How Doctor Faustus Brought About
Pact XXXIII I Doctor Johann Faustus, Do declare in this mine own hand and blood: Whereas I have truly and strictly observed my first instrumentum and pact for these nineteen years, in defiance of God and all mankind; And Whereas, pledging body and soul, I therein did empower the mighty God Lucifer with full authority over me so soon as five more years be past; And Whereas he hath further promised me to increase my days in death, thereby shortening my days in Hell, also not to allow me to suffer any pain; Now Therefore do I further promise him that I will never more heed the admonitions, teachings, scoldings, instructions or threats of mankind, neither as concerneth the Word of God nor in any temporal or spiritual matters whatsoever; but particularly do I promise to heed no man of the cloth nor to follow his teachings. In good faith and resolve contracted by these presents and in mine own blood, etc. Now just as soon as Faustus had executed this godless, damned pact, he began to hate the good Old Man so intensely that he sought some means to kill him, but the Old Man's Christian prayers and Christian ways did such great offense to the Evil Fiend that he could not even approach him. Two days after the events just recounted, when the Old Man was retiring, he heard a mighty rumbling in his house, the like of which he was never wont to hear. It came right into his chamber, grunting like a sow and continuing for a long time. Lying abed, the Old Man began to mock the spirit, saying: Ah, what a fine bawdy music! Now what a beautiful hymn sung by a ghoul! Really a pretty anthem sung by a beautiful angel--who could not tarry in Paradise for two full days. This wretched fellow must now go avisiting in other folks' houses, for he is banished from his own home. With such mockery he drave the spirit away. When Doctor Faustus asked him how he had fared with the Old Man, Mephostophiles answered that he had not been able to lay hold on him, for he had worn armor (referring to the prayers of the Old Man) and had mocked him besides. Now the spirits and devils cannot suffer a good humor, particularly when they are reminded of their fall. Thus doth God protect all good Christians who seek in Him succor against the Evil One.
How Doctor Faustus Brought About the Marriage of Two Lovers XXXIV A student in Wittemberg, a gallant gentleman of the nobility named N. Reuckauer, was with heart and eyes far gone in love with an equally noble and exceedingly beautiful gentlewoman. Of the many suitors (among them even a young knight) whom she turned down, this Reuckauer was privileged to occupy the least place of all. But he was a good friend of Doctor Faustus, having often sat with him at meat and at drink, so that when the acute affects of his love for the gentlewoman caused him to pine away and fall ill, Faustus soon learned of it. He asked his spirit Mephostophiles about the cause of this serious condition and, being told that it was the love affair, soon paid a visit to the nobleman, who was greatly astonished to learn the true nature of his illness. Doctor Faustus bade him be of good cheer and not to despair so, for he intended to help him win the affections of this lady so completely that she should never love another. And so it did indeed come to pass, for Doctor Faustus so disturbed the heart of the maiden with his sorcery that she would look upon no other man, nor heed any other suitor, although many gallant, wealthy noblemen were courting her.
Now he took some distilled water and washed Reuckauer with it, so that his face presently became exceeding handsome. Reuckauer followed Faustus' instructions carefully, danced with the lady and, while dancing, touched her with his ring finger. Instantly, her whole heart and love were his, for the good maiden was pierced through with Cupid's arrow. That night in her bed she found no rest, so often did her thoughts turn to Reuckauer. Early the next morning she sent for him, laid her heart and her love before him, and begged him to wed her. He gave his consent, for he loved her ardently. Their wedding was celebrated anon, and Doctor Faustus received a handsome honorarium.
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