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⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Radish is a cool-season, fast-maturing, easy-to-grow vegetable. Radishes can be grown wherever there is sun and moist, fertile soil. They usually mature within three to six weeks. They are one of the quickest vegetables you can grow. Soil Preparation. Radishes love rich, fertile soil which is well draining. However most people tend to consider radishes a vegetable that are just grown in the spare spaces between other plants, therefore don’t consider soil preparation. Radishes will grow in bad conditions. However, if planted in a sunny spot with the correct soil conditions radishes will grow quickly, be less woody and grow larger. Harvesting. You can begin pulling the first radishes while they are still small, harvesting when the radishes are the size of your thumb is the best time to pick them. If you leave the radish plants to grow for too long they will become woody and inedible. This can be a problem if you plant too many seeds at once and get a glut at the end of the growing season. Nutritional Value and Health Benefits. The popular red globe radish is low in calories. Radishes provide a good amount of potassium, vitamin C and fiber. 5.2 Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:
5.3 Найдите и подставьте английские эквиваленты русских слов и словосочетаний: English words: growing season, potassium, fertile soil, fiber, low in calories, soil preparation, inedible, fast maturing, a sunny spot Russian words: быстросозревающий овощ____________________________ плодородная почва_____________________________ подготовка почвы_______________________________ солнечный участок____________________________ несъедобный________________________ вегетативный период_________________________________ низкокалорийный__________________________ клетчатка____________________________
5.4 Подберите определения к следующим словам:
5.5 Скажите, верны или неверны следующие утверждения:
1) Radish is one of the quickest vegetables you can grow. 2) Radishes love poor, moist soil. 3) Radishes will grow in bad conditions. 4) Radishes provide a good amount of potassium, vitamin C and fiber.
Complete the tables using information from the texts Table 1
Table 2
Quiz on Agronomy 1. Which of these crops is used to make bread? a) wheat b) alfalfa c) sorghum
2. Which field crop needs the most water? a) rice b) corn c) sorghum d) wheat
3. Persons who have studied agronomy (agronomists) can get jobs: b) running a business c) doing research in a laboratory d) all of the above
4. What makes plants green? a) hemoglobin b) chlorophyll c) carotene 5. Which part of a plant makes the seeds?
6. Agronomists work in…
7. There are many different types of soils. True or false?
8. What crop is the main ingredient used to make bread?
9. Native Americans were the first to grow “maize” in this country. What is another name for “maize”? a)wheat b) corn c) soybean
10. Which crop is used to make clothing?
11. What gas do plants give off? a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) oxygen d) hydrogen
Fruit quiz 1. Where was the kiwi fruit first grown? a) New Zealand b) China c) Australia d) Chile
2. Which fruit has the highest oil content? a) Peach b) Avocado c) Olive d) Mango
3. What percentage of the watermelon is water? a) 34 b) 80 c) 66 d) 92
4. The flower of the cherry tree is the national symbol of which country? a) India b) Canada c) China d) France
5. Apple pips contain: a) juice b) Vitamin H c) sodium d) Cyanide
6. Chinese Gooseberry is another name for:
a) Cherry b) Plum c) Kiwi d) Lime
7. In the Hindu culture, the leaves of which fruit are hung at weddings to ensure fertility? a) Mango b) Papaya c) Banana d) Lychee
8. Papain is a natural digestive aid that is found naturally in: a) Mango b) Papaya c) Banana d) Lychee
9. There is a museum in Belgium dedicated to: a) Chocolate b) Detective Poirot c) Strawberries d) Beer
10. The only fruit to have seeds on the outside is: a) Pineapple b) Raspberry c) Lychee d) Strawberry
11. According to American research, which fruit is No. 1 when it comes to antioxidants? a) Blueberry b) Orange c) Pear d) Cherry
12. Which of these fruits is not native to North America? a) Blueberry b) Apple c) Cranberry d) Grape
13. What is a nectarine? Is it: a) A cross between a peach and a plum b) A cross between an apple and a peach c) A type of peach d) A type of orange
14. There is a fruit juice that can increase the potency of some medication, even causing an overdose. Which fruit juice is this? a) Apple b) Orange c) Grapefruit d) Pineapple
15. And finally, if you have 4 bananas in one hand and 5 mangoes in the other, what do you have?
Answers 1) China, 2) olive, 3) 92%, 4) China, 5) cyanide, 6) kiwi, 7) mango, 8) papaya, 9) strawberries, 10) strawberry, 11) blueberry, 12) apple, 13) a type of peach, 14) grapefruit, 15) big hands!
Библиографический список 1. DMOZ com.ua> Home>Gardening> Plants>Vegetables 2. Google.com urbanext. Uiuc,edu/veggies/ A Guide to Growing, Storing and Preparing Vegetables 3. http://www.heirloom-organics.com/guide/va/guidetogrowingoats.html 4. http://gardening.about.com/od/plantprofil2/p/Corn.htm 5. http:// www.gardenersnet.com/veggies.htm
1. Onion………………………………………………………4 2. Tomato…..………………………………………………...6 3. Cabbage……………………………………………………8 4. Carrot..…………………………………………………….10 5. Radish…………………………………………………….12 6. Tables and quizzes..…………………………………….. 14 7.Библиографический список……………………………. 17
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