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Составьте по одному предложению на английском языке с выделенным жирным шрифтом словом или словосочетанием из текста. Переведите свои предложения на русский язык.


The history of denim, the fabric phenomenon of the last centuries:

The 18th century. In the eighteenth century as trade, slave labour, and cotton plantations increased, workers wore jean cloth because the material was very strong and it did not wear out easily.

The 19th century: the California gold rush. The gold miners wanted clothes that were strong and did not tear easily. In 1853, Leob Strauss started a wholesale business, supplying clothes. Strauss later changed his name from Leob to Levi.

The 1930's: westerns. Cowboys – who often wore jeans in the movies-became very popular.

The 1940's: War. Fewer jeans were made during the time of World War 2, but they were introduced to the world by American soldiers, who sometimes wore them when they were off duty. After the war, rival companies, like Wrangler and Lee, began to compete with Levi for a share of the international market.

The 1950's: rebels. In the 1950's, denim became popular with young people. It was the symbol of the teenage rebel in TV programmes and movies (James Dean in the 1955 movie rebel without a cause). Some schools in the USA banned students from wearing denim.

The 1960–70's: hippies & the Cold War. Different styles of jeans were made, to match the 60's fashions: embroidered jeans, painted jeans, psychedelic jeans...

In many non-western countries, jeans became a symbol of ‘western decadence’ and were very hard to get.

The 1980's: designer jeans. In the 1980’s jeans became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans went up and up.

The 1990's: recession. Although denim is never completely out of style, it certainly goes out of ‘fashion’ from time to time. In these years the youth market wasn’t particularly interested in traditional jeans styles, mainly because their parents: the ‘generation born in blue’ were still busy squeezing their aging bodies into them. Since no teenager would be caught in anything their parents are wearing, the latest generation of rebellious youth turned to other fabrics and other styles of casual pants, such as khakis, chinos, combat and carpenters and branded sportswear pants. They still wore denim, but it had to be in different finishes, new cuts, shapes, styles, or in the form of aged, authentic, vintage jeans, discovered in markets, secondhand and thrift shops, not conventional jeans stores. Levi Strauss & Co., the number-one producer of jeans and the “single most potent symbol of American style on planet earth” is in trouble. Eleven north American factories close, a nation grieves.

2000: reinventing denim. Something decidedly weird is happening in the world of denim. The products need to be reinvented from time to time and jeans has been back on designers catwalks, at Chanel, Dior, Chloe and Versace. The single most potent symbol of fashion, summer '99--Tom ford's feathered, beaded, beat-up, torn-knee Gucci blue jeans, seen globally, sell out instantaneously at $3715 a pop. And then, on the internet, was the shining image of Helmut Lang’s silver-sprayed pants, striding out beyond our conception of basic utility. Freed of all social and creative restrictions, denim is assuming any number of disguises and contexts to be worn in and has broken through almost any limitation on price. It can also be found in home collections, appearing in cushions, bed spreads and furniture-coverings.

Denim and jeans – where do the names come from?

The word ‘jeans’ comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe. The material, called jean, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it. The word ‘denim’ probably came from the name of a French material, serge de nimes: serge (a kind of material) from Nimes (a town in France).

Traditional denim

Durable twill-woven cotton fabric with coloured (usually blue) warp and white filling threads; it is also woven in coloured stripes.

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 3.

Часть 1. GRAMMAR

Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге.

1) Завтра в 10 часов утра мы будем писать сочинение.

2) Мы всегда обсуждаем наши проблемы с родителями.

3) Когда я добрался до станции, уже темнело.

4) Его брат преподает в школе с 1965 года.

5) Я никогда прежде не видела этого фильма.

6) В нашем городе сейчас строится новый театр

7) Об этой книге очень много говорят.

8) Мне еще ничего не говорили об этом.

9) Когда пришел директор, все было готово: документы были проверены, и письма были напечатаны.

10) Когда лодка пропала из вида, мы пошли домой.

11) На него можно положиться.

12) Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это.

13) За ними уже послали?

14) На эту статью часто ссылаются.

15) Им обещали информацию по этому вопросу.


2. Вставьте следующие количественные определители: little,(a) little, few, (a) few., переведите предложения.

1. My friend knows German..... and she can help you with the translation.

2. His lesson was so difficult, that..... students understood it.

3. She has..... problems.

4. I enjoy my life here. I have..... friends and we meet quite often.

5. There are very..... old houses left in our street.

6. Move on. Very..... time left.

7. There are..... computer classrooms in our school. We’d like to have more.

8. We’ve got..... food in the house, if you’re hungry.

3. Вставьте следующие количественные определители: much, many, a lot (of), plenty (of), переведите предложения.

1. Did you take..... photographs when you were on holiday?

2. There aren’t..... offices here.

3. Do you know..... people here?

4. Pete always puts..... sugar into tea.

5. How..... money have you got?


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