Moral Perfection? We are not expected to reach the destination, but rather to do the journey
Moral Perfection? We are not expected to reach the destination, but rather to do the journey
The God of the Hebrews expects His people to walk towards the moral perfection outlined by His commandments; those written by Him upon the two stone tablets (don't worship other gods, don't make images of God, don't bear false witness, keep the Sabbath rest, don't steal, don't murder, honor your parents, don't covet, etc). But the commandments are just “the horizon”; they are not the destination! In other words, God will hold us accountable for avoiding the Journey towards moral perfection [and not for being unable to attain such perfection! ].
That's why, as we embark in the journey, we often find that the Creator effectively limits the amount of good we are allowed to perform (by not giving us the required health, wisdom, courage, or resources to achieve it).
And from whence do we know that Scripture validates this truth? We know it from the story of King David, who wanted to do the great good implied in building a house of praise and worship for the Creator. But, in the end, God himself prevented him from doing the good he wanted. As it is written: «Then David the king stood up upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: As for me, I HAD IN MINE HEART TO BUILD AN HOUSE OF REST FOR THE ARK OF THE COVENANT OF THE LORD, AND FOR THE FOOTSTOOL OF OUR GOD, AND HAD MADE READY FOR THE BUILDING: BUT GOD SAID UNTO ME, “THOU SHALT NOT BUILD AN HOUSE FOR MY NAME, because thou hast been a man of war, and hast shed blood”»- 1 Chronicles 28: 2-4 (King James Bible).
And the same is taught in the story of Jonah- although the sailors tried to do good (by not casting Jonah into the rough sea waters), God didn't allow it, but rather force them to throw him overboard. As it has been written: «Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. Wherefore they cried unto the Lord, and said, “We beseech thee, O Lord, we beseech thee, LET US NOT PERISH FOR THIS MAN'S LIFE, AND LAY NOT UPON US INNOCENT BLOOD: FOR THOU, O LORD, HAST DONE AS IT PLEASED THEE”. SO THEY TOOK UP JONAH, AND CAST HIM FORTH INTO THE SEA: and the sea ceased from her raging”- Jonah 1: 13-15 (King James Bible).
Thus, the purpose of the many limitations God has imposed upon us is to provide the existential context required in order for us to understand the extend of God's power and glory; to show us that He isn't limited by our weakness and limitations. As it has been written: “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will work FOR US: FOR THERE IS NO RESTRAINT TO THE LORD TO SAVE BY MANY OR BY FEW”- 1 Samuel 14: 6 (King James Bible).
And the fact that God doesn't depend on the strength [nor the perfection] of His people, is further attested in the verse that goes on to say: “And the Lord said unto Gideon, THE PEOPLE THAT ARE WITH THEE ARE TOO MANY FOR ME TO GIVE THE MIDIANITES INTO THEIR HANDS, LEST ISRAEL VAUNT THEMSELVES AGAINST ME, SAYING, MINE OWN HAND HATH SAVED ME”- Judges 7: 2 (King James Bible).
«Be just, be merciful, be humble, be honest, and be kind… That’s all the religion God really requires from you… The rest, is just private commentary. Now that you know what God truly demands, you can go in peace, and study the commentary... ”»
Is it true that the God of Israel isn't pleased with anything less than perfect obedience?
Is God only pleased with perfect obedience? When it comes to the subject of obedience to God, to claim that the God of mercy [and justice] accepts nothing less than perfect obedience to each and every single command of His Law [thereby implying that He isn't pleased with any form of partial obedience to His will] is not only and affront to God’s perfect moral character, but also evident proof that our knowledge of Scripture is [at bests] deficient.
Why? Simply because Scripture teaches that, although God was angry with king Jehoshaphat, he was nonetheless pleased with the goods deeds performed by the former king.
As it is written: «Then Jehu son of the seer Hanani went out to confront him, and said to King Jehoshaphat, “Do you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, the Lord’s wrath is on you. However, some good is found in you, for you have eradicated the Asherah poles from the land and have determined in your heart to seek God”»- 2 Chronicles 19: 2-4, KJV.
Christianity And Islam are both good religions; but beware, as the cult given to any great human personality can make us abandon God’s mercy, which is freely available to all (no matter our creed)
Truth be told, both Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are good & valid religions; but beware!!, as the cult given to any great human personality can make us abandon God’s mercy, which is freely available to all (no matter our creed). You see, Hebrew Scripture’s original message is that the Creator is a just and compassionate God; A God whose mercy is manifested in the fact that He freely forgives anyone who comes before him with a contrite heart, and a humbled spirit. As clearly stated by the verse that goes on to say: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; YOU SHALL NOT DESPISE A CONTRITED AND HUMBLE HEART, O GOD”- Psalm 51: 17.
And as it also says in another place: “And God saw what they did, that they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY from him; AND HE REPENT [GOD] OF THE EVIL WHICH HE HAD SAID HE WOULD DO TO THEM, AND HE DID NOT”-Jonah 3: 10.
Unfortunately, even well intended people will often fall prey to one of the many existing cults that seek to deify their own leader. How do they go about it? By making the words (and deeds) ascribed to such leader (Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, William Marrion Branham, etc) equal to (or even greater) than the words and deeds ascribed to י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah, the God of Israel).
Thus, once a man has fallen prey to the deception of making his mortal leader equal or greater than the immortal God, he reasons that worship and obedience to God alone isn’t enough, as it misses the worship [and obedience] owed to his particular leader; whom he considers to be equally important (or even more important) than God.
And this is the process by which this man stops believing in God’s Divine mercy (that is, in the freely available forgiveness granted by God to all who would repent). Instead, such man will now claim that there’s no forgiveness for he who would refuse to join him in the cult given to his great leader’s personality.
And the former is the reason why Islam claims that there’s no forgiveness for the penitent, unless the latter recognizes that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last and greatest of all prophets.
Likewise, the former is the reason why the noble Christian religion claims that there’s no forgiveness (or mercy) for the penitent, unless he first accepts Jesus as his own God, Savior, and Messiah.
Finally, the fatal error of abandoning God’s freely available pardon for the sake of our vain desire to exaggerate our great [yet finite and mortal] leader was foretold by the Hebrew Scripture. Where? In the verse that goes on to say: “THOSE WHO FOLLOW ILLUSIONARY VANITIES (LIKE HUMAN PERSONALITY CULTS), HIS (FREELY AVAILABLE) MERCY FORSAKE”- Jonah 2: 8.
“The ultimate forms of tyranny and slavery aren't those of the body, but rather those of the mind, and of the soul: the tyranny of those who would force you to stand [against your will] on the side of the vile and degenerated; The torture of your own soul, when it rebukes your cowardice, for openly pretending to follow [and believe] a narrative that deep down inside you know to be deceptive, debased, and wicked”
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