Work in pairs to discuss higher engineering education in Belarus. Put the words in the questions in the correct order and complete the dialogue below.
A: Engineering education is quite popular with young people in our country. Do you know, universities / engineering / what / provide / education / in Belarus? B: If I’m not mistaken, these are … A: different fields / is separated / engineering / in a number of / isn’t it? B: Actually, you can study … A: engineering / available / basis / higher / only on full-time / education / is? B: Not really, … A: disciplines / study / do / what / engineering students? B: As I know, … A: students / project / do / undertake / work? B: Certainly, … A: do / where / practical / gain / engineering students / experience? B: You know, they … A: last / how / does / universities / an engineering course / long / in the Belarusian? B: If I remember right, … A: opportunities / do / have / what / students / after graduation? B: I think, … A: I see. Thanks. Now I’m clear about engineering education in Belarus. B: It’s OK. Exercise 4. Translate the sentences below into English. 1. Одной из основных задач преподавателей университета является оказать поддержку студентам в развитии их личностных и профессиональных навыков. 2. В Республике Беларусь активно развивается атомная энергетика. Ряд высших технических учебных заведений нашей страны обеспечивают подготовку инженеров в этой области. 3. Преподаватели университета руководят учебой студентов и консультируют их при подготовке курсовых и дипломных работ. 4. Производственная практика приносит пользу будущим инженерам, так как они учатся применять полученные теоретические знания на практике. 5. Студентам дневного отделения предоставляется жильё в университетских общежитиях, расположенных недалеко от студенческого городка. 6. Преподаватели университета оценивают знания студентов очной и заочной форм обучения по системе зачетов и экзаменов в конце каждого семестра. 7. Сегодня работодатели нанимают на работу не просто дипломированных специалистов, а молодых людей, обладающих рядом навыков, необходимых для работы в различных отраслях современной промышленности. 8. Многие выпускники продолжают обучение по магистерской программе, которая является важной ступенью в их исследовательской карьере.
9. По окончании курса магистратуры студенты-магистранты представляют свои диссертационные исследования, которые определенно вносят вклад в научное знание. UNIT 2 Higher Education in Great Britain STARTING UP Exercise 1. Discuss the following questions: 1. If you had a chance to get higher education abroad, what country would you choose? Why? 2. Do you agree that the UK enjoys the reputation of a world leader in education? 3. What world famous British universities do you know? Exercise 2. Look through the list of the reasons to get higher education in Great Britain. Rank them in order of their importance. Explain your choice. 1. World reputation for high quality education 2. State-of-the-art study and research facilities 3. New educational experience 4. A good way of improving your knowledge of English 5. The opportunity to study alongside world-class teachers 6. Great employment opportunities worldwide VOCABULARY Exercise 1. Match the English words (phrases) with their Russian equivalents.
Exercise 2. Match the English words (phrases) with their definitions. Check any unknown words in a dictionary.
a. involving computer programmes that use a mixture of sound, b. pictures, video, and writing to give information c. a place for someone to live or stay d. the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something e. the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution
f. ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech, piece of writing, film, programme. g. an academic rank conferred by a university after examination or after completion of a course h. the place or situation in which something begins to exist i. a regular meeting between a tutor and one or several students, for discussion of a subject that is being studied Exercise 3. Match the words with a similar meaning. Check any unknown words in a dictionary.
Exercise 4. Match the words that go together. Check that you know the meanings of the phrases. Then complete the sentences below.
1. Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Bill Clinton and many other … studied at Oxbridge. 2. Good standard accommodation is available to all first-year students in the University …. 3. … allow students to get practical experience applying material from their lectures. 4. The University provides … for every interest one could imagine. 5. The big advantage of living in a … is that the majority of your needs are situated on one site. 6. Oxbridge… on personal tuition which provides students with the opportunity to get in-depth knowledge in their chosen subject. 7. …is a method of studying in which students are provided with interactive teaching and multimedia materials. 8. At Oxford and Cambridge teaching is conducted primarily through the …. 9. Last year she completed a four-year course in economics to get a …. 10. With the help of … it is easy to provide audio visual education. READING Exercise 1. What facts do you know about higher education in Great Britain? Do the general knowledge quiz below and then check your answers by reading the text. General Knowledge Quiz 1) Which is the largest university in the country? a) Oxford University b) London University c) Bristol University 2) When were the first British Universities set up? a) In medieval times b) In the 19th century c) In the 20th century 3) Which Universities are the oldest ones? a) Oxford and Cambridge Universities b) Glasgow and London Universities c) Edinburgh and Manchester Universities 4) How many terms is the academic year divided into? a) Two terms b) Three terms c) Four terms 5) Which University provides degrees only by distance learning? a) Cambridge University b) Bristol University c) Open University 6) How long do most courses last? a) Three or four years b) Five years c) Six years
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