Atopic dermatitis. The immune system
Atopic dermatitis Phonetic execise: integumentary [in, tegjumentə ri], epidermis [, epi’d : mis], dermis [’d : mis], hypodermis [, haipə ’d : mis], components [kə m’pə unə nts], sweat [swet], melanocytes [‘melə nə saits], dermatitis [, d : mə ‘tatis], psoriasis [(p)sə ‘raiə sis], eczema [‘eksimə ], relapsing [ri’læ psiŋ ], contagious [kə n’teid3ə s], pruritic [pruə ‘ritik], oozing [‘u: ziŋ ], prevalence [‘prevə lə ns], occurrence [ə ’kΛ rə ns; ə ’k : rə ns], genetic [d3ə ’netik, d3i’netik], environmental [in, vaiə rə n’mentl], allergy [‘æ lə d3i], allergic [ə ‘lə: d3ik], allergens [‘æ lə d3enz], atopic [ə ’t pik], dander [‘dæ ndə ], moisturizers [‘m ist∫ ə raizə z], aqueous [‘eikwiə s], triple [‘tripl] Make a report on atopic dermatitis according to the plan below: Definition: a type of eczema; an inflammatory, chronically relapsing, non-contagious and pruritic skin disorder. Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: red, inflamed, and itchy rash, red to brownish-gray colored patches that are usually very itchy; itching that may become more intense during the night; small and raised bumps which may be crusting or oozing if scratched, which will also worsen the itch. The skin tends to be more sensitive and may thicken, crack or scale. Epidemiolgy: The disease now affects 10-20% of children and 1-3% of adults in industrialized countries, and its prevalence in the United States alone has nearly tripled in the past thirty to forty years. Risk factors (risk situations, risk groups: allergy; food allergy. genetic factors, Many common food allergens can trigger an allergic reaction: such as milk, nuts, cheese, tomatoes, wheat, yeast, soy, and corn. Many of these allergens are common ingredients in grocery store products (especially corn syrup, which is a sugar substitute). Common food allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, and egg. Prevention: no cure for atopic eczema, treatment should mainly involve discovering the triggers of allergic reactions and learning to avoid them. Breastfeeding is the best way to avoid these problems, but if that is unavailable, then hydrolyzed formulas are preferred to cow's milk. The use of organic dairy products by children and breastfeeding or pregnant mothers reduces the risk of atopic dermatitis in young children Environment and lifestyle: avoidance of smoking, avoidance of inhalation of dust in general. The dander from the fur of dogs and cats may also trigger an inflammatory response. Evaluation: an allergy skin-patch or " scratch" test, given by an allergist, can often pinpoint the triggers of allergic reactions. Treatment: avoiding or minimizing contact with known allergens; moisturizers, lotion containing sodium hyaluronate to improve skin dryness, aqueous cream, non-soap cleanser, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, UV radiation, etc.
Alternative treatments: Oil from oenothera, commonly known as Evening Primrose, can in some cases, alleviate the symptoms of eczema.
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Phonetic exercise: immune [i’mju: n], pathogens [‘pæ θ ə ud3ə nz], thymus [‘θ aimə s], phagocytes [‘fæ gə usaits], neutrophils [‘njutr ə filz], lymphocytes [‘limf ə u saits], a cquired [ə ’kwaiə d], immune [i’mju: n] deficiency [di’fi∫ ə nsi], syndrome [‘sindrə um], psoriasis [(p)sə ‘raiə sis], rheumatoid arthritis [‘rumə t id a: ’θ raitis], diabetes [, daiə ’bi: ti: z].
Make a report on the immune system according to the plan below: Definition: a system of biological structures and processes within an organism. Functions: first(ly), to detect a wide variety of agents, from viruses to parasites; second(ly), to protect against diseases by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells. Structure: The thymus: lymphocyte precursors become thymocytes, which in turn mature into T-cells. The spleen: a filter for the blood. It catches foreign material in the blood and activates different types of immune system cells. The lymph nodes: organs that filter foreign material from the lymph fluid. The two basic types of leukocytes: phagocytes: cells that chew up invading organisms; neutrophils: cells that primarily fight bacteria; lymphocytes: cells that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders and help the body destroy them; B-lymphocytes: to seek out invaders; T-lymphocytes: to destroy invaders. The most common diseases: acquired immune deficiency syndrome, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, etc.
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