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Urinary tract infection. Medical humor. Medical slang. The ears

Urinary tract infection

Phonetic exercise: urine [‘juə rin], urinary [‘juə rinri], urination [, juə ‘ri’nei∫ n], injury [’ind3ə ri], hematuria [, hi: mə ‘tjuriə ], hydration [hai’drei∫ n], encourage [in’kΛ rid3], catheters [‘kæ θ itə z], malformations [, mæ l’f : mei∫ nz], dysuria [dis’juə riə, dis’juiriə ], urge [ə: d3], diarrhea [, daiə ‘riə ], appetite [‘æ pitait], nausea [‘n : siə ], fever [‘fi: və ], incontinence [in’k ntinə ns], malaise [mə ‘leiz, mæ ‘leiz], capsules [‘kæ psju: lz], estrogen [‘i: strə d3ə n], cream [kri: m], hygiene [‘haid3i: n]


Make a report on kidney stones according to the plan below:

Definition: a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract.

The main etiologic agent: Escherichia coli.

Causes and risk factors: urinary catheters, genetics, a family histori of UTI, diabetes, sickle-cell disease or anatomical malformations of the urinary tract such as prostate enlargement, blood born infections, etc.

The most common type of UTI: acute cystitis often referred to as a bladder infection.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: burning with urination (dysuria); frequency of urination; an urge to urinate; pyelonephritis: flank pain and a fever; in young children: diarrhea; loss of appetite; nausea and vomiting; fever and excessive crying that cannot be resolved by typical measures; in older children: abdominal pain, incontinence; in adults: hematuria (blood in the urine); inability to urinate despite the urge and malaise; other signs of urinary tract infections: foul smelling urine and urine that appears cloudy.

Epidemiology: Women are more prone to UTIs than men because in females the urethra is much shorter and closer to the anus than in males, and they lack the bacteriostatic properties of prostatic secretions.

In the USA, urinary tract infections account for nearly 7 million office visits and 1 million emergency department visits, resulting in 100, 000 hospitalizations.

Diagnosis: urinalysis, urine culture, imaging study, retrograde urethrography, x-ray, nuclear medicine, MRI and CT scans, etc.

Treatment and prevention: a prolonged course ( 6 months to a year ) of low-dose antibiotics, oral antibiotics such as trimethoprim, cephalosporins, nitrofurantoin, or a fluoroquinolone such as ciprofloxacin; IV antibiotics; cranberry (juice or capsules), topical estrogen cream, changes in the personal hygiene, drinking water etc.

Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of UTIs in infants.



A urologist’s license plate:


Bean - n. kidney. Stream team – the urology service collectively. Pecker checker – a urologist. Duck - portable urinal for bedridden male hospital patients. Pee Princess - a patient who constantly urinates.


Phonetic exercise: ears[iə z], pinna [‘pinə ], auricle [‘ : rikl], ear canal [‘iə kə ‘næ l], ear drum [‘iə ‘drΛ m], malleus [‘mæ liə s], hammer [‘hæ mə ], incus [‘iŋ kə s], anvil [‘æ nvil], stapes [‘steipi: z], stirrup [‘stirə p], cochlea [‘k kliə ], labyrinth [‘læ birinθ ], vestibular apparatus [ves’tibjə lə , æ pə ‘reitə s], otitis [ə u’taitis], hearing impairment [‘hiə riŋ im’pε ə mə nt], deafness [‘defnis]


Make a report on the ears according to the following plan:

Definition: the organs that detect sounds.

Function: to detect sounds.

Structure: three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear.

The outer ear: the pinna or auricle, the ear canal, and the ear drum

The middle ear: an air-filled cavity behind the ear drum; three ear bones: the malleus or hammer, incus or anvil, stapes or stirrup.

The inner ear: the cochlea and labyrinth or vestibular apparatus.

Otoplasty: a cosmetic surgery to change the appearance of a person's external ears. Forms of otoplasty: bringing the ears closer to the head, reducing the size of very big ears, etc.

The most common diseases: otitis, external otitis, otitis media, otitis interna, hearing impairment or deafness, noise induced hearing loss, etc.



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