What exactly is Reformed Samaritanism?
What exactly is Reformed Samaritanism?
In the most general sense, Reformed Samaritanism is plain old “Ethical Monotheism”; in other words, the belief in the existence of a Supreme “Power” [or “God”], who is morally just; rewarding those who do goodness, while punishing those who do evil. And, from a historical standpoint, Reformed Samaritanism is merely a particular flavor of the Hebrew faith practiced by the ancient Samaritan people (in other words, by the citizens of Samaria, the capital of Israel’s northern kingdom) two centuries before the exile of the southern kingdom of Judah (an exile that eventually gave rise to modern “Talmudic Judaism”).
And, just as it happened with our spiritual fathers, our main focus is the pursuit of the ethical lifestyle (holiness, faith, truthfulness, transparency, honesty, dignity, justice, mercy, and humility) implicitly taught to all mankind by each and every single story [and allegory] recorded in God’s Holy Torah (God’s Law) by Moshe Ravenu (our master Moses); and whose aim is to teach us that, regardless of our religious [or secular] principles, God’s Universe has been designed to fulfill God’s perfect justice, so that [in the end] we will all reap the same measure of goodness [or evil] we’ve freely and willingly bestowed upon those surrounding us (law of “sowing and reaping”, also known as “measure for measure” or “action and reaction”).
La Fe Netsarita (El Cristianismo) es noble y santa; pero su teologí a es errada, pues nadie puede morir por el pecado de alguna otra persona
La fe Nazarena es un camino perfectamente vá lido para agradar al Creador. Pero, en un sentido estrictamente literal, Jesú s de Nazaret (paz y bendició n sean con é l) no pudo haber salvado a nadie de sus pecados, pues י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah, bendito sea) ha dicho en la Escritura Hebrea que fuera de É l no hay Salvador alguno. Como esta escrito: « Yo י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah); y, fuera de mi, no hay quien salve ” (Isaí as 43: 11).
En adició n, la Escritura enseñ a que no hay Salvació n en ningú n “Hijo de hombre”, como esta escrito: “ no confié is en los prí ncipes, ni en hijo de hombre, porque no hay en é l salvació n ” (Salmo 146: 3). Y, Jesú s era en efecto “Hijo de hombre”, pues así lo confiesa cuando dice: «Es necesario que el hijo de hombre sea entregado en manos de hombres pecadores, y que sea crucificado, y resucite al tercer dí a» (Lucas 24: 7).
En adició n, Jesú s no pudo haber muerto por los pecados de nadie; pues la Escritura Hebrea promete que cada cual habrá de morir por su propia maldad [y no por la maldad de sus padres o hijos]. Como esta escrito: «sino que cada cual morirá por su propia maldad »- Jeremí as 31: 30; «Los padres no morirá n por los hijos, ni los hijos por los padres; cada uno morirá por su [propio] pecado »- Deuteronomio 24: 16.
De hecho, aú n si hubiese querido morir por los pecados del Mundo, Jesus no podrí a haberlo hecho; pues, siendo un hombre de carne y hueso, tenia pecados propios. Como esta escrito: “Ciertamente no hay hombre justo en la tierra, que haga [solamente] el bien, y nunca peque ”- Eclesiasté s 7: 20.
Y los Escritos cristianos confirman esta verdad, cuando dicen que Jesus tuvo que “aprender obediencia” [hacia la voluntad del Padre Celestial]; como esta escrito: “Y aunque era Hijo, por lo que padeció, aprendió la obediencia ”- Hebreos 5: 8. Y esta casi demá s decir que, la ú nica razó n para que un hombre necesite “aprender obediencia”, es su previa desobediencia.
Finalmente, note como las palabras adscritas al Nazareno no pueden ser tomadas en sentido literal, sin que caigamos en graves y serias contradicciones. Es decir, si es cierto que Jesus fue engendrado directamente por Dios, y no por hombre alguno, ¿ no estarí a Jesus en cierto modo mintiendo, al describirse a si mismo como “el Hijo del Hombre”? ¿ No debió haber usado exclusivamente el té rmino “Hijo de Dios”?
¿ Y que hacemos con el pasaje donde Jesus afirma [en té rminos absolutos] que no hay verdad alguna en Sataná s y sus demonios (“El ha sido homicida desde el principio, y no ha permanecido en la verdad, porque no hay verdad en é l ”- Juan 8: 44)?
Si, como sugiere Jesus, todo lo que Sataná s y sus demonios dicen es mentira, ¿ que hacemos con las palabras de los demonios, cuando afirman [en té rminos absolutos] que Jesus es el Hijo de Dios? Como esta escrito: “Tambié n salí an demonios de muchos, dando voces y diciendo: tú eres el hijo de dios ”- Lucas 4: 41 & Marcos 3: 11.
¿ Cual de los dos miente? ¿ Miente Jesus, cuando afirma que los demonios nunca dicen la verdad? ¿ O mienten los demonios, cuando afirman que Jesú s es el Hijo de Dios?
What does Reformed Samaritanism means when it says God is “One”?
God's law (or " Torah" ) states that God is “One” (" Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one " - Deuteronomy 6: 4, Christian Standard Bible). But, what does it mean? In other words, why can’t I say: “Ok, God is One, I am Two, and the planet Saturn is three... ”.
Well, the reason we can’t properly say such a thing is that Hebrew Scripture hints at the idea that nothing “is” [or “exists’] outside of God. In other words, God is the One and only real existence; and all other forms of existence are “appended” to God’s unique existence. And that’s the reason why ancient Hebrew believers didn't conceived their heavenly father to be just the Hebrew equivalent of the pagan Zeus [a human-like being, only with supernatural powers]. Rather, they view Him as the Supreme living, limitless, and infinite place (“Ein sof” and “Ha-makom”) where everything else resides.
And it goes without saying that, being the absolute infinite spanning everything else, God cannot [by definition] be part of anything greater (or separated) from Himself, as otherwise He wouldn’t be the One thing containing [within itself] everything else.
Science [and for that sake, any sort of public information] is often craftily biased by powerful external interests. Thus, if your acceptance [or rejection] of any public information poses a risk of stumbling, make sure that you stumble “on the safe side”; in other words, that your decision let's you fail in favor of your own moral and personal integrity (on the side of truthfulness, dignity, honor, integrity, justice, mercy, and humility]; and not in favor of the hidden agenda of any social, economical, political, or religious establishment
Reformed Samaritanism version of, “he who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted”
The story goes that, for three consecutive years, there was a dispute between the school of Shammai and the school of Hillel. The one said, “The Law is according to our interpretation”, while the other said, “No, the Law is according to our interpretation”.
Then a Divine voice came forth, and it was heard proclaiming: “The edicts of both schools are the word of the living God, but the Law is according to the school of Hillel”.
But, if the edicts of both schools were the word of the living God, what merit did Hillel's school have, in order for the Law to be established according to their interpretations? The answer is that, in addition to have good theology, Hillel's disciples were kind and humble (in other words, their truth didn’t make them arrogant).
Thus, Hille taught not only his own interpretations, but also those of Shammai. In fact, whenever instructing his own disciples, Hillel would first teach them Shammai’s interpretations, and only after it would he proceed to teach them his own views concerning the subject. Not only that, but Hillel would let his followers intermarry Shammai’s disciples, even though he knew that would diminish his own numbers.
And the former goes to prove that, the man who makes himself small (not exalting himself above other believers) will be made great by the Creator; But, the one who magnifies himself, will be diminished by the Creator. How do we imitate the aptitude of the Hillel school? Easy! If you are a Hebrew believer, make a habit of [from time to time] pointing out how nice and uplifting are some of the songs composed by our Christian brothers. Likewise, point out how united and humble can Muslim believers often be.
If you are instead a Christian believer, you might commend the chaste attire of the female Muslim believers, or how wise and deep are some of the old Jewish legends. Conversely, if you are Muslim you could mention how similar to yours is Hebrew monotheism, or how similar to yours was the commitment of the early Christians, who were willing to die for their faith.
By doing the former, you will earn merit and please your Creator; not only by speaking truth, but better yet by become a living example of the meekness and humility such truth is supposed to forge into our lives.
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