Helicopter plucks two from jail
Rome. Two gunmen yesterday hijacked a Red Cross helicopter, lifted two inmates from a Rome prison courtyard and flew off in a hail of automatic gunfire. A third prisoner ran to the helicopter, but slipped in the rain. After taking off from the prison, the helicopter landed in a Rome football field where a match was underway, and the hijackers and escapees fled by car. Officials said the two hijackers spoke French and that one of the escapees, a Tunisian-born Frenchman, was sought by French authorities for a Paris bank robbery and murder. The other one was suspected of supplying arms to Italian terrorists. Police said the hijackers walked into San Camilo Hospital in Western Rome and cornered the helicopter pilot, Mr. Mauro Pompa, aged 42. They handcuffed the pilot's 10-year-old son to a radiator and forced Mr. Pompa at gunpoint to take them to the helicopter, parked across the street. The white helicopter with red crosses painted on each side then flew across the city to Rebibbia prison in eastern Rome. There, it hovered a yard above the courtyards where about 50 inmates were exercising, deputy warden, Mr. Giancarlo Baldassini, said. As the hijackers fired automatic weapons for cover and lowered a rope ladder, two inmates dashed to the helicopter and jumped in. A guard at Rebibbia prison was slightly injured by flying glass during the gun battle. Two shots fired by a guard hit the helicopter. (340 words) (from«The Guardian») 16.6.3. Answer the questions in 16.6.1. (Books closed.) Listening practice 16.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text. 1. Why does he have to get up at 7 o'clock? 2. When is he happy? 3. Where did his grandfather work? 4. How much did he work? 5. What did he have to do at war? 6. Why did he have to go to the hospital? 7. Why isn't he happy now? 16.7.2. Listen to the dialogue. 16.7.3. Answer the questions in 16.7.1. 16.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand, the text. ancestor — предок frustrating — (зд.) неприятный retire — уйти на пенсию 16.7.5. Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it. 16.7.6. Tell the contents of the story as close to the text as possible. Time for fun 16.8.1. Read and translate the following jokes: 1. PRISONER: Judge, I don't know what to do. JUDGE: Why, how's that? PRISONER: I swore to tell the truth, but every time I try some lawyer objects. 2. «You are lying so clumsily», said the judge to the defendant, «that I would advise you to get a lawyer». 3. The defence lawyer was cross-examining a witness. He asked, «And you say you called on Mrs. Jones, May second. Now will you tell the jury what she said?» «I object to the question», interrupted the prosecutor. There was nearly an hour's argument between the counsels and finally the judge allowed the question. «And as I was saying», the defence lawyer began again, «on May second you called on Mrs. Jones. Now what did she say?» «Nothing», replied the witness. «She was not at home».
!!! 16.8.2. Can you complete the following sentences with the correct question tag? The first six are simple, the second six more difficult. 1. Acorns grow on oak trees,...? 2. You don't mind if I watch television,...? 3. Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet,...? 4. You will be home early to-night,...? 5. I haven't much time to catch the train,...? 6. I always meet you in the park,...? 7. Let's all go to the zoo after lunch,...? 8. You'd like cream in your coffee,...? 9. Pass me the butter and the marmalade,...? 10. I'm more relaxed since I took up yoga,...? 11. You'd better be careful with that sharp knife,...? 12. You and I both enjoy ballet,...? !!! * 16.8.3. Crossword puzzles are popular in Britain and are found in nearly all newspapers. The main theme of this one is animals. Some of the clues are not straight forward (they are marked), so think twice about them. CLUES ACROSS: 1. Keen-eyed bird of prey (5). 3. This kind is human (3)* 5. Queen of beasts? (7)*. 7. Kittens grow into these (4). 8. Built in spring to hold eggs (4). 10. Dogs wag their tails when they are this (7) 12. A silly person or a long-eared member of the horse family (3) 13. The plural of this is mice (5). DOWN: 1. Fish that is proverbially slippery (3)* 2. Nothing lives for this (4)*. 3. Shellfish that sound like parts of our bodies that give us strength (7)*. 4. The time for nocturnal animals (5). 6. This sea creature is all arms (7). 7. You might not consider him charming, but this snake is often charmed (5). 9. A microscopic trouble-maker (4)* 11. Female deer or rabbit (3). UNIT 17 Фонетика: sounds [r], [1] Словообразование: сложные существительные типа housekeeper Грамматика: перевод форм на -ed; функции строевых слов Текст: «Pete and Nell go to the pictures» Sound right 17.1.1. Listen, look, say: free present three very treat dream friend principal through sorry try dry arrest prisoner throw quarrel true drew shrill problem thread merry trade drive shrewd press with right for ever traffic dress shrug prove with Rob for instance trolley drop 17.1.2. Listen, look, say: 1. Rack you brains. 2. Rora arrived on the stroke of three. 3. Try to reduce rule to practice. 4. There is neither rhyme nor reason in it. 5. Ruth is hungry for flattery. 6. Rod's eyes draw straws. 7. Rolf returned to his parents as right as rain. 8. Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock. 9. Wben angry count a hundred. 10. Truth is stranger than fiction. 17.1.3. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [1] as long and [r] as wrong. A. Have you got a lot of relations? В. Millions. A. Isn't that rather a lot, Roland? B. Well, I have got several—as you'll probably realize when you get the bill for the lunch. II A. Valerie, it was very wrong of you to be away so long. Mother's very worried. B. I'm sorry. I'm late. But Larry's car broke down. A. I don't really like Larry. Why not marry someone older—like Roland? B. I don't love Roland, and I do love Larry. A. But Ronald's got a lot of money.
B. Ronald's a fool. A. Really, Valerie, you are terrible! B. Why don't you marry Ronald, Laura? 17.1.4. Listen look, say. Pay attention to the intonation. 17.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs. *17.1.6. Try to read the tongue-twister as fast as you can. Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. Word-building (Compound nouns) 17.2.1. Translate the following compound nouns: holiday-maker, dog-owner, tea-drinker, gift-giver, New-Yorker, backbencher, two-wheeler, hair-. dresser, spacetraveller, baby-sitter, sleep-talker, lie-detector. 17.2.2. Finish the sentences using compound nouns: 1. One who saves money is called... 2. One who tells stories is called... 3. One who works full time is called... 4. The apparatus for recording sounds on the tape is called... 5. One belonging to the Third World is called... 17.2.3. Find in the right column the compound nouns corresponding to their definitions in the left column. 1. standing passenger on train, a) shop-walker, bus who holds on to a strap b) pea-souper; to steady himself; c) strap-hanger; 2. one employed in a large d) sky-scraper; shop to supervise assistants; e) good-looker; 3. thick yellow fog; f) tongue-twister; 4. word or phrase difficult to g) day-boarder; say quickly and correctly; h) double-decker; 5. one who can fascinate an i) eye-opener; audience; j) record-player; 6. a child who has lunch at k) sit-downer; school, but goes to sleep home; l) peace-campaigner. 7. a bus with seats on top; 8. an electrical instrument for playing records; 9. a very tall building; 10. one who takes part in a sit-down strike; 11. one who takes part in a peace campaign; 12. a handsome person. Full understanding 17.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте: scene [sÖn], to arrest [@'rest], press, absurd [@b'sýd], medical, expert, final [faInl], minute, laboratory. Proper names: Agatha Christy ['{g@T@ 'krIstI]; Sir Wilfred ['wIlfr@d]; Leonard Stephen Vole ['len@d stÖvn voul]; Mr Mayherne ['meIhýn]; Mrs Emily French ['emIlI]; Christine ['krIstÖn]; Janet Mackenzie [³{nIt m@'kenzI]. * 17.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните: New words: to invite — приглашать on the charge — no обвинению day off — выходной to catch (caught) — (зд.) попасть circumstantial evidence ['sýk@ms't{nS@l evId@ns] — косвенные улики to plead a case [pliÖd] — защищать дело в суде principal suspect — основной подозреваемый prisoner's box — место обвиняемого jury box — места присяжных indictment [In'daItm@nt] — обвинительный акт to take an oath [ouT] — давать клятву testimony ['testIm@nI] — свидетельские показания to introduce — (зд.) представлять to prove [prüv] — доказывать death [deT] — смерть to cause [kþz] — вызывать, быть причиной will (n.) — завещание cross-examination— перекрестный допрос silly— глупый to preside — председательствовать School vocabulary: night, dead, head, October, heavy, to find. * 17.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите:
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