Concerning a Gesticulation. Involving Four Wheels. Concerning Four Sorcerers Who Cut Off. One Another's Heads and Put Them
Concerning a Gesticulation Involving Four Wheels XXX Doctor Faustus was summoned and commanded to come to the town of Brunswick to cure a marshall there who had consumption. Now he was used to ride neither horseback nor by coach, but was of a mind to walk wherever he was invited as guest or summoned as physician. When he was about a half a quarter from Brunswick and could see the town before him, a peasant with four horses and an empty wagon came clattering along. Doctor Faustus addressed the clown in all kindness, requesting that he be allowed to climb on and be driven the rest of the way up to the town gate, but the bumpkin refused to do this and turned Faustus away, saying he would have enough to haul on his return trip. Doctor Faustus had not been serious in his request, wanting only to prove the peasant, whether there were any love to be found in him, but now he repaid the clown's churlishness (such as is, after all, commonly found among peasants ) in like coin, speaking to him thus:
Doctor Faustus took pity upon the clown's humility and answered him, saying that he must treat no one else in this hard manner, there being nothing more shameful than the qualities of churlishness and misanthropy--and the wicked pride which accompanieth them. Now the man should but take up some earth and throw it upon the team, which would then rise up and live out its days. So it came to pass, Faustus saying as he departed from the peasant: Thy churlishness cannot go altogether unpunished, but must be repaid in equal measure, inasmuch as thou hast deemed it such a great effort to take a tired man onto an empty wagon. Lo, thy wheels are without the town at four different gates. There wilt thou find all four of them. The peasant went along and found them as Doctor Faustus had said, but with great effort, travail and neglect of the trade and business which he had intended to accomplish. And thus will churlishness ever punish its owner. Concerning Four Sorcerers Who Cut Off One Another's Heads and Put Them
On Again. Wherein Doctor Faustus Attending Their Performance, Doth Play the Major Role XXXI Doctor Faustus came to the Carnival in Frankfurt, where his spirit Mephostophiles did inform him that there were four sorcerers at an inn in Jews Alley who were attracting a great audience by chopping off one another's heads and sending them to the barber to be trimmed. Now that vexed Faustus, who liked think that he were the only cock in the Devil's At last it was the turn of the chief sorcerer and executioner. His Root of Life was blooming. away in the water and waxing green, now his head was smitten off also, and they set to washing it and dressing it in Faustus' presence, which sorcery did sorely vex him: the arrogance of this magicus princeps, how he let his head be chopped off so insolently, with blasphemy and laughter in his mouth. Doctor Faustus went up to the table where the cruse and the flowering lily stood, took out his knife, and snipped the flower, severing the stem. No one was aware of this at the time, but when the sorcerers sought to set the head on again their medium was gone, and the evil fellow had to perish with his sins upon his severed head. Afterwards they did find the stem cut, but they were not able to discover how this came to pass. This is the way the Devil at last rewards all his servants, absolving them thus, the manner in which Doctor Faustus dealt with this man being entirely consonant with the shameful absolution which he did himself receive when he was repaid for his own sins.
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