Read the text about the similar features that all BNTU Faculties have. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
The Faculty has high quality … who are actively involved in teaching and research. A large number of them have academic degrees. The Faculty staff has a substantial research …, including much that is directly supported by industry. They are also active in consultancy projects and publication, in organizing national and international …. The first year is common to many engineering …. In the second and third year students study more specific subjects to prepare for later specialization in a particular branch of engineering. Students also carry out … work. The work usually involves original research, and is done in close consultation with a … from the academic staff. The Facultyoffers high-quality academic programs designed to prepare students for a dynamic career in the chosen field of engineering. SKILLS Exercise 1. Study the following abilities, knowledge areas and qualities that engineering students should develop. Which of these are the most important for you? Why? Use the expressions from the Useful language box to help you. Abilities: leadership characteristics, teamwork skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, critical thinking, ingenuity. Knowledge areas: science & math, engineering fundamentals, analytical skills, problem-solving skills, design skills. Qualities: to beinnovative, to be entrepreneurial, to be creative, to have strong work ethic, to be adaptable in a changing environment, to be responsible in a social and technological context.
Follow the model: I think teamwork skills, engineering fundamentals and to be adaptable in a changing environment are the most important for me. These skills and qualities will help me to … Which University courses provide you with these skills and experiences? Exercise 2. Work in pairs to discuss the opportunities students have after graduation. Complete the dialogue below. A: a student interested in a career as a researcher B: a student interested in a career in an industrial company
A: So, what are you going to do after graduation? Have you made up your mind? B: Well, I’m not sure. I think I’ll go …. And you? A: You know, I’d rather stay in education to study at a… During the last two years I was involved into … project. B: Oh, personally, I’m not quite interested in …. I think it’s too boring! Is your supervisor helpful? A: Actually, …. Have you already applied for …? B: Yes, I have. When I was sent out on an industrial placement I was offered …. A: What does your company do exactly?
B: It is engaged in …. I hope I’ll gain a good practical experience. Are there any interesting opportunities in your research career? A: Sure. There is an opportunity to get an academic … but you know the most important thing for me is …. B: I see. Good luck in your research! A: Thanks a lot. See you soon.
Exercise 3. Many engineering students have a part-time job. It enables them to get practical experience and earn some money. Discuss this issue with your partner. You can begin like this: A: You know, some of my friends have a part-time job. Do you? B: No, not yet. But I’m planning …. It’s not an easy thing, you know. A: Sure …. You can apply to the Students’ Union. They offer… Exercise 4. Translate the sentences below into English. 1. Каждый факультет предлагает студенческие и аспирантские учебные программы для подготовки высококвалифицированных инженеров и молодых ученых. 2. Студентов поощряют в развитии потребности непрерывного обучения, чтобы быть конкурентно способными в быстроменяющемся технологическом мире. 3. Все инженерные курсы ориентированы на промышленность, поэтому студентов регулярно посылают на производственную практику. 4. Практический опыт – это одно из главных условий (requirement) для того, чтобы найти хорошую работу в различных отраслях промышленности. 5. Все студенты последнего курса выполняют индивидуальный исследовательский проект, который основывается на теоретическом и практическом анализе исследуемой проблемы. 6. Многие преподаватели факультета имеют ученые степени и проводят практико-ориентированную исследовательскую работу. 7. Все факультеты играют важную роль в подготовке нового поколения инженеров и ученых и активно сотрудничают с промышленными предприятиями. 8. Инженерное образование в БНТУ – это отличная база для успешной карьеры в крупных промышленных компаниях. UNIT 6 The Industry of Belarus STARTING UP Exercise 1. Think of one Belarusian brand in each of these categories
Exercise 2. Study the list of goods made in Belarus. Which of them do you or members of your family make use of? Why? Footwear, bags, fridges, microwave ovens, cookers, cotton (flax, woolen) clothes, freezers, tableware, cosmetics, TV-sets, bicycles, furniture, construction materials, confectionery, washing machines, meat and milk products.
Use the model: My family make use of an LCD TV-set made in Belarus because it’s reliable. I often buy the Belarusian meat products because they are tasty.
Exercise 3. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Give reasons for your answers. 1. A number of Belarusian products is world-known for their high quality. 2. The geographic location of Belarus benefits country’s economic development. VOCABULARY Exercise 1. Match the English words (phrases) with their Russian equivalents.
Exercise 2.
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