the defendant said that as the man had not entered the tent, he couldn't be convicted of burglary and ought to be set free. The judge however said that while the man as a whole had not committed burglary, his head, his right arm and his right shoulder had. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty against these parts, which were sentenced to two years imprisonment with hard labour in the state prison. All the rest of the man was found not guilty and discharged. (142 words) 10.6.3. Answer the questions in 10.6.1. (Books closed.) Listening practice 10.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text. 1. Where was Mr Brigs yesterday at 2 o'clock? 2. Where is his girl-friend? 3. Where was he on January 12? 10.7.2. Listen to the dialogue. 10.7.3. Answer the questions in 10.7.1. 10.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text. stove — печь get on fire — загореться grab — схватить thief — вор awful — ужасный 10.7.5. Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian. 10.7.6. Tell the contents of the story as close to the text as possible. Time for fun 10.8.1. Read the following jokes. Try to retell them. You may do it in Russian. 1. A dangerous criminal had escaped, so the police issued the usual photographs: left profile, front view, and right profile. A few days later they received the following telegram from an Irish detective: «Have captured the fellow on the left, and the fellow in the middle, and I'm going soon to get the fellow on the right as well». 2. BARRISTER (speaking to a witness): I want you to tell only the truth, for everything is of importance. How far were you standing from the place of the accident? WITNESS (without a moment's hesitation): Just four yards, two feet and six inches. BARRISTER (slightly taken aback): I'd like you to tell me how you managed to be so exact. WITNESS: Well, I expected some fool to put me this question and I thought if fit to measure the distance. ? 10.8.2. There's a word missing from each of these proverbs. Choose the correct one from the three possibilities. Translate them. 1. An Englishman's home is his... (security/ castle/ palace) 2. Let sleeping dogs... (sleep/dream/lie) 3. Many... make light work. (servants/hands/ cooks) 4. It takes all sorts to make a... (world/war/ salad) 5. Prevention is better than... (cure/punish-ment/medicine) thicker than water. (coffee/blood/soup) 7. A miss is as good as a... (mister/mile/wife) 8. Birds of a... flock together. (family/cage/ feather) 9. It's no use crying over... milk. (sour/spilt/tinned) 10.... begins at home. (charity/learning/love) UNIT 11 Фонетика: sounds [D], [T] Словообразование: сложные прилагательные типа law-making Грамматика: будущие времена Future Continuous, Future Perfect Текст: «Jane's letter»
Sound right 11.1.1. Listen, look, say: these with either with Sid with Roy those bathe neither breathe with wrath slower they breathe northern clothe Sam clothe Ruth there booth southern writhe with Roger silently this smooth weather soothe soothe Rue Simon that clothe although bathe Sis bathe Rob 11.1.2. Listen, look, say: 1. And that's that. 2. That's neither here nor there. 3. There's nothing like leather. 4. I'll do anything rather than that. 5. I don't wish them other than they are. 6. That means nothing other than the usual thing 7. Then there's that brother of mine. 8. They were gathered to their fathers. 9. The Smiths keep themselves to themselves. 10. The less men think the more they talk. 11.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the sound [6] I A. They've all gone bathing in the sea. I'm not going bathing in this weather, are you? B. No, I'm not going bathing. A. I loathe bathing in the sea in this sort of weather. B. I loathe bathing. II A. And... while you're up there. Heather, could you pass me that one, too? B. Oh, you mean this one, Mother? A. No, not that — the other. That one. Yes, that. B. There you are, Mother. Will that be all? A. Yes — that's all for the moment, Heather. B. Then I'll shut the cupboard, Mother. A. Though while you're still up there, could you perhaps pass me that one, too? B. This one, Mother? 11.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation. 11.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs. 11.1.6. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [T] and [D] ([T] as in thing, [D] as in they). I A. Arthur and Martha are such enthusiasts. They are so enthusiastic. B. What are they so enthusiastic about? A. Oh, about everything. Among other things, they're both very enthusiastic about the theatre. В. The theatre. Mm. A. I loathe the theatre. And I loathe enthusiasts. B. I loathe Arthur and Martha. II A. They make my clothes from this special cloth. And they sew them with this special cotton. There's something special about the buttons, too. B. Mm. A. Don't you think my clothes look rather special? B. To tell you the truth, I think your clothes look rather... A. Yes? Say what you think. B. Well, yes, I suppose they do look rather special. 11.1.7. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation. 11.1.8. Read the dialogues in pairs. Word-building (Compound adjectives) 11.2.1. Give word combinations which correspond to compound adjectives. Give their meanings: an apple-eating boy, a watch-making plant, a cloud-touching mountain, horse-loving people, a pain-killing medicine, a food-producing factory, a road-building firm, potato-growing regions. 11.2.2. Make compound adjectives using the following word combinations. Translate them: to carry oil, to grow roses, to make profit, to save money, to melt snow, to break ice, to love sport, to waste time, to hate war. 11.2.3. Translate the following sentences: 1. Some of his money-making movie stars were getting older now. 2. Coffee-drinking farmers sat or stood in the bar. 3. Traffic-directing policemen and one-way streets are clear proof of the existence of a large volume of traffic. 4. I'm going into the house-selling business on my own. 5. Many of the calls came from the news-hunting journalists. Full understanding 11.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте: President, nation, Capitol, Congress, republic, Senate ['senIt], monument, million, business, culture, avenue ['{vInjü], contrast, bar, elegant. Geographical and proper names: George Washington, Potomac River [po(u)'toum@k], District of Columbia, the United States, Chicago [SIfi'kÓgou], Philadelphia [fil@'delfI@], Detroit, Los Angeles, House of Representatives, Union Square, Lincoln Memorial, Pennsylvania Avenue [,pensIl'venj@], White House, Manhattan, Hudson River, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Richmond, Empire State Building ['empaI@], World Trade Centre, Times Square, Harlem. *11.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните: New words: letter — письмо native town — родной город to walk — гулять to be interested — интересоваться law-making — законодательный to be born — родиться to publish — публиковать to grow — расти force — (зд.) полицейские силы School vocabulary: although, around, to lead, January, favourite, to lie, river, children, language, to die, each, lighting, dirty, tree, town. *11.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите: Jane's letter Pete's going to see Nell to-day. But before going to her place he's phoning her. — Hello, Nell! What will you be doing in an hour? I'm going to come to your place, if you aren't against it. — Oh, certainly not. I'll be waiting for you. — And what are you doing now? — Now I'm reading the letter from my American friend — Jane. But I'll have finished reading by the time you come. — I'm going then. Bye! When Pete came Nell showed him Jane's letter. Here it is: New York 23 January, 1987 Dear Nell, Thank you very much for your interesting letter about Rostov. I hope I'll have the possibility to come to your native town and then we'll be walking about Rostov and I'll be able to see everything myself. And now I'll try to answer all your questions. First I'll tell you about some of American cities, and although I live in New York, I'll begin with the capital of this country — Washington. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The capital owes a great deal to the nations first President, George Washington. It was Washington who selected the site for the District and laid the cornerstone of the Capitol Building, where Congress meets. It is not the largest city in the US, for it cannot compare in size with cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los Angeles. In the political sense, however, it is the centre of the republic and the most important city in the United States. If you are interested in the law-making centre of the country you must go to the Capitol, with its great House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. Besides there are many places of interest near the Capitol. You can walk around to the back of the Capitol and look across Union Square, all the way down to the Washington Monument and beyond to the Lincoln Memorial. From the Capitol Pennsylvania Avenue leads off to the right to the White House. But still New York is my favourite city maybe because I was born here. I live in Manhattan which is the name of an island which forms the heart of New York. It lies at the mouth of the Hudson river. There are four other districts of the city: Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. The population of New York is more than 8 million people. It's the heart of America's business and culture; it is the city of skyscrapers. For the visitor New York means the Empire State Building, World Trade Centre, tremendous traffic, neon advertisements, Central Park, Times Square, Harlem, the avenues and famous streets — and all these are to be found in Manhattan. In New York five people out of every eight are foreigners or children of foreigners. Every day, sixty-seven foreign-language papers are published here. The police force employs 25,000 officers but still the crime record is very high in New York. It is the city of contrasts. It's business city which dies each day at five o'clock; pleasure city with bars and cinemas and crowds of people during the night; middle-class city with elegant streets, lighting, neatly painted doors, and the poorest and the dirtiest city where no trees grow... Here Pete stopped reading because Nell called him to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. (to be continued) 11.3.4. Ваш друг приглашает вас прийти к нему в гости завтра, в 6 часов вечера. Но в это время вы заняты. Объясните ему, что вы будете делать. Model: A. Will 6 р. m. be suitable for you? B. I am sorry to say, it won't. I'll be working at my article. Besides, I... 11.3.5. Предположим, что вы собираетесь встретиться со своим другом, но он занят в это время. Постарайтесь подыскать удобное время. Model: A. What will you be doing at 5 p. m. tomorrow? B. I'll be working at my English. 11.3.6. Представьте, что вы — прорицатель (гадалка). Ваши друзья хотят знать, что они будут делать в определенное время в будущем или что они уже сделают к определенному моменту в будущем. Model: A. What shall I be doing at 5 p. m. tomorrow? B. You'll be driving a car. A. What shall I have done by tomorrow evening? B. You'll have studied the map of London. 11.3.7. В тексте этого урока есть несколько случаев употребления Future Perfect и Future Continuous. Найдите их и объясните их употребление. *11.3.8. Скажите по-английски: 1. Вы знаете, что вы будете делать вечером? 2. На будущей неделе мы будем готовиться к экзаменам. 3. На следующий год к этому времени он уже опубликует свою книгу. 4. Вы все еще будете работать, если я приду в 10? 5. К 1 Мая они уже переедут в новую квартиру. 6. К тому времени, когда он приедет, я буду жить на юге уже две недели. 7. Завтра в это время они будут обсуждать доклад Петра. 8. Завтра в 11 мы встречаемся с Президентом. 9. К концу нашей встречи, мы надеемся, он разрешит этот вопрос. 11.3.9. Просмотрите список новых слов (п. 11.3.2.). Выберите из них любые 2 слова и скажите, в какой связи они употреблены в тексте. *11.3.10. Перед вами разделенные на 2 части названия 10 крупнейших городов США. Попробуйте отгадать эти названия. Какая группа справится с этим заданием быстрее? CHIC HOU GELES INDIA BALTI ELPHIA NAPOLIS DETR LAS AGO WASH MORE NEW OIT STON DAL INGTON LO SAN PHILAD YORK * 11.3.11. Джейн собирается приехать в Ростов. У вас будет возможность встретиться с ней. Расспросите ее о городах США. Вопросы подготовьте сейчас. *11.3.12. Скажите по-английски: Хотя я родился в Москве, мой любимый город — Ростов. Он расположен на берегу реки Дон. Это нс самый большой город в стране, так как его нельзя сравнить по размеру с такими городами, как Москва и Санкт-Петербург. Однако Ростов — административный центр Северного Кавказа. Население Ростова — более 1000000 человек. Центр Ростова — улица Большая Садовая. В городе есть несколько больших районов. Ростов — деловой, промышленный и культурный центр. Это город парков и садов. Я люблю гулять по улицам моего родного города, который постоянно растет и хорошеет. Practice in communication (Pleasure and Displeasure) *11.4.1. Read and try to remember: Pleasure (excited tone) 1. Good!/That's good. 2. Great!/That's great. 3. Marvellous!/That's marvellous. 4. Terrific!/That's terrific. 5. That's nice./That'll be nice. 6. How exciting! 7. How thrilling! 8. How wonderful! 9. Fantastic! Displeasure (dull, displeased tone) 1. Oh, no! 2. Oh, dear! 3. Oh, heavens! 4. What a bore! 5. That's the limit! 11.4.2. Respond with pleasure or displeasure when someone tells you: 1. he's got a new job. 2. he's got a new car. 3. it cost 10,000. 4. he's got a new girl-friend. 5. she's a journalist. 6. they're getting married. 11.4.3. Read the dialogue and then dramatize it. HE I've made up my mind. We're going to Spain for the holidays. SHE How exciting! (Marvellous/How thrilling.) HE I've got a whole fortnight off this year. SHE A whole fortnight. That's terrific. (That'll be nice.) HE We'll leave in early July. SHE Good! Are we taking the car? (Great/Marvellous.) HE The car? Oh no, we're going on a package tour. SHE Oh, no! (Oh, really). HE And I thought we'd take mother with us. SHE Oh, heavens! Do we have to? (Oh dear/what a bore.) Package tour — holidays organised by travel agencies which include board and lodging and travel expenses at reduced prices. 11.4.4. Ask a friend whether he/she would like to go on a holiday with you. Tell him/her where you would like to go and what you might do there. Some of these things will please your friend; others will not. Model: A. Would you like to go to the Black Sea coast with me? B. How wonderful!, etc. General understanding 11.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions. The man who escaped (Episode 11) 1. Kate was what the Americans call 'a cool character'; nothing seemed to surprise her very much. Perhaps this was because she was an actress. She played small parts in films and on television. She didn't hesitate even for a second when Coke said he wanted her help to find the real spies. «All right», she said. «I'll start right now. Wait here!» «What do you mean? Where are you going?» Coke asked. «You'll find out when I come back. I'll have to get some things now!» Before Coke could answer, she was gone. 2. Not very far away, Baxter was still sitting in the Chief Inspector's Office. He was still looking at Masters's photograph. «What's so interesting about him? Why do you want me to follow him?» he asked. «A few days ago, quite by accident we learned a few things about him. Coke might... be innocent after all. It's only a possibility. We want to see what Masters does if Coke contacts him, the Chief Inspector answered. Baxter was even more surprised now. «I don't understand, sir. What do you think Masters might do?» he said. «Masters might try to kill him if he's really afraid of him». «But surely that's dangerous, sir. I mean, if Coke is innocent. Masters might kill him... and if he isn't innocent, we're letting him go free. After all. Coke might kill Masters... or someone else!» The Chief Inspector looked very serious. «That's a chance we'll have to take, Baxter!» he said. 3. Time passed very slowly for Coke that morning and afternoon. It was evening before Kate came back. She was carrying a large bundle and a lot of other things. «Here. Try these things on», she said. She unwrapped the bundle quickly and showed him a suit, shoes and shirt. There was also a coat with an expensive fur collar, the sort millionaires wear in films. «I'll have to change my appearance more than this!» he said. «Of course you will», she answered. «And I've got just the things you'll need!» First Kate dyed Coke's hair grey. Then she used some theatrical make-up to give him a much older face. Finally she put a pair of dark glasses on him, gave him a white walking-stick and led him to a mirror. He was surprised when he saw himself. An old blind man stared back at him. «And now, Kate said, you'll have to do far more than simply look like an old blind man. You'll have to walk, talk and act like one, too!» For the next hour she taught him exactly how to do that. «You learn fast. We can go now», she said finally. 4. They were walking towards a taxi-rank. «Now just tell me where we're going!» Kate said. «To a pub in Soho called «The Green Rider». Masters used to go there a lot», Coke answered. «You mean you think he's one of the spies?» «I don't know, but he didn't tell the truth at the trial. Why else should he lie?» Coke said. They got to Soho half an hour later. The streets were brightly-lit. There were people, pubs, restaurants, cinemas and striptease clubs everywhere. They walked on until Coke suddenly gripped Kate's arm very hard. «This is the place. Take me in!» he said. They went into the crowded, noisy room. 11.5.2. Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text. 1. The Chief Inspector wanted to see... a) if Masters kills Coke; b) if Coke is innocent; c) what Masters does if Coke contacts him. 2. Kate taught Coke because... a) he didn't look like an old man: b) she wanted him to act like a blind man; c) she was a good actress. 3. Coke thought that Masters was a spy because a) he used to go to «The Green Rider»: b) he was afraid of him; c) he didn't tell the truth at the trial. 11.5.3. Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.) 1. What was Kate? 2. What did the Chief Inspector want to see? 3. Why was the Chief Inspector's plan dangerous? 4. What did Kate bring in the evening? 5. What did Kate do to Coke's hair and face? 6. Whom did Coke see in the mirror? 7. What did Kate teach Coke to do? 8. Where and why were they walking? 9. What made Coke think Masters was one of the spies? 11.5.4. Give the contents of the extract in 4 sentences. Scanning practice 11.6.1. Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind. 1. What was the verdict for the students? 2. When was the diplomat kidnapped? 3. What did the prosecution say about him? 11.6.2. Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.
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