Describing People’s Character
General Appearance
Hair Hair colour
Hair Style
Distinguishing Features
II. Texts Text A Read the text and find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations: 1) дружелюбный; 2) привлекательный; 3) темные волосы; 4) карие глаза; 5) интересоваться модой, 6) ссорится из-за чего-либо; 7) ладить; 8) легкий в общении; 9) строгий; 10) честолюбивый; 11) быть похожим. Me аnd My Family My sister takes after my mum, but people say I take after my dad. He’s always nice and friendly. My mother shows her feelings more. She is quite attractive. She’s got dark hair and a nice face with dark brown eyes. My sister Kate is funny and a bit different. She changes the way she dresses every week. I am not very interested in fashion – I like my jeans and old clothes.
Someone from a model agency saw Kate at JFK airport in New York when she was 14 or 15. Now Kate is a model. She lives and works in a lot of different countries and when we go shopping together everybody knows her because there are posters of her everywhere. When we were young we had fights about silly little things. It was fantastic! She sometimes hit me so I tore up her posters and threw her clothes on the floor. My parents are divorced but they get on quite well. I live with my dad but my mum lives very near and I see her about three times a week. I get on brilliantly with my dad – we can talk about everything. He’s very easygoing and not strict, but he keeps me under control. Kate loves modelling and I enjoy it too, but I would prefer to play football professionally or manage a hotel. I suppose I’m quite ambitious – I want to succeed. Say whether these statements are true or false. 1. Kate and Nick have different personalities. 2. Kate loves her work. 3. Kate and Nick had lots of fights when they were young. 4. Nick hates football. 5. Nick doesn’t see his mother very often. 6. Kate came to the model agency when she was 18. 7. Nick and his father live together. 8. Nick wants to buy a hotel. Text B Character and Appearance Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whose character and appearance differ radically. When one sees a tall, broad-shouldered youth, one expects him to be strong-willed and brave. One thinks, ‘ A model to follow!’ How often a good-looking individua l turns out to be petty, weak-willed or even cowardly. Then one thinks, ‘ A mediocrity!’ At the same time everyone knows that a lot of great people were of a poor build: short and fragile. It did not stop them from displaying intelligence and courage. Ingenuity does not depend on one’s complexion or constitution. Plump or fat people create an impression of generous and kind personalities. Strangely enough, not rarely they may be thrifty or even greedy. One usually thinks, ‘ A scrooge!’ On the other hand, thin or slim nervous ladies often tend to be lavish. They like to buy and never think twice when they pay. One thinks, ‘I would call her open-handed and Mother would call her a spendthrift. ’ Yes, mothers are always stricter in judgments. Has it ever happened to you that you come to an important office and see an important boss? You immediately evaluate his looks, ‘ Round-faced, small narrow eyes, dimples on the cheeks and an up-turned nose. What a kind-hearted person! A simpleton! ’ You tell the boss of your troubles and expect immediate help. But the boss appears to be rude, harsh and willful. You never get your help and think, ‘A stone heart and an iron fist. ’ When someone sees a delicately built pretty blonde with curly hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and a high forehead, one is inclined to think that the beauty is intelligent and nice. It may be disappointing to think later, ‘What a stupid, capricious, impolite bore! ’ On the contrary, when one sees a skinny brunette with ugly irregular features – a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes and thin lips. Strange thoughts come to one’s head; because it is the image of evil people – cruel and cunning. It may be a relief some time later to find her a clever, gentle and good-mannered lady and think, ‘What charm! A heart of gold!’ Another general misconception lies in the fact that children are always expected to resemble their parents. And parents like it when children take after them. Relatives like to compare moles, the shape of noses, etc. The greatest compliment is. ‘ They are as like as two peas. ’ The greatest disappointment is to find nothing in common. We want to deny people their exclusiveness, we don’t want to admit that nature has selected other options from an enormous genetic fund developed over generations. Why do we like our copies? Who knows!
Nature likes to play tricks on us. But don’t you think it is a present on the part of nature? Life becomes not a boring routine, but a brilliant kaleidoscope of characters and appearances which often clash. Match the words with their definitions.
Text С David the Teenage Tycoon Teenager David Bolton has just put £9,000 in the bank – after only six months of part-time work as computer consultant. The electronics expert from Croydon, South London, is fast establishing reputation as one of the country’s top troubleshooters – the person to call if no one else can cope. For David, 15, his first steps to fame and fortune began when he was only nine, when his parents bought him a computer, a ZX-90. ‘I soon learned to program it. I needed something bigger, so I had to save for ages to buy an Amstrad.’ It was only about a year ago, however, that he decided to get serious about computing. He went to night school to learn how to write business programs, and did a correspondence course with an American college. He got in touch with a computer seller, Eltec, who were so impressed they gave him computers and software worth more than £3,000. In return, he has to send them a monthly report saying what he has done and what his plans are. He helps the companies by suggesting which computers they should buy, and by writing individual programs for them. He can work more quickly than many older professionals. In one case, he went to a company where a professional programmer worked for six months and couldn’t find the problem. Davis finished the job in five days. It is because of this standard that in the short period he has been in business David had made about £9,000. With it he has bought more equipment. How did he do it? ‘You have to be ambitious, and you have to really want to get to the top. Believe in yourself, and tell yourself that you are the best.’ Answer the following questions. 1. What is special about David? Describe him (age, education, character). 2. How did he become interested in computers? 3. Was it easy to learn? What did he have to do? 4. What does he have to do in his job? 5. Why is he successful? 6. What advice does he give to others? III. Vocabulary Exercises Ex. 1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following:
Ex. 3. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.
Ex. 4. Complete the sentences, using the correct word or phrase. To help you the first letter of each word is given. The cosmetics firms spend their time trying to get people to change their appearance. If girls are dark-haired, they persuade them to dye their hair and become b…. If their hair is straight, they will make it ‘naturally’ w…. They can make p… complexions the colour of peaches and cream. They give you false e…, and pluck your e… if they are too heavy. If you have a h… nose, they will straighten it. It’s the same for men nowadays. You can go to clinics where they will stop you from going b…. You can do exercises to become b… – shouldered. And with it you can become t… without going outdoors. But the biggest craze these days is that all girls must be s…. In Grandfather’s day men liked women to be p…; their idea of a good figure was different. But now if I looked like that Jack would say, ‘You are getting f…. Why don’t you go on a diet?’ Ex. 5. Look at the adjectives for describing people and match each one to the definitions. hard-working generous stubborn self-confident reliable loyal strict open-minded thoughtful naughty attractive sensitive modest ambitious a) showing that you are thinking deeply / paying attention to the feelings of other people b) willing to give money, help and kindness c) having a strong desire to be successful, powerful, or rich d) willing to consider new ideas and opinions e) determined and having a strong will f) severe in demanding obedience to rules of behaviour g) that may be trusted, dependable / that you can trust to perform well at all times h) behaving badly, or not obeying a parent, teacher, or set of rules i) having a belief in one’s own value and abilities j) pretty or handsome (used of a person) / pleasant to look at k) faithful to people, places, or things l) having or expressing a lower opinion of your own abilities than you deserve (a word used to express approval) m) showing delicate feelings or judgments n) dedicating a lot of time and energy to work Ex. 6. Choose one adjective to describe each of the following people. 1. Once Hans has decided to do something it’s impossible to make him change his mind. 2. Tom is very keen to do well in his job. He wants to get to the top of the company by the time he is thirty. 3. Anna is not fixed in her opinions. She is always ready to consider new ideas. 4. Anita is the sort of person that if she says she will do something you know she will do it. 5. Once you are a friend of Paul’s you are a fried for life. 6. Maria never does any work. She just sits around doing nothing all day. 7. Eleni came top in all her exams, but she didn’t tell anyone. 8. When you go out for a meal with Pierre he always insists on paying. Ex. 7. Match the favourable adjectives on the left with the corresponding unfavourable adjectives or phrases on the right.
Ex. 8. Match the words with the descriptions. Use each word once only.
Ex. 9. Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Use each word once only. tolerant ambitious proud sociable greedy brave polite stubborn kind 1. I think I’ll stay here on my own, I’m not feeling very … today. 2. Diana wants to get to the top in her company. She’s very …. 3. It’s not … to stare at people and say nothing! 4. Thank you for helping me. It was very … of you. 5. Peter refuses to change his mind, although he is wrong. He’s so …. 6. It was very … of Sheila to put out the fire on her own. 7. Don’t eat all the cakes! You really are becoming …! 8. I am very … of my new motorbike. 9. My parents don’t mind my crazy hair style. They are very …. Ex. 10. Loot at the following extracts of written language and watch them to their sources below/ 1. Small, slim, blue-eyed blonde, GSH, early 30’s WLTM hunky male 28-38 for fun and friendship. Call me on 09765-567892. 2. The first man was small and wiry, with sharp, strong features. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, with wide shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. 3. The police are looking for a man of average height and medium build in his mid-twenties. He was last seen wearing a dark green or grey anorak. 4. The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing Wadlow who was born on 22nd February 1918 in Illinois, USA, and who died on 15th July 1940 in Michigan. He was last measured on 27th June 1940 and was found to be 272cm tall. a) An extract from a novel. b) An extract from a newspaper report. c) An extract from the Guinness Book of Records. d) An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper. What do you think WLTM and GSH mean? Ex. 11. Use these collocations in the sentences below/ long nails big feet lovely complexion hairy chest bad skin deep voice long legs thin legs 1. Size 12! Are these your shoes? You’ve got really …, haven’t you? 2. You’ve got such …. Would you like to move the seat back a bit? 3. I’ve never seen you in shorts before. You’ve got such …. You should go running and try to build them up a bit! 4. My boyfriend’s got a really …. It’s like being with a gorilla. 5. You’ve got such love …. Are they real? 6. He’s got such a … I find it very sexy when he speaks to me on the phone. 7. Keith’s new girlfriend must spend a fortune on face cream to have such a …. 8. Poor Tim. He’s had really … ever since he was 13. Ex. 12. Put these descriptions in the correct order. 1. He’s a … man with … hair. (short, tall, fair, good-looking) 2. She’s a … woman with … hair. (tall, long, thin) 3. I’ve got … hair and I’m tall and very …. (thin, straight, black) 4. She’s very … with a … tan and … hair. (blonde, lovely, good-looking, long) 5. I wouldn’t describe my husband as … and …! Short, overweight, and going thin on top is more accurate! (handsome, dark, tall) Ex. 13. The following adjectives describe people’s character. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective. generous, impatient, helpful, persistent, selfish, reliable, optimistic, stubborn. 1. Tom tends to be quite a child; he seldom shares his toys with his friends. 2. Ann is a very … worker; I can always depend on her if I want something on time. 3. Mr James is … a man; he gives a lot of money to the children’s hospital. 4. Joe seems … at times; he never changes his mind and he always does what he wants to. 5. Seb is a(n) … person; he always sees the positive side of even the most difficult situation. 6. Steve tends to be …; he becomes very annoyed when he has to wait in long queues. 7. John is …; he never gives up and always finishes what he starts. 8. Mary is very …; when I have a lot of work to do, she always lends a hand. Ex. 14. When would you describe someone as: reserved, pleasant, bossy, rude, spoilt, sensible, sensitive, shy, sociable Ex. 15. Here’s a list of adjectives describing qualities certain professions need. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective. persuasive brave creative patient intelligent polite accurate fair friendly 1. Salespeople need to be … to get people to buy their products 2. A scientist has to be … in order to understand complex theories. 3. Receptionists should be … in order to make people feel welcome. 4. Surgeons must be very … as they should not make mistakes in their work. 5. A shop assistant has to be … even when dealing with a rude customer. 6. Lifeguards have to be … as they often find themselves in dangerous situations. 7. Teachers need to be very … as students sometimes take a long time to learn things. 8. Judges should be … and give all the evidence equal consideration. 9. Fashion designers should be very … so they can come up with new designs. IV. Dialogues 1. Read the dialogue in pairs. PHIL: Did you watch that film last night on channel 4? ROB: Which one? The one, about a train hijacking? P: Yeah, it had that bloke in it – you know, John what’s his name. R: No. John who? What does he look like? P: He’s really tall and muscular – he looks a bit like a body-builder. He’s got a shaved head and a huge scar on his left cheek – you must know who I mean! R: No. I don’t. Oh, hang on! Was he the one with the bushy eyebrows? P: No, that was his friend. The guy I’m talking about has a crooked nose – it was probably broken in a fight. He’s got cauliflower ears, too – like a rugby player. R: How old would he be? P: About thirty, I suppose. R: Did he have a beard? P: Not exactly. More of a ‘five o’clock shadow’. R: Oh, yeah, I know the one!! He rescued that gorgeous blonde at the end. P: I wouldn’t have minded being in his shoes, that’s for sure! 2. Working in pairs make up dialogues for the following imaginary situations. a) Your sister got married. Describe her new husband to your aunt who couldn’t be present at the wedding. b) You witnessed a bank robbery. Describe the criminals to the policemen. VI. Speaking Tasks 1. Describe a person that you met recently and liked. You should say: - who this person is; - what you were doing at that time; - how you met him/her. Explain why you liked this person. 2. Describe someone you know, or somebody famous, who has achieved great success. You should say: - who they are and what they do; - where they come from: their background and how they became successful. Explain why you admire this person.
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