¿Está en lo correcto la noble teología Cristiana, cuando afirma que nadie puede agradar a Dios tratando de cumplir la Ley?
He who claims the Hebrew God is limited by any physical circumstance (therefore being in need of help) blasphemes the Creator, and won’t be granted the privilege of enjoying God’s deliverance
Hebrew Scripture tells that, once upon a time, the city of Samaria was surrounded by a powerful army, and Hebrew people living inside of it were starving to death, with no one able to do anything about it.
Then, prophet Elisha foretold that the very next day there would be so much plenty, that flour would be sold at a ridiculously low price. A captain of Israel heard Elisha’s words and, being of little faith, made a blasphemous remark [questioning God’s power in a contemptuous fashion]. As is written:
«Then the captain, the king’s right-hand man, responded to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord were to make windows in heaven, could this really happen? ” Elisha announced, “You will in fact see it with your own eyes, but [the Divine punishment upon you will be that] you won’t eat any of it”»- 2 Kings 7: 2, Christian Standard Bible.
Why was the above captain so gravely mistaken? Because he arrogantly chose to ignore what is taught by the Hebrew Scripture-- that God created mankind in order to give human beings the privilege of participating in God’s own designs. But Scripture also states that, from the Creator’s standpoint, any participation (or “help’) we humans might provide is an optional choice-- not an absolute necessity.
Why? Simply because, being an infinite, all knowing, all present, and all powerful God, the Creator is restrained only by His own will-- and not by any physical need nor limitation He might ever have to face [as nothing is too difficult for Him]. And from whence do we know it? Well, consider the following examples:
--Did God need any human being, in order to create the Universe? Not at all! (He did it all by Himself, using only His word)
--Did God need any human being, in order to destroy the world (back in the days of Noah)? Absolutely not! (He used instead a water Deluge)
--Did God need any human being, in order to stop the builders of Babel’s tower? None whatsoever! (He used instead verbal confusion)
--Did God need any human being, in order to tell Abraham to leave his native country, and come to the land of Canaan? None at all! (He spoke directly to Abraham, most likely thru dreams)
--Did God need any human being, in order to let Moses know His plans? None! (He sent an angel who spoke directly to Moses, from the midst of the burning Bush)
--Did God need any human being, in order to defeat the Egyptian army (drowning them at the Red Sea)? Nope! (He used the sea, which returned and covered them all)
--Did God need any human being, in order to let Israel know His will? Of course not! (At Mount Sinai, He spoke directly to Israel, letting them know His Ten Supreme “principles”, or “commandments”)
--Did God need any human being, in order to feed the whole nation of Israel during the 40 years spent in the wilderness? Of course not! (He gave them heavenly bread, which fell directly from heavens on a daily basis)
--Did God need any human being, in order to feed Elijah? None! (He used instead ravens that brought him bread morning and evening)
--Did God need any human king, in order to defeat the army surrounding Samaria during the days of prophet Elisha? Not at all! (He caused the Aramean camp to hear the sound of chariots, horses, and a large army, so they fled their camp)
--Did the Holy one need any human captain, in order to bring Jonah back to land (so he could go on preaching repentance to the Ninevites)? Definitely not! (He used instead a great fish)
--Did God need any human being, in order to defeat the Assyrian army surrounding Jerusalem during the days of king Hezekiah? None whatsoever! (He sent an angel, who in a single might killed 185, 000 soldiers)
--Did God need any human being, in order to defend Daniel from the lions? Absolutely none! (He sent instead an angel, who shut the lions mouth)
The fact is that only a Pagan soul would be so shamelessly brazen as to know all of the above, and yet persist on the idea that God has needs and limitations He can't overcome without the help of human beings [thereby implying that the Creator isn't really Almighty, and that flawed, weak, and mortal human beings are in the same league with God! ]. May the Creator have mercy of us all!
¿ Está en lo correcto la noble teologí a Cristiana, cuando afirma que nadie puede agradar a Dios tratando de cumplir la Ley?
¿ Está en lo correcto la teologí a Cristiana, cuando afirma que nadie puede agradar a Dios tratando de cumplir la Ley? ¿ Esperaba Dios que los Israelitas obedeciesen [literalmente] todos y cada uno de los mandamientos?
La noble teologí a Nazarena, postula con absoluta certeza y contundencia que, ningú n hombre, puede agradar a Dios por medio de la obediencia a la Ley; pues [alegadamente], nadie puede cumplir con la exigencia Divina de obedecer todos y cada uno de sus mandamientos. Pero, la pregunta que debe hacerse todo creyente, es si tal idea es una verdad Divina, que surge de la mente de Dios; o si surge en cambio de la vana imaginació n de los hombres.
A fin de encontrar la respuesta a nuestra pregunta, examinemos el siguiente pasaje de la Ley: “CUIDARAS DE PONER POR OBRA TODO MANDAMIENTO QUE YO OS ORDENO HOY, PARA QUE vivá is, y seá is multiplicados, y ENTREIS Y POSEAIS LA TIERRA QUE י ה ו ה PROMETIO CON JURAMENTO A VUESTROS PADRES... GUARDARÁ S PUES LOS MANDAMIENTOS DE י ה ו ה TU DIOS, andando en sus caminos, y temié ndole. POR QUE [HACIENDO ESTO] י ה ו ה TU DIOS TE INTRODUCE EN LA BUENA TIERRA... ”- Deut. 8: 1, & Deut. 8: 6-7.
Note como, en los dos anteriores pasajes, Dios advierte a Israel que, el pre-requisito para entrar [o “ser introducidos”] a la Tierra Santa, es guardar TODO mandamiento ordenado por Dios [en la Ley]. Es decir, si Israel no guardaba TODOS los mandamientos de la Ley, nunca podrí a entrar a la Tierra prometida.
Siendo así las cosas, la pregunta ló gica es la siguiente: ¿ Que confirma la historia que sucedió? ¿ Confirma que Israel entró en la Tierra de Canaá n? ¿ O que nunca entró en ella? ¿ Confirma la historia que Israel poseyó la tierra de Canaá n, que exterminó a pueblos enteros, y que tanto los reyes de Judá, como los de Israel, gobernaron durante siglos la tierra de Canaá n? ¿ O confirma que los reyes de Israel nunca reinaron sobre ella?
Y, si la respuesta que a estas preguntas provee la historia, es en la afirmativa, entonces no nos queda otro remedio sino concluir que, si Dios introdujo a Israel en la Tierra prometida, tuvo que necesariamente deberse al hecho de que, el Creador, consideró que [como un colectivo de creyentes], Israel cumplió en efecto con TODOS los mandamientos Divinos [es decir, cumplió con TODA la Ley].
Y, esto ú ltimo, echa por tierra el reclamo Nazareno que alega que, el Creador, solo acepta la perfecta obediencia de cada individuo; pues, los Israelitas individuales, obviamente no cumplieron perfectamente todos y cada uno de los mandamientos de la Ley.
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