9. Waste of money. 10. The society should have the right and the duty to act in self defense to protect the innocent. 6. It affects the poorer segments of society and racial minorities disproportionately
9. Waste of money. The state shouldn’t waste ordinary civilians’ tax money to keep murderes in prisons for a long time. They continue living, while their victims will never any more enjoy the pleasures of life. 10. The society should have the right and the duty to act in self defense to protect the innocent.
The reasons to oppose the death penalty are the following: 1. There is a better alternative: life without parole. 2. The death penalty puts innocent lives at risk. 3. Race and place determine who lives and who dies. 4. The death penalty system is expensive. 5. Poor quality defense leaves many sentenced to death. 6. It affects the poorer segments of society and racial minorities disproportionately They are unable to afford the costs of good legal support. 7. Capital punishment does not deter crime. 8. There is a better way to help the families of murder victims. 9. Capital punishment goes against almost every religion. 10. Mentally ill people are executed. 11. Countries with capital punishment are human rights abusers.
12. We are the “State. ” When the “State” kills, we are participants. 13. Psychological aftereffects The mental health of those people who carry out the death penalty is put at risk. They may suffer from post-traumatic syndrom, the feeling of guilt and other emotional problems. They need special rehabilitation. 14. A life spent in prison is a worse punishment than an execution. The criminal should bear sufferings as long as possible in stead of ending up his life quickly and easily. Since society will never be free of crime, dealing with that crime and controlling it has become the focus of law enforcement. If the death penalty can be improved and made to work, it should remain. If it cannot be changed so that it actually deters violent crimes, than perhaps it should be done away with in favor of a system that will actually lower the crime rate and work to prevent violent crimes in the future.
IMMIGRATION WHAT IS IMMIGRATION? The movement of people between countries is known as immigration. Immigration has been taking place since historical times but that of the modern times implies a long-term stay in a non-native country. People cross their nation's boundaries because of different reasons. These reasons can be classified as economic, social, political, environmental and cultural. Environmental reasons include - better climate, few calamities and natural disasters. Economic reasons presuppose better job and career prospects. Political motivations are caused by the desire to escape from a war or political persecution. Social reasons include a better quality of life or high living standards, reunification of the family, marriage, moving closer to a friend. Cultural motivations are religious freedom as well as good education opportunities. In general all the factors which lead to immigration fall into two groups: push and pull ones. Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area. Push factors exist at the point of origin and act to trigger emigration. They include: · lack of services · lack of safety (high crime, war, military conflict) · political or religious persecution, poor human rights · crop failure which leads to famine or starvation and death · natural disasters or climate change · poverty and low incomes · lack of prospects for education and career advancement · high unemployment rates Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area. They include: · higher employment · more wealth · better services · high living standards · freedom from religious or political persecution · availability of career opportunities · good climate · safer society with less crime · political stability · more fertile or cheaper land · lower risk from natural hazards
Migration usually happens as a result of a combination of these push and pull factors. There are alsosome other factors that people need to consider while preparing to emigrate. They are: the travel costs, the travel time and distance, the mode of transportation and terrain, and lastly, yet not the least, the cultural barriers and biases. Many immigrants are not at all aware of the fact that newcomers to a foreign country face many challenges and experience difficulties with many factors.
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